WP Plugin Thor

Installs: 3

Dependents: 0

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Security: 0

Stars: 3

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


0.1.0 2021-05-30 12:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:47:51 UTC


Thor, WordPress Plugin Boilerplate

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Thor is WordPress Plugin Boilerplate using as a base Mjolnir Framework

If you think this approach is not working, please open an issue and let's discuss :)


Before we proceed further, I suggest you to read documentation for:

  1. Mjolnir Framework.
  2. Laravel Blade
  3. Laravel Mix


Requirements for this boilerplate are:

  • PHP 7.1+
  • Composer


You can install framework via composer:

composer create-project codebjorn/thor <pluginName>


Structure of boilerplate is:

|-- app                   // Folder where is stored all Facades,Services,Providers
|   |--Facades            // Folder that stores all facades used to get utilities & services from container
|   |--Providers          // Folder that stores all your providers
|   |--App.php            // Container file
|   |--Helpers.php        // File that store all functions need it for project
|-- assets                // Folder where all builded assets are stored
|-- blocks                // Folder where are stored all Gutenberg blocks
|   |-- <blockFolder>     // Folder with block
|       |-- components    // Folder where are stored all js components for Gutenberg
|       |-- data          // Folder where are stored json files such as attributes
|       |-- view          // Folder where is stored blade files for render
|       |-- index.jsx     // Block configuration file
|   |-- blocks.js         // File where is imported all blocks
|   |-- blocks.php        // File where are registered blocks using Block Facade
|-- config                // Folder where are stored configurations
|-- hooks                 // Folder where is stored all hooks
|   |-- actions.php       // File where are created new action hooks using Action Facade
|   |-- filters.php       // File where are created new filter hooks using Filter Facade
|-- resources             // Folder that stores all js,scss,views elements of theme
|   |-- js                // Folder for js of theme
|   |-- scss              // Folder for scss of theme
|   |-- views             // Folder for blade templates
|-- vendor                // Composer packages folder
|-- thor.php              // Default plugin file
|-- webpack.mix.js        //Laravel Mix configuration file

How all work

Add service into hook

  1. Create a new namespace in app folder and add new php service class
  2. Resolve this service using Service Provider in app/Providers folder, you can add it to AppServiceProvider.php or create a new provider and add it to config/app.php to load. More info about service providers
  3. After resolving a service you can inject it in another service or add it into hook in hooks folder, for example action hook:
Action::add('wp_enqueue_scripts', [\Namespace\Setup\Enqueues::class, 'front']);
Action::add('admin_enqueue_scripts', [\Namespace\Setup\Enqueues::class, 'admin']);

Create Gutenberg Blocks

All blocks are stored in blocks folder. For creating a new block we will need:

  1. Create a folder inside blocks folder
  2. Create index.jsx in your new folder
import {__} from '@wordpress/i18n';
import {Fragment} from '@wordpress/element';
import Controls from "./components/controls";
import Editor from "./components/editor";
import Inspector from "./components/inspector";
import * as attributes from "./data/attributes.json";

const {registerBlockType} = wp.blocks;

export default registerBlockType('namespace/name', {
    title: __('Name', 'name'),
    attributes: attributes,
    edit: props => {
        return (
                <Controls {...props} />
                <Editor {...props} />
                <Inspector {...props} />
    save() {
        //gutenberg will save attributes we can use in server-side callback
        return null;
  1. Create all components inside components folder:
  • controls.jsx - Toolbar of block
import {BlockControls} from '@wordpress/block-editor';

function Controls() {
    return (

export default Controls;
  • editor.jsx - Main area of block
function Editor({attributes, setAttributes}) {
    return (
        <div className="name">
            <h1>Hello, {attributes.title}</h1>

export default Editor;
  • inspector.jsx - Sidebar panels
import {__} from '@wordpress/i18n';
import {InspectorControls} from '@wordpress/block-editor';
import {PanelBody, PanelRow} from '@wordpress/components';

function Inspector({attributes, setAttributes}) {
    return (
            <PanelBody title={__('Name')}>


export default Inspector;
  1. Create data folder and new attributes.json file:
  "classNames": {
    "default": "hero",
    "type": "string"
  "title": {
    "default": "This is title",
    "type": "string"

Also, you can use data folder to store and other json folder that can be used in you block.

  1. Create view folder where will be stored blade templates for your block, default one is block.blade.php:
<div class="{{$attributes->classNames}}">
  1. Import you block in main blocks.js
  2. Add block in main blocks.php using block facade:
\Namespace\Facades\Block::add('namespace', 'name');




Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email quotesun@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.