
Simple Magento 2 mixin to improve page speed by loading Google's reCaptcha only after first user interaction.

1.0.0 2024-04-15 06:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 06:43:03 UTC


The Collab_RecaptchaPageSpeedImprovement is a simple Magento 2 module which improves PageSpeed Insights score by lazy loading reCaptcha script only after user interaction with the website. Loader is triggered after one of the following events:

  • 'touchstart',
  • 'mouseover',
  • 'wheel',
  • 'scroll',
  • 'keydown'

Basic usage

Mixin works automatically on every page where reCaptcha is used just right after installation.

Installation details

composer req collab/module-recaptcha-page-speed-improvement
bin/magento setup:upgrade