cloakwp / hook-modifiers
Extend WordPress hooks with modifiers for more granular filters and actions
- php: >=7.4
- composer/installers: ^2.2
WP Hook Modifiers is a WordPress plugin/Composer package that allows you to extend existing hooks with "modifiers", enabling more granular filtering and actions.
For example, if you've ever worked with ACF hooks, you're probably familiar with the acf/format_value
filter, which has modifiers like name
and type
that allow you to target your filter to specific fields by name or type (eg. acf/format_value/name=my_field_name
or acf/format_value/type=image
). This package makes it easy for you to create your own hook modifiers like ACF, whether you're a plugin/theme developer or a developer looking to extend someone else's plugin or theme.
You can install this package via Composer:
composer require cloakwp/hook-modifiers
use CloakWP\HookModifiers; // Apply desired modifiers to an existing hook HookModifiers::make(['post_type']) // note it accepts an array of multiple modifiers ->forFilter('wp_insert_post_data') ->register(); // Now you can use the modifier when calling the hook to target a specific post type add_filter('wp_insert_post_data/post_type=page', function ($data, $postarr, $unsanitized_postarr) { $data['post_title'] = 'Page: ' . $data['post_title']; return $data; }, 10, 2); // The post_type example above is equivalent to: add_filter('wp_insert_post_data', function ($data, $postarr, $unsanitized_postarr) { if ($data['post_type'] === 'page') { $data['post_title'] = 'Page: ' . $data['post_title']; } return $data; }, 10, 2);
The important thing to note is that the modifier must be a property key of one of the values being passed to the filter/action. In the example above, it is known that post_type
is a property of the data
array (1st argument) being filtered. By default, we check the first hook argument for the modifier key/value pairs, but this can be changed by calling the modifiersArgPosition
method. For