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Lightweigt rsync wrapper without dependencies

dev-master 2016-11-16 01:37 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 02:15:18 UTC



A thin rsync wrapper class for PHP without any dependencies


PHP 5.4+, rsync, composer

  • Use Composer to install the package

  • From project root directory execute

    composer install


    composer require codeplayr/rsyncer

  • Composer will take care of autoloading. Just include the autoloader at the top of the file

    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';


See following example:

use \Codeplayr\Rsyncer\Option;
use \Codeplayr\Rsyncer\SSH;
use \Codeplayr\Rsyncer\Rsync;

$source = __DIR__ . '/src/';
$destination = __DIR__ . '/backup/';

$date = date('Y-m-d', time());

//rsync options
$option = new Option([
	Option::FILES_FROM	=> __DIR__ . '/rules.txt',
	Option::EXCLUDE_FROM=> __DIR__ . '/exclude-rules.txt',
	Option::LOG_FILE	=> __DIR__ . "/logs/{$date}.log",
	Option::ARCHIVE		=> false,
	Option::LINKS		=> true,
	Option::TIMES		=> true,
	Option::RECURSIVE	=> true,
	Option::VERBOSE		=> true,
	Option::COMPRESS	=> true,
	Option::CHECKSUM	=> true,
	Option::DRY_RUN		=> false,

//add additional flags
		->addArgument('exclude', '/path/to/exclude')
		->addArgument('include', '*.html')
		->addArgument('include', '*.php')
		->addArgument('include', '*/')
		->addArgument('exclude', '*');		

//optional ssh connection to remote host
$ssh = new SSH([
	SSH::USERNAME		=> 'root',
	SSH::HOST			=> '',
	SSH::PORT			=> 22,
	SSH::IDENTITY_FILE	=> '/path/to/private/key',

//configuration options
$conf = [
	Rsync::SHOW_OUTPUT	=> true,

$rsnyc = new Rsync( $option, $ssh, $conf );

//assemble and show Command
echo $rsnyc->getCommand( $source, $destination );

//start syncing directories
if( ! $rsnyc->sync( $source, $destination ) ){
	echo $rsnyc->getMessage()->toString();

Running the script generates following rsync command and options:

	-e="ssh -i /path/to/your/private/key"
	root@"/path/to/src/" "/path/to/backup/"
Run Tests:
  • All tests are inside tests folder.
  • Execute composer install --dev phpunit/phpunit to install phpunit
  • Run phpunit from inside the tests directory to execute testcase
  • Set --coverage-text option to show code coverage report in terminal

If you like this script or have some features to add: contact me, fork this project, send pull requests, you know how it works.