Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Attach Plugin, that make upload easy in CakePHP 2.0
134 38
Dependecy Injection provider for Buzz to use in Silex or Cilex
19 1
CakePHP Plugin with a collection of Annotations to use
11 3
CakePHP Plugin that gives to console additional functionalities
31 6
Dependecy Injection provider for Evenement to use in Silex or Cilex
70 1
CakePHP 2.0 Plugin that aims to make easily the autocomplete fuctionality.
13 6
Marsvin it's a framework to write crawler applications
111 13
Monolog meets Doctrine as SQL Logger
4 413 3
Dependecy Injection provider for Spork to use in Silex or Cilex
12 1