
SmartFocus API

1.2.0 2016-09-30 07:45 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 05:40:43 UTC


This is a PHP library for SmartFocus API.

This library provides access to SmartFocus (previously known as EmailVision) Campaign Commander's APIs. It was designed with flexibility in mind, with fully decoupled components, so it would be easy for developer to inject and use his own components where appropriate.


  • PHP 5.3+
  • curl
  • libxml


composer require estina/smartfocus


Interacting with API can be trimmed down to these basic steps:

  • open the connection and extract security token from the XML response
  • call the API method(s) using token and other required parameters
  • close the connection

Please, check the [examples] (#api-examples) below.

HTTP transport to the actual REST interface is implemented in Api\Http\CurlClient class. It's possible to use different class object as long as it implements a very simple Api\Http\ClientInterface.

Supported APIs and Methods

Member REST
  • openConnection($server, $login, $password, $key)
  • closeConnection($token)
  • [insertMemberByEmailAddress($token, $email)] (#memberinsertmemberbyemailaddresstoken-email)
  • insertMember($token, $xml)
  • updateMember($token, $xml)
  • [insertOrUpdateMember($token, $xml)] (#memberinsertorupdatemembertoken-xml)
  • updateMemberByEmailAddress($token, $email, $field, $value)
  • getMemberJobStatus($token, $jobId)
  • getMemberByEmail($token, $email)
  • getMemberByCellphone($token, $cellphone)
  • getMemberById($token, $memberId)
  • getMembersByPage($token, $page)
  • getMembersByCriteria($token, $xml)
  • getMemberTableColumnNames($token)
  • unsubscribeMemberByEmail($token, $email)
  • unsubscribeMemberByCellphone($token, $cellphone)
  • unsubscribeMemberById($token, $memberId)
  • unsubscribeMemberByValue($token, $xml)
  • resubscribeMemberByEmail($token, $email)
  • resubscribeMemberByCellphone($token, $cellphone)
  • resubscribeMemberById($token, $memberId)
Batch Member REST
  • openConnection($server, $login, $password, $key)
  • closeConnection($token)
  • buildInsertXml($filepath, $dateformat = 'yyyy-MM-dd', $dedup = true)
  • insert($token, $xml)
  • buildUpdateXml($filepath, $dateformat = 'yyyy-MM-dd')
  • update($token, $xml)
  • getLastUpload($token)
  • getUploadStatus($token, $uploadId)
  • getUploads($token, $page, $pageSize = 1000, $sort = null, $status = null, $source = null)
  • getLogFile($token, $uploadId)
  • getBadFile($token, $uploadId)
Notification REST
  • [send($email, $encrypt, $notificationId, $random, $dyn, $senddate, $uidkey, $stype)] (#notificationsendemail-encrypt-notificationid-random-dyn-senddate-uidkey-stype)
  • buildTransactionalRequestObject($recipientEmail, $encryptId, $randomId, $dyn, $content, $enableTracking, $additionalParams)
  • post(SimpleXMLElement $xmlRequestObject)

API Examples

Member::insertMemberByEmailAddress($token, $email)

// cURL client for communication with API
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Http\CurlClient;
// Member REST API class
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Rest\Member;
// helper for XML parsing (optional)
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Util\RestResponseParser;

// initialize object, injecting the cURL client
$api = new Member(new CurlClient());

// open the connection, XML is returned, containing token or error description
$xmlResponse = $api->openConnection(
    'server hostname',
    'your login name',
    'your password',
    'your API key'

if ($xmlResponse) {
    // extract token from XML
    $parser = new RestResponseParser();
    $token = $parser->getResult($xmlResponse);

    if ($token) {

        // call the API method and fetch the response
        $insertResponse = $api->insertMemberByEmailAddress(

        // close the connection

Member::insertOrUpdateMember($token, $xml)

// cURL client for communication with API
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Http\CurlClient;
// Member REST API class
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Rest\Member;
// helper for XML parsing (optional)
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Util\RestResponseParser;

// initialize object, injecting the cURL client
$api = new Member(new CurlClient());

// open the connection, XML is returned, containing token or error description
$xmlResponse = $api->openConnection(
    'server hostname',
    'your login name',
    'your password',
    'your API key'

if ($xmlResponse) {
    // extract token from XML
    $parser = new RestResponseParser();
    $token = $parser->getResult($xmlResponse);

    if ($token) {

         * Let's build request's XML body with data
         * <memberUID>:
         *      Multiple sets of criteria can be combined to identify the member, e.g.
         * <dynContent>:
         *      envelope containing the list of fields to be updated and their values
         * <entry>:
         *      The entry envelope containing the field to update and its value.
         * <key>:
         *      The field that will be updated.
         * <value>:
         *      The value with which to update the field.
        $xml =
            '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        // inject values into XML
        $xml = sprintf($xml, '', 'John', 'Smith');

        // call the API method and fetch the response
        $insertResponse = $api->insertOrUpdateMember($token, $xml);
        // close the connection

Notification::send($email, $encrypt, $notificationId, $random, $dyn, $senddate, $uidkey, $stype)

// cURL client for communication with API
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Http\CurlClient;
// Member REST API class
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Rest\Notification;

// initialize object, injecting the cURL client
$api = new Notification(new CurlClient());

$response = $api->send(
    '',             // Recipient
    'abcdefg',                       // Encrypt value provided in the interface
    '132456',                        // ID of the Template
    '123456789',                     // Random value provided for the template
    'firstname:John|lastname:Smith', // Dynamic parameters as a string
    'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS',           // optional, The time you wish to send
    'email',                         // Now *REQUIRED* - the key you wish to update, normally email
    'NOTHING'                        // optional, The type of synchronization

Notification::post(SimpleXMLElement $xmlRequestObject)

// cURL client for communication with API
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Http\CurlClient;
// Member REST API class
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Rest\Notification;

// initialize object, injecting the cURL client
$api = new Notification(new CurlClient());

$recipientEmail = '';
$encryptId = 'abcdefg';
$randomId = '132456';

$additionalParams = [
    'senddate'      => 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS', // 'T' between date & time
    'uidkey'        => 'email',
    'synchrotype'   => 'NOTHING'

// Optional: Dynamic parameters as an array
$dyn = [
    'firstname' => 'John',
    'lastname' => 'Smith'

$content = [
    'click <a href="">here</a> please',
    'good stuff is available <a href="">here</a>'

// Tracking enabled for the links passed in the content blocks.
$enableTracking = true;

// Build request object.
$xmlRequestObject = $api->buildTransactionalRequestObject(

// Make the request.
$response = $api->post($xmlRequestObject);


If you get the response with the following status codes:


Check the following:

  • XML input body is formatted correctly
  • There are no spaces, newlines or other invalid symbols inside the tag, it should look like:

Unit test

composer test

More information

SmartFocus documentation is available in the "doc" folder. Also, more detailed descriptions of all functions and their parameters are available in the source code.