
Magento 2 module which adds support for Speculation Rules API for instant page loads.

1.0.0 2024-05-08 21:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-08 21:47:31 UTC


The Collab_SpeculationRules module allows You to lavergae the Speculation Rules API.


You can configure the module in the admin panel under Stores > Configuration > Collab Extensions > Speculation Rules.

Tab Config Field Description
General Enabled (bool: Select) Determines if the module is enabled or not.
General Spec Rules (string: Textarea) JSON object defining speculation rules. If module is enabled we are prerendering following links by default:
- main menu links - top and 1st level
- links found in breadcrumbs
- product links found on category pages
- links embeded in Page Builder elements

By default following link paths are excluded from prerender:
- /checkout
- /customer
- /catalogsearch
- /wishlist

By default You can prevent given link to be prerendered by assigning them skip-prerender class name. This field can be customized according to this MDN Documentation

Why choose this extension over other solutions?

We don't believe in efficient modules which have tons of options - simple as that - modules which have multiple options, are prepared for many integrations always have some performance footprint for application. Having this in mind we are trying to provide simple, portable and independent modules which sometimes require some basic Magento 2 development skills.

Browser Support

Module automatically detects if the browser supports Speculation Rules API. If not, the module will not be loaded.

Browser Version
Chrome 109+
Edge 109+
Firefox Not Supported
Safari Not Supported


In order to check the PageSpeed impact of the module please refer to Official Google Chrome Docs.

Installation details

composer req collab/module-speculation-rules
bin/magento setup:upgrade