
Craft CMS plugin to add a field with a range of values and predefined units of measurement.

2.0.0 2022-05-06 14:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-06 19:08:11 UTC



This field allows you to enter two values as range and selecting a predefined unit of measurement. Perfect to store dimensions or other ranges of values for products.


  • Craft CMS >= 4.0.0


Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

cd /path/to/project
composer require codemonauts/craft-unit-field
./craft install/plugin unitfield

Plugin Settings

In the settings you can define all available units of measurement. You can also group units to easier select them later.

Plugin settings

Field Settings

In every field you can set a default unit of measurement and a Twig template to render the table cells in the index of entries.

Field settings


The input field has two text inputs for the minimum and maximum value and a dropdown to choose the unit of measurement.


Usage in templates

In templates you can access the minimum and maximum values as well as the unit value and the corresponding label:

{{ entry.myField.min }} to {{ entry.myField.max }} {{ entry.myField.unitLabel }}


All label can be translated. Use a translation file named unitfield.php in the language's translation directory.

With ❤ by codemonauts