
CodeBaby Product Attachments Magento 2 Module

v1.0.5 2021-04-06 18:18 UTC


Add field for product attachments so customers can download on product page (Magento 2 Module)

Install instructions:

Install it via composer:

composer require codebaby/product-attachments

After installation, run the following commands:

bin/magento s:up

bin/magento s:d:c

bin/magento s:s:d (if on production mode)

bin/magento s:s:d -f (if on developer mode)

bin/magento c:f

Display Files on Product Page:

To display the files, go to Store > Configuration > CodeBaby Settings > Product_Attachments and enable display on the desired position

#Display in custom location using xml: Add this block to the desired xml node:

<block class="CodeBaby\ProductAttachments\Block\Product\View\Attachments" name=""  template="CodeBaby_ProductAttachments::product/view/product_attachments_tab.phtml">
        <argument translate="true" name="title" xsi:type="string">Product Attachments</argument>
        <argument name="sort_order" xsi:type="string">100</argument>