
Laravel package for authenticated user substitution to login as other users.

0.1.7 2020-05-03 10:45 UTC


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About laravel-usub

Laravel package for authenticated user substitution to login as other users. You will find this package useful when your client says "As an admin I want to be authenticated and act as chosen user without typing password, and want to back to my admin dashboard by single click.".


  • Install the package using composer - run command composer require codebot/laravel-usub:0.1.*

  • Publish vendors using php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-usub command. You will get published config file config/usub.php, middleware app/Http/Middleware/UsubSignIn.php, command app/Console/Commands/ClearUsubTokens.php, directory views/vendor/usub and migration to create usub_tokens table.

  • Run php artisan migrate to create usub_tokens table.

  • If auto-discovery doesn't work for you then register service provider by adding Usub\Core\UsubServiceProvider::class to providers in config/app.php file.

  • Add the UsubSignIn middleware to the $routeMiddleware array in the App\Http\Kernel.php class.

You need complete UsubSignIn middleware to implement permissions. For example:

    public function handle( $request, Closure $next )
        if ( !$request->user()->hasRole( 'admin' ) )
            abort( 401 );

        return $next( $request );


expiration - Usub token expiration time in minutes.

length - Length of generated usub token.

redirect_to_on_sign_in - Default URL where user will be redirected on sign in whenever it's not overridden by redirect_to_on_sign_in key in request, e.g. by hidden input field.

redirect_to_on_sign_out - Default URL where user will be redirected on sign out whenever it's not overridden by redirect_to_on_sign_out key in request, e.g. by hidden input field.

redirect_to_on_cookie_expiration - URL where user will be redirected when token cookie expired.

forget_cookies_on_sign_out - Array of cookie names that will be removed from browser on sign out and usub token expiration.

You can change the configuration in your .env file if you need to.



Once you have package installed, following routes are registered:

  • POST /usub/sign-in - used to sign up as given user id.

    • Fields
      • user2 (required)
      • redirect_to_on_sign_in (optional, once set - overrides redirect_to_on_sign_in config variable )
      • redirect_to_on_sign_out (optional, once set - overrides redirect_to_on_sign_out config variable )
  • POST /usub/sign-out - used to "sign up back" to administrator account.

    • No field needs to be specified.

An example of html form that can be used to sign in as specific user:

@if( \Auth::user()->hasRole('admin') )
    @include('vendor.usub.partials.sign_in', [
        'user_id' => $user->id,
        'on_sign_in' => route('home'),
        'on_sign_out' => route('backend.user.index')

If you won't specify on_sign_in and on_sign_out values, then it will use defaults from the config/usub.php config file.

An example of html form that can be used to sign out and back to admin dashboard (or whatever page you need):

@if( \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cookie::get('usub_token') )
    <li class="nav-item">
        <form action="{{ route('usub.sign_out') }}" method="post">
            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Back to Admin</button>


To delete expired tokens from the usub_tokens database table, you can use php artisan usub:clear command.