
Specific UUID generator

v1.0.5 2024-07-15 18:52 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-23 19:41:35 UTC


Package provides any functions to generate and analyze UUID.

There used a specific (non-standard) algorithm to generate UUID that enables to include into UUID next information:

  • creating timestamp
  • user defined application code
  • user defined entity code

Generated UUID has a next structure:

  • S - 8 hex digits is seconds value of UUID generating timestamp
  • U - 5 hex digits is microseconds value of UUID generating timestamp
  • A - 3 hex digits is custom application code
  • E - 4 hex digits is custom entity code
  • R - 12 hex digits is random value

The application code and the object code are integer values that are packed into the generated UUID. These codes allow you to identify (programmatically or even visually) the entity and application for which the UUID was generated. Also, a UUID generation timestamp is packed into the UUID with an accuracy of microseconds.


To install a package run command:

composer require codiliateur/smart-uuid

Using trait HasUuidPrimaryKey

Use trait /Codiliateur/SmartUuid/Models/HasUuidPrimaryKey in your model if you need to use UUID primary key.

Declare public properties $appCode and $entityCode in your model to tune UUID generating.

This trait overwrites getIncrementing() and getKeyType() methods. You must not to fill properties $incrementing and $keyType in the model.

The trait registers model event handler for creating-event to generating UUID and filling model key.


use /Codiliateur/SmartUuid/Models/HasUuidPrimaryKey;

class MyModel extends Model
	use HasUuidPrimaryKey
	public $appCode = 0x002;

	public $entityCode = 0x000F;


Helper functions


Use generate_uuid() to generate uuid.


generate_uuid( [[int $entityCode] , int $appCode] ) : string


  • $entityCode - integer entity code (default - 0) in range from 0 to 65535
  • $appCode - integer application code (default - 0) in range from 0 to 4095

Returning: Generated UUID as string.

$uuid = generate_uuid(0xF,0x2);
echo $uuid; // 622235ea-8e54-f002-000f-742c8deebf77


Extracts timestamp, application or entity code from UUID.


extract_uuid_part( string $uuid, $part [, string $format] ) : mixed


  • $uuid - analyzed UUID;
  • $part - extracting part:
    • 'timestamp' - to retrieve creating uuid timestamp
    • 'app_code' - to retrieve application code
    • 'entity_code' - to retrieve entity code
  • $format - returning value format:
    • 1 - (default) \Carbon\Carbon object;
    • 2 - \DateTime object;
    • or format string to return formatted data string. Example: 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u'

Returning: \Carbon\Carbon | \DateTime | string.

Extracting timestamp examples:

$uuid = gen_uuid(0xF,0x2);
echo extract_uuid_part($uuid, 'timestamp', 1);
// Carbon\Carbon @1701626403 {#6267
//    date: 2023-12-03 18:00:03.502460 UTC (+00:00),
// }

echo extract_uuid_part($uuid, 'timestamp', 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u');
// DateTime @1701626403 {#6317
//    date: 2023-12-03 18:00:03.502460 UTC (+00:00),
// }

echo extract_uuid_part($uuid, 'timestamp', 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u');
// 2023-12-04 19:00:39.906514

Extracting application code example:

$uuid = gen_uuid(0xF,0x2);
echo extract_uuid_part($uuid, 'app_code');
// 2

Extracting entity code example:

$uuid = gen_uuid(0xF,0x2);
echo extract_uuid_part($uuid, 'entity_code');
// 15


You can use next constants

// $part constants
Codiliateur\SmartUuid\Uuid::TIMESTAMP           = 'timestamp'
Codiliateur\SmartUuid\Uuid::APP_CODE            = 'app_code'
Codiliateur\SmartUuid\Uuid::ENTITY_CODE         = 'entity_code'

// $format constants
Codiliateur\SmartUuid\Uuid::TS_FORMAT_CARBON    = 1
Codiliateur\SmartUuid\Uuid::TS_FORMAT_DTETIME   = 2