
Events, Actions and Filters Management Library like WordPress ones

1.0.0 2022-08-28 20:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 00:51:09 UTC


Laravel Eventual Package is responsible to add functionality of WordPress-Link Actions and Filters with ease of use and implementation

Getting Started

  • First you need to install this package into your laravel project composer require codersamer/eventual
  • Oh that's it, it's auto discoverable so you don't need any further steps to start use this package


usually you will be able to register and fire actions and filters using facade : Codersamer\Eventual\Facades\Eventual , so you will have access to static methods like onFilter, onAction, doFilter, doAction.

Working with Actions

Actions is like Events, something that happening and some other application parts needs to be notified by this event and act accordingly.

Register Action Handler / Listener

You can Register an Action Handler or Listener using static method onAction

using Codersamer\Eventual\Facades\Eventual;
Eventual::onAction($name, function($argument1, $argument2){
	//Act to the Action

Register Filter Handler / Listener

You can Register an Filter Handler or Listener using static method onFilter

using Codersamer\Eventual\Facades\Eventual;
Eventual::onFilter($name, function($name){
	//Add Updates to the Argument if needed, then return it
	return $name;

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