codedungeon/phpunit-result-printer dependents (439) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Cortex Testimonials is a frontend layer for managing testimonials. Customers can give you testimonials, and you can approve or disapprove each individually. Testimonials are good for showing the passion and love your service gets from customers, encouraging others to join the hype!


  • PHP


    The CrCms Foundation Structure.

  • PHP


    The CrCms Microservice Framework.

  • PHP


    Microservice server.

  • PHP


    Laravel request logger.

  • PHP


    High performance HTTP server based on Swoole. Speed up your Laravel and Lumen applications.

  • PHP


    CryptoDev4 Subscriptions is a flexible plans and subscription management system for Laravel, with the required tools to run your SAAS like services efficiently. It's simple architecture, accompanied by powerful underlying to afford solid platform for your business.

  • PHP


    A simple PHP Git manager

  • PHP


    MixPanel wrapper for Laravel 5.

  • PHP


    A collection of utilities that can be leveraged within PHP-based projects.

  • PHP


    Rinvex Repository is a simple, intuitive, and smart implementation of Active Repository with extremely flexible & granular caching system for Laravel, used to abstract the data layer, making applications more flexible to maintain.

  • PHP


    Diviky Subscriptions is a flexible plans and subscription management system for Laravel, with the required tools to run your SAAS like services efficiently. It's simple architecture, accompanied by powerful underlying to afford solid platform for your business.

  • PHP


    Rinvex Attributes is a robust, intelligent, and integrated Entity-Attribute-Value model (EAV) implementation for Laravel Eloquent, with powerful underlying for managing entity attributes implicitly as relations with ease. It utilizes the power of Laravel Eloquent, with smooth and seamless integration.

  • PHP


    Rinvex Attributes is a robust, intelligent, and integrated Entity-Attribute-Value model (EAV) implementation for Laravel Eloquent, with powerful underlying for managing entity attributes implicitly as relations with ease. It utilizes the power of Laravel Eloquent, with smooth and seamless integration.

  • PHP


    Rinvex Cacheable is a granular, intuitive, and fluent caching system for eloquent models. Simple, but yet powerful, plug-n-play with no hassle.