
Magento 2 module which provides service for Google Translate API usage.

1.0.0 2024-07-13 12:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-13 13:31:51 UTC


The Collab_GoogleTranslateService module allows You to use its service to translate texts using Google Translate API.

Basic usage

use Collab\GoogleTranslateService\Service\CloudTranslate;
public function __construct(
    protected CloudTranslate $cloudTranslate
) {
    $text = 'Hello, world!';
    $targetLanguage = 'fr';
    $output = $this->cloudTranslate->translate($text, $targetLanguage);
    // $output = 'Bonjour, le monde!'

Service's translate method accepts two string arguments:

  • $text - text to be translated
  • $targetLanguage - desired language code

Installation details

composer collab/module-google-translate-service
bin/magento setup:upgrade


In order to use the service, You need to configure following fields in the Stores -> Configuration -> Collab Extensions -> Google Translate Service:

Google's Cloud Translation API requires You to have billing enabled so please keep in mind that some additional costs may apply (according to: Google Cloud Translation Pricing).