
A PHP event system with attribute-based event handling

1.0.0 2024-12-02 12:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 10:34:15 UTC


PHP Version License

Why Clotho?

In Greek mythology, Clotho (meaning "spinner") was one of the three Fates, or Moirai. She was responsible for spinning the thread of human life, determining when pivotal events would occur. Just as Clotho spun the threads that would become significant moments in one's life, this library helps you weave together the events that shape your application's behavior.


Clotho is a modern, attribute-based event system for PHP 8.1+. It provides a powerful and intuitive way to handle events in your application using PHP attributes. The library is PSR-14 compliant and offers features like:

  • Declarative event handling using PHP attributes
  • Support for both PSR-14 event objects and named events
  • Priority-based event execution
  • Wildcard event patterns
  • Event groups
  • Comprehensive error handling


composer require cmatosbc/clotho

Basic Usage

For more detailed examples and use cases, check out the examples/ folder in this repository.

1. Simple Event Handling

use Clotho\Attribute\EventBefore;
use Clotho\Attribute\EventAfter;

class UserService
    public function createUser(string $name, string $email): array
        return [
            'id' => 1,
            'name' => $name,
            'email' => $email,

// Set up the event system
$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
$handler = new EventAttributeHandler($dispatcher);

// Add event listeners
$dispatcher->addEventListener('user.create', function (array $payload) {
    echo "User creation started with email: " . $payload['arguments'][1];

// Wrap and use the method
$service = new UserService();
$createUser = $handler->wrapMethod($service, 'createUser');
$result = $createUser('John Doe', '');

2. Priority-based Execution

use Clotho\Event\BeforeMethodEvent;
use Clotho\Event\AfterMethodEvent;

class OrderService
    public function submitOrder(array $items): array
        return ['order_id' => 123, 'items' => $items];

// Higher priority listeners execute first
$dispatcher->addEventListener(BeforeMethodEvent::class, function (BeforeMethodEvent $event) {
    // Validate stock levels
    if (!$this->checkStock($event->getArguments()[0])) {
}, 20);

$dispatcher->addEventListener(BeforeMethodEvent::class, function (BeforeMethodEvent $event) {
    // Check user credit
}, 10);

$dispatcher->addEventListener(BeforeMethodEvent::class, function (BeforeMethodEvent $event) {
    // Log order attempt
}, 0);

// After events with priority
$dispatcher->addEventListener(AfterMethodEvent::class, function (AfterMethodEvent $event) {
    // High priority post-processing
    $result = $event->getResult();
    // Process order result
}, 20);

3. Wildcard Event Patterns

// Listen to all user events
$dispatcher->addEventListener('user.*', function ($payload) {
    echo "User operation detected: " . $payload['event'];

// Listen to all create operations
$dispatcher->addEventListener('*.create', function ($payload) {
    echo "Create operation detected in module: " . $payload['module'];

class UserService
    public function updateUserData(string $section, array $data): array
        return ['section' => $section, 'data' => $data];

4. Event Groups

class GroupService
    public function manageGroup(string $operation, array $data): array
        return ['operation' => $operation, 'data' => $data];

// Listen to all group creation events
$dispatcher->addEventListener('*.group:create', function ($payload) {
    echo "Group creation in progress...";

5. Event Propagation Control

use Clotho\Event\BeforeMethodEvent;

class UserService
    public function deleteUser(int $userId): bool
        // Delete user logic
        return true;

$dispatcher->addEventListener(BeforeMethodEvent::class, function (BeforeMethodEvent $event) {
    if (!$this->hasPermission('delete_users')) {
        echo "Permission denied";
}, 20);

$dispatcher->addEventListener(BeforeMethodEvent::class, function (BeforeMethodEvent $event) {
    // This won't execute if the previous listener stops propagation
    echo "Deleting user...";
}, 10);

Event Objects and Payload

Clotho supports both event objects and named events with payloads. When using attributes, both types are dispatched:

use Clotho\Event\BeforeMethodEvent;
use Clotho\Event\AfterMethodEvent;
use Clotho\Attribute\EventBefore;
use Clotho\Attribute\EventAfter;

class UserService
    public function createUser(string $name, string $email): array
        return [
            'id' => 1,
            'name' => $name,
            'email' => $email,

// Listen for event objects (useful for priority-based handling)
$dispatcher->addEventListener(BeforeMethodEvent::class, function (BeforeMethodEvent $event) {
    $arguments = $event->getArguments();
    echo "Creating user: " . $arguments[0];
}, 20);

// Listen for named events (useful for domain-specific handling)
$dispatcher->addEventListener('user.create', function (array $payload) {
    $event = $payload['event']; // BeforeMethodEvent or AfterMethodEvent
    $arguments = $payload['arguments'];
    echo "User creation event: " . $arguments[0];

Advanced Features

Event Objects

Clotho provides dedicated event objects for different scenarios:

use Clotho\Event\BeforeMethodEvent;
use Clotho\Event\AfterMethodEvent;
use Clotho\Event\BeforeFunctionEvent;
use Clotho\Event\AfterFunctionEvent;

// Listen for method events
$dispatcher->addEventListener(BeforeMethodEvent::class, function (BeforeMethodEvent $event) {
    $methodName = $event->getMethodName();
    $arguments = $event->getArguments();
    if (!$this->isValid($arguments)) {
}, 10);

// Listen for after events with results
$dispatcher->addEventListener(AfterMethodEvent::class, function (AfterMethodEvent $event) {
    if ($event->hasException()) {
    $result = $event->getResult();

