commandstring / reactphp-cookies
A simpler way to manipulate cookies in React/Http
Install with Composer using composer require commandstring/reactphp-cookies
For the examples $req is an object that implements of PSR-7 ServerRequestInterface and $res is an object that implements PSR-7 ResponseInterface
Creating Controller
$cookieController = new CookieController(null);
If you want to encrypt your cookies you can either create a class that implements CookieEncryptionInterface or use Cookie Encryption
Creating Cookie object from controller
You will need to create an object that implements PSR-7's Response Interface beforehand
$cookie = $cookieController->cookie($req, $res);
Setting cookies
$cookie->set("token", "123456", 1, 15, 13, "/app", "");
This will create a cookie with the name of token
that is set to 123456
. This cookie will expire in 1 hour, 15 minutes, and 13 seconds from now. The cookie is valid only in the app path and on the website.
Getting cookies
If a cookie with the name of token is set then it will return it's value. If not it returns null.
Deleting cookies
$cookie->delete("token", "/app", "");
This will delete a cookie with the name token that has its path set to /app
and domain set to
Example usage
<?php use CommandString\Cookies\CookieController; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; use React\Http\HttpServer; use React\Http\Message\Response; use React\Socket\SocketServer; require_once "vendor/autoload.php"; $cookies = new CookieController(); $http = new HttpServer(function (ServerRequestInterface $req) use ($cookies) { $res = new React\Http\Message\Response; $cookie = $cookies->cookie($req, $res); $parts = explode("/", $req->getRequestTarget()); $partsNum = count($parts) - 1; $invalidReq = function (string $message) use (&$res): Response { $res->withStatus(403); $res = $res->withHeader('content-type', 'text-plain'); $res->getBody()->write($message); }; if ($parts[1] === "set") { if ($partsNum !== 3) { return $invalidReq("Invalid URI, example `/set/id/123456`"); } $cookie->set($parts[2], $parts[3]); $res->getBody()->write("Set cookie {$parts[2]} to {$parts[3]}"); } if ($parts[1] === "get") { if ($partsNum !== 2) { return $invalidReq("Invalid URI, example `/get/id`"); } if ($cookie->exists($parts[2])) { $res->getBody()->write("Found cookie {$parts[2]}, it is set to {$cookie->get($parts[2])}"); } else { $res->getBody()->write("Cookie {$parts[2]} does not exist"); } } if ($parts[1] === "delete") { if ($partsNum !== 2) { return $invalidReq("Invalid URI, example `/delete/id`"); } if ($cookie->exists($parts[2])) { $cookie->delete($parts[2]); $res->getBody()->write("Deleted cookie {$parts[2]}"); } else { $res->getBody()->write("Cooke {$parts[2]} does not exist"); } } return $res; }); $socket = new SocketServer(''); $http->listen($socket);