
Media Manager, Upload, Add, Delete Media Files

v1.03 2024-04-09 05:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-09 07:39:35 UTC


Media Manager Upload/Delete Manage your Media for Laravel 10


  1. Run
composer require cmxperts/media-manager

Step 2 & 3 are optional if you are using laravel 5.5

  1. Add the following class, to "providers" array in the file config/app.php (optional on laravel 5.5)
  1. Run publish
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CmXperts\MediaManager\Providers\CmXpertsMediaManager"
  1. Configure (optional) in config/cmx_media.php :
  • CUSTOM MIDDLEWARE: You can add you own middleware
  • TABLE PREFIX: By default this package will create 1 new table named "uploads" but you can still add your own table prefix avoiding conflict with existing table
  • TABLE NAME If you want use specific name of table you have to modify that and the migrations
  • Custom routes If you want to edit the route path you can edit the field
  1. Run migrate
php artisan migrate