Priority-based Event Handling

Events can be handled with different priorities, where higher priority listeners execute first:

use Clotho\Event\BeforeMethodEvent;

// High priority validation
$dispatcher->addEventListener(BeforeMethodEvent::class, function (BeforeMethodEvent $event) {
    // Runs first (priority 20)
    if (!$this->hasPermission()) {
}, 20);

// Normal priority logging
$dispatcher->addEventListener(BeforeMethodEvent::class, function (BeforeMethodEvent $event) {
    // Runs second (priority 10)
}, 10);

// Low priority operations
$dispatcher->addEventListener(BeforeMethodEvent::class, function (BeforeMethodEvent $event) {
    // Runs last (priority 0)
}, 0);

Event Propagation Control

All event objects implement StoppableEventInterface, allowing you to control event propagation:

use Clotho\Event\BeforeMethodEvent;

class UserService
    public function deleteUser(int $userId): void
        // Delete user logic

// High priority security check
$dispatcher->addEventListener(BeforeMethodEvent::class, function (BeforeMethodEvent $event) {
    if (!$this->hasPermission('delete_users')) {
        $event->stopPropagation(); // Prevents further listeners from executing
        throw new SecurityException('Permission denied');
}, 20);

// This won't execute if permission check fails
$dispatcher->addEventListener(BeforeMethodEvent::class, function (BeforeMethodEvent $event) {
}, 10);

Error Handling

Clotho provides a set of custom exceptions for handling error conditions in the event system. These exceptions are used only for truly exceptional cases, not for normal flow control.

Exception Types

use Clotho\Exception\EventDispatchException;
use Clotho\Exception\EventListenerException;
use Clotho\Exception\EventPropagationException;

// Invalid event name
try {
    $dispatcher->dispatch(''); // Empty event name
} catch (EventDispatchException $e) {
    // Handles dispatch-related errors:
    // - Empty or invalid event names
    // - Errors thrown by event listeners

// Invalid listener priority
try {
    // Priority must be between -100 and 100
    $dispatcher->addEventListener('user.create', $listener, 150);
} catch (EventListenerException $e) {
    // Handles listener-related errors:
    // - Invalid priority values
    // - Invalid listener types

Normal Flow Control

The following scenarios are handled as normal flow control, not exceptions:

// 1. Events with no listeners - perfectly valid
$dispatcher->dispatch('user.created', ['id' => 123]);

// 2. Stopping event propagation - normal control flow
$dispatcher->addEventListener('user.delete', function (BeforeMethodEvent $event) {
    if (!$this->hasPermission()) {
        $event->stopPropagation(); // Stops further listeners, no exception
    // Process the event
}, 20);

// 3. Wildcard events with no matches - also valid

Exception Hierarchy

├── EventDispatchException  // For dispatch-related errors
├── EventListenerException  // For listener configuration errors
└── EventPropagationException  // Reserved for future propagation-related errors

Event Payload Structure

When using named events, Clotho dispatches an array with the following structure:

Before Method Events

    'event' => BeforeMethodEvent,    // The actual event object
    'object' => object,              // The object instance the method belongs to
    'method' => string,              // Name of the method being called
    'arguments' => array,            // Array of arguments passed to the method

After Method Events

    'event' => AfterMethodEvent,     // The actual event object
    'object' => object,              // The object instance the method belongs to
    'method' => string,              // Name of the method being called
    'arguments' => array,            // Array of arguments passed to the method
    'result' => mixed,               // The return value from the method (if successful)
    'exception' => Throwable|null    // Exception object if method threw an exception

Before Function Events

    'event' => BeforeFunctionEvent,  // The actual event object
    'function' => string,            // Name of the function being called
    'arguments' => array,            // Array of arguments passed to the function

After Function Events

    'event' => AfterFunctionEvent,   // The actual event object
    'function' => string,            // Name of the function being called
    'arguments' => array,            // Array of arguments passed to the function
    'result' => mixed,               // The return value from the function (if successful)
    'exception' => Throwable|null    // Exception object if function threw an exception

Example usage with payload:

use Clotho\Attribute\EventBefore;
use Clotho\Attribute\EventAfter;

class UserService
    public function createUser(string $name, string $email): array
        return [
            'id' => 1,
            'name' => $name,
            'email' => $email,

// Access payload in before event
$dispatcher->addEventListener('user.create', function (array $payload) {
    $event = $payload['event'];           // BeforeMethodEvent instance
    $object = $payload['object'];         // UserService instance
    $method = $payload['method'];         // "createUser"
    $arguments = $payload['arguments'];   // [$name, $email]
    echo "Creating user {$arguments[0]} with email {$arguments[1]}";

// Access payload in after event
$dispatcher->addEventListener('user.create', function (array $payload) {
    if (isset($payload['exception'])) {
        echo "Error creating user: " . $payload['exception']->getMessage();
    $result = $payload['result'];  // The returned user array
    echo "Created user with ID: {$result['id']}";

Best Practices

  1. Event Naming:

    • Use lowercase, dot-separated names
    • Start with module/context (e.g., user., order.)
    • Use verbs for actions (e.g., create, update)
    • Use colons for groups (e.g.,
  2. Priority Levels:

    • 20+ : Critical operations (validation, security)
    • 10-19: Core business logic
    • 0-9: Logging, notifications, non-critical operations
  3. Event Payload:

    • Keep payloads serializable
    • Include only necessary data
    • Consider security implications


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • PSR-14 Event Dispatcher Interface
  • PHP 8.1+ Attributes
  • The PHP Community

Built with ❤️ by Carlos Artur Matos