
WP Bundler is a CI/CD tool. It can configure and run build process, and bundle zip(s) for WordPress plugins.

1.2.1 2024-10-08 11:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-08 11:39:07 UTC


Build dependencies & Bundle production ready plugin.
WP Bundler is a CI/CD tool. It can configure and run build process, and bundle zip(s) for WordPress plugins.


  • Environment: Mac, Linux.
  • PHP CLI 7.4 >=
  • Composer


It is required to use composer to install WP Bundler.

composer require codesvault/wp-bundler --dev


Create a bundler file in the root folder of your plugin. E.g. wp-content/plugins/kathamo/bundler. Add the below code in the file.

#!/usr/bin/env php

use CodesVault\Bundle\Bundler;
use CodesVault\Bundle\Setup;

require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

$bundler = new Bundler(__DIR__);

Make a .distignore file in the root folder of your plugin. Add all those files, folders which you want to exclude from the production zip like below.






// basic uses

    ->command("composer install --no-dev")
    ->command("npm install")
    ->command("npm run build")

Now Let's add build pipeline in the above bundler file using this codes. Then from terminal cd into plugin's folder and run the below command to create a production zip.

php bundler

It's creating a repo in the /pluginName/prod folder then running build command then 'cleaning' up the repo based on .distignore and finally making a zip.

Envirnoment variables

Get env file data using WP Bundler.

// .env file

// bundler file
$env = CodesVault\Bundle\Setup::loadEnv(__DIR__, '.env');

if ('true' === $env->getenv('DEV_MODE')) {
    ->command("composer install")
    ->command("npm install")
    ->command("npm run build");

$tiers_pids = $setup->kv($setup->getEnv('TIERS_PID'));
// array (
//   [
//     'key'   => 'basic',
//     'value' => '1722795',
//   ],
//   [
//     'key'   => 'plus',
//     'value' => '1722797',
//   ],
//   [
//     'key'   => 'elite',
//     'value' => '1722799',
//   ],
// );

Update File content

You can also update specific file data dynamically before making the zip using updateFileContent api.


Create a bundler-schema.json file in the root folder of your plugin. bundler-schema.json file data structure will be like below.

  "kathamo": {
    "path": "",
    "extension": "php",
    "schema": [
        "target": "Plugin Name: Kathamo",
        "template": "Plugin Name: Kathamo {{tier_name}}"
        "target": "Version: 1.5.2",
        "template": "Version: {{release_version}}"
          "target": "define('CV_VERSION', '1.5.2');",
          "template": "define('CV_VERSION', '{{release_version}}');"
  "README": {
    "path": "",
    "extension": "txt",
    "schema": [
        "target": "Version: 1.5.2",
        "template": "Version: {{release_version}}"

Here Kathamo, README these keys are the file names. path is the file's relative path. extension is the file extension. schema is the array of objects where target is the data which you want to update and template is the data which you want to replace with.


// bundler file

// bundler-schema.json file's `{{placeholder}}` name should be same as the key names in the below array.
$intended_data = [
  "tier_name"       => "Pro",
  "release_version" => $setup->getEnv('RELEASE_VERSION'),

  ->command("composer install --no-dev")

Find and Replace

Update entire plugin file's data using findAndReplace api.

      'find'          => "use Kathamo\\Bundle\\Bundler;",
      'updated_data'  => "use CodesVault\\Kathamo\\Bundle\\Bundler;",

Multiple Zips

When you want to create multiple zip, use buildIterator api.

// .env file

// bundler file
$setup = Setup::loadEnv(__DIR__, '.env');
$tiers_pids = $setup->kv($setup->getEnv('TIERS_PID'));

  ->command("composer install --no-dev")
  ->command("npm install")
  ->command("npm run build")
  ->buildIterator($tiers_pids, function($meta, $builder) {
    $zip_name = "kathamo-" . $meta['key'] . "-" . $meta['value'];



Here is an example of a bundler file.

#!/usr/bin/env php

require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

// data loaded from .env file
$setup = Setup::loadEnv(__DIR__, '.env');
$tiers_pids = $setup->kv($setup->getEnv('TIERS_PID'));

  ->command("composer install --no-dev")
  ->command("npm install")
  ->command("npm run build")
  ->copy('/schema.json', '/schema.json')
  ->renameProdFile('kathamo.php', 'kathamo-pro.php')
  ->buildIterator($tiers_pids, function($meta, $builder) {
    $zip_name = "kathamo-" . $meta['key'] . "-" . $meta['value'];
    $intended_data = [
      "tier_name"       => $meta['tier'],
      "release_version" => $setup->getEnv('RELEASE_VERSION'),

          'find'          => "use Kathamo\\Bundle\\Bundler;",
          'updated_data'  => "use CodesVault\\Kathamo\\Bundle\\Bundler;",