
Integrate Like4Card API with Laravel

v0.0.7-alpha 2021-05-31 11:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-15 17:25:29 UTC


Integrate Like4Card api with Laravel.

Laravel Like4Card

Table of Contents


Require via composer

composer require codebuglab/laravel-like4card

In config/app.php file

'providers' => [


Add your info to .env file


The config file looks like

  'device_id' => env('LIKE4CARD_DEVICE_ID', null),
  'email' => env('LIKE4CARD_EMAIL', null),
  'password' => env('LIKE4CARD_PASSWORD', null),
  'security_code' => env('LIKE4CARD_SECURITY_CODE', null),
  'lang_id' => env('LIKE4CARD_LANG_ID', 1)

Available api methods

Get merchant balance

Operation that help the merchant to get his balance and user Id.

$response = Like4Card::balance();

$response is an Object with the following parameters

Parameter Description
response 1 for success, 0 for failure
userId merchant account identifier
balance merchant account balance


Operation to get all categories available for this merchant.

$response = Like4Card::categories();

$response is an Array with the following parameters

Parameter Description
id -
categoryParentId -
categoryName -
amazonImage -
childs Array of sub-categories with same parent category structure

Products by products ids

There's an issue in API request param: This will only get the first ID

Operation to get all products available by an array of products identifiers.

$product_ids = [1, 2, 3]; // required products ids
$response = Like4Card::products($product_ids);

$response is an array. Each element is an object with the following parameters

When no products found: $response is a string with error message

Parameter Description
productId -
categoryId -
productName -
productImage -
productCurrency -
productPrice that represents the product price including vat that the merchant paid for product
productPriceWithoutVat -
sellPrice that represents the price the customer pays for the product to the merchant.
sellPriceWithoutVat -
available determines if stock for this product is available or not.
optionalFieldsExist 1 optional fields required, 0 there are no required optional fields.
productOptionalFields array of optional fields where
vatAmount -
vatPercentage -

Each optional field has

Parameter Description
id identifier of the optional field
required '1' means it's required, '0' means it's optional and not required
defaultValue default value for this field
hint placeholder for this field
label label displayed on top of this field on UI
fieldTypeId 1 plaintext ,7 email address, 10 phone number ,other number plaintext
options array of choices in case option is multi choice field

Products by category

Operation to get all products available by category id.

$category_id = 1;
$response = Like4Card::getProductsByCategoryId($category_id);

$response is an array. Each element is an object with the following parameters.

When no products found: $response is a string with error message

Parameter Description
productId -
categoryId -
productName -
productImage -
productCurrency -
productPrice that represents the product price including vat that the merchant paid for product
productPriceWithoutVat -
sellPrice that represents the price the customer pays for the product to the merchant.
sellPriceWithoutVat -
available determines if stock for this product is available or not.
optionalFieldsExist 1 optional fields required, 0 there are no required optional fields.
productOptionalFields array of optional fields where
vatAmount -
vatPercentage -

Each optional field has

Parameter Description
id identifier of the optional field
required '1' means it's required, '0' means it's optional and not required
defaultValue default value for this field
hint placeholder for this field
label label displayed on top of this field on UI
fieldTypeId 1 plaintext ,7 email address, 10 phone number ,other number plaintext
options array of choices in case option is multi choice field

Get all orders

Operation to get all orders made by this merchant. This api can receive the following options:

Parameter Description
page page number(default is 1), where page size is fixed value of 100 order per page
order_type desc or asc, arranged by order create date orderCreateDate
from get all orders with create date bigger than this timestamp
to get all orders with create date less than this timestamp
// all options are not required
$options = [
  'page' => 1,
  'orderType' => 'asc',
  'from' => 1621327053,
  'to' => 1623998253
$response = Like4Card::orders($options);

$response is an Object with the following parameters

Parameter Description
orderNumber -
orderFinalTotal represent the price the merchant will pay for LikeCard for this order
currencySymbol -
orderCreateDate -
orderCurrentStatus -
orderPaymentMethod -

Get an order info

Operation to get one order details by its id.

$order_id = 1;
$response = Like4Card::order($order_id);

$response is an Object with the following parameters

Parameter Description
response 1 for success, 0 for failure
serials array of objects, each object represent a purchased product details.

each serial object has

Parameter Description
serialCode is the encrypted serial given to customer to be used
serialNumber is the card manufacturing No
validTo is the validation time for card

Create new order

Operation to create new order. This api can receive the following parameters:

Parameter Description
product_id product identifier Required
reference_id merchant reference (Required and must be unique)
quantity always 1
$product_id = 1;
$local_id = 123; // the id from your local orders table

$response = Like4Card::createOrder($product_id, $local_id);

$response is an Object with the following parameters

Parameter Description
response 1 for success, 0 for failure

API Exceptions

If the API response = 0, the service throws an exception. It could be one of the following exceptions

Wrong credentials

It been thrown if you enter wrong deviceId, username, password or securityCode.


  try {
    $response = Like4Card::balance();
  } catch (\CodeBugLab\Like4Card\Exceptions\WrongCredentialsException $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage(); // "Incorrect Login - invalid email or password"

Products not available

It's been thrown if no products found with given category id or products ids array


  try {
    $data = Like4Card::getProductsByCategoryId(1);
  } catch (\CodeBugLab\Like4Card\Exceptions\ProductsNotFoundException $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage(); // "No available products"


Laravel Like4Card is a free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.