
dev-master 2018-01-16 10:45 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 03:27:50 UTC



There is 2 versions of this Logguer, one for PHP 7 (branch master-7) and one for PHP 5.6 (branch master-5.6)


use Exceptions\ExceptionHandler;
use Logguer\Writer;

$writer = new Writer(); // Initialize the Writer
$writer->setDirectory(__DIR__.'/../logs/'); // Define the directory where the logs will be store
$writer->setFile('test'); // Specify the file name

ExceptionHandler::setWriter($writer); // Use the writer with the ExceptionHandler to log each exception
ExceptionHandler::debugEnable(); // If you want to display all the exceptions

Note :

The file name use in the writer, will be change to add _(date).log at the end of it.

Write logs

You have different way to write logs. First you have to know that every exceptions (caught and uncaught) will be logs if you use set_exception_handler.

But you can log more than exception ; for that you can use the class Log. When you create a new Log instance, it will automatically set the current DateTime. After that, you can use these methods to define what you want to log :

use Logguer\Log;

$log = new Log(); // The DateTime is already define now

$log->setClass(string $class);
$log->setMessage(string $message);
$log->setDescription(string $description);
$log->setFile(string $file);
$log->setLine(int $line);
$log->setType(string $type);

Now, you can use the Writer by doing

// These 2 lines if you want to use an other file
$writer2 = clone $writer;


Read logs

use Logguer\Reader;

$reader = new Reader(); // Init the Reader
$reader->setDirectory(__DIR__.'/../logs/'); // Define the directory where the logs are store

$reader->getLogFiles(); // Use this to find the log files in the given directory
