
Write PHP comfortably with ComfyPHP

v2.0.1 2023-09-10 08:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-03 17:00:44 UTC


Provide an better development environment for developers who targeting specialized environments, such as Internet Explorer or environments where JavaScript is disabled.

Framework Directory Structure

├── public
│   └── index.php
├── src
│   └── pages
│       ├── _document.php
│       └── index.php
├── .env.development.local
├── .env.development
├── .env.production.local
├── .env.production
├── .env.local
├── .env
└── comfy.config.php

Before Using it

Required dependencies for ComfyPHP:

Download / Install

To use this framework, you can install it with Composer.

composer require comfyphp/core

Basic public/index.php format

You can create index.php inside the public folder like the example provided below:


require_once __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

$core = new ComfyPHP\Core();
$router = $core->getRouter();

// search for index.php in src/pages (by default)
$router->get("/", "./index");

// return json
$router->get("/hello", function (): string {
    $response = [
        "message" => "Hello, World!",

    header("Content-Type: application/json");
    return json_encode($response);


Or just add the fileBasedRouter() function into the index.php for File-Based Routing which will be introduced later.


require_once __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

$core = new ComfyPHP\Core();



Basic src/pages/_document.php Format

Both <!--%head%--> and <!--%body%--> will work as a regex to be replaced by <head>...</head> and <body>...</body> from each page, please do not delete it when editing the document.

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
            content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover"


Basic src/pages/page.php Format

Inside each webpage, there are two sections: <head>...</head> and <body>...</body>. You can customize the content in both the head and body of each page by making edits. However, if both the <head>...</head> and <body>...</body> sections are missing from the file, ComfyPHP will recognize it as an API controller and provide all the results captured from it.

    <!-- Place your head content here -->

    <!-- Place your body content here -->

Config composer.json

You can config composer.json to run ComfyPHP scripts.

    "scripts": {
        "dev": ["Composer\\Config::disableProcessTimeout", "comfyphp dev"],
        "build": ["comfyphp build"],
        "preview": [
            "comfyphp preview"

or just run the command manually:

./vendor/bin/comfyphp {dev/build/preview}

Development Mode

Start the application with development env:

composer run dev

Build for Production

To build the env for production server:

composer run build

Then you can use apache/nginx to take care of the server.

Production Mode Preview

Start the application with production env:

composer run preview

Server Port

Server will run in http://localhost:3000 by default, you can add the port parameter to the script in order to set up the server port:

comfyphp dev -p 4000
comfyphp dev --port 4000
comfyphp preview -p 5000
comfyphp preview --port 5000


There are two methods available for routing: function-based routing and file-based routing. You have the freedom to choose either method based on your preference.

Function-Based Routing

When utilizing Function Based Routing, ComfyPHP will automatically search for a PHP file in /src/pages that matches the name mentioned in /public/index.php. By default, if you enter get("/alphabet", "abc");, it will look for /src/pages/abc.php. If you haven't created a file with the same name, it will return no results. Additionally, you can use methods other than get, such as post, put, patch, delete, head, options, trace and connect.

$core = new ComfyPHP\Core();
$router = $core->getRouter();

$router->get("/", "./index");
$router->get("/alphabet", "./abc");

File-Based Routing

To implement File Based Routing, simply include fileBasedRouter(); in /public/index.php. This enables ComfyPHP to search within the /src/pages directory when a user visits the site. For instance, when a user visits /settings/themes?abc=123 with any major HTTP methods, ComfyPHP will look for a file named settings/themes.php inside the pages folder. If such a file doesn't exist, ComfyPHP will then search for settings/themes/index.php instead. It will only return no results if neither themes.php nor index.php files are created.

$core = new ComfyPHP\Core();


About .env

To store different environment variables, you can create multiple .env files, with their priorities determining the order as shown below:

  • Development mode

    .env.development.local > .env.development > .env.local > .env

  • Production mode

    .env.production.local > .env.production > .env.local > .env


You can add different variables inside the env files like the example below:


After the process, you can use the variables within the pages.


404 Error Handling

For the 404 error, ComfyPHP will send a 404 status back to the client. You can add a file named _404.php to the pages folder. This file will serve as the error handling page when a client tries to access a page that cannot be found in the router.

Tool Functions

ComfyPHP provides you with some useful tools to simplify building your project. You may take a look at them.

But don't forget the initialize the class first before using them:

$tools = new ComfyPHP\Tools();


This function helps you print console.log messages in JavaScript.

$log = $tools->useLog();
$log("Hello World!");
// or
$tools->useLog("Hello World!");

// result:
// <script>console.log("Hello World!")</script>


This function helps you print console.error messages in JavaScript.

$err = $tools->useError();
$err("Goodbye World!");
// or
$tools->useError("Goodbye World!");

// result:
// <script>console.error("Hello World!")</script>


This function helps you escape some special values that may cause XSS attacks.

$f = $tools->useFilter();
// or

// result:
// &lt;script&gt;alert(&apos;hack&apos;)&lt;/script&gt;

Reserved Variables of ComfyPHP



This project is MIT licensed, you can find the license file here.