
This is a Laravel Package For Forget Password System

dev-master 2019-09-04 23:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-05 10:07:04 UTC


This is a Laravel Package For Forget Password System where you send link to user's email for reseting password

Please read the full docs , before use !


composer require codenrx/forgetpassword

add these line in providers array of config/app.php


then , use these command to publish package config file (forgetpassword.php) in config folder and email template in views folder .

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="codenrx\forgetpassword\ForgetpasswordServiceProvider"

open to .env file on your project & also setup database & mail connection . Then,

php artisan migrate


add these line on top of your controller

use codenrx\forgetpassword\Model\Password;



here , $email content user email . You can pass $request->email or anything .

Password::send($email) Helps you to send links to user's email . Note that its also check , if user have or not !! if user not found . I mean email is not exixts in database . It's return failed. Otherwise its return success

this package only return 2 thing

  1. failed
  2. success

Other methods are :

  1. Password::check($token) : it's help you to check if token exixts in database or not !!
  2. Password::updatePassword($password, $token) Here $password will be user's new password

example :

Route :

// Forget Password page
Route::get('/forget-password', 'forgetController@index');
Route::post('/forget-password', 'forgetController@send');

// reset password page
Route::get('/reset-password/{token}', 'forgetController@check');
Route::post('/reset-password/{token}', 'forgetController@update');

update your config file :

go to config/forgetpassword.php. then you see ,

return [
    'address' => '',
    'name' => 'Reset Your Password ::',
    'url' => '' // It's Very Important . 

Controller [ Method ] :

    public function index()
        return view('my-view');

    public function send(Request $request)
        $result = Password::send($request->email);
        if ($result != 'failed') {
            return redirect()->back()->with('success','Reset Password link has been sent to your email');
        } else {
            return "User Not Exixts !!";

    public function check($token)
        $check = Password::check($token);
        if ($check != 'failed') {
            return view('test');
        } else {
            return "Invalid Token !!";

    public function update(Request $request,$token)
    	// No need to hash or bcypt your password ...
        $check = Password::updatePassword($request->password,$token);
        if ($check != 'failed') {
            return redirect()->back()->with('success','Password Changed !!');
        } else {
            return "Invalid Token !!";


You can customize your email template also . You need to go /resources/views/vendor/email.

For more Links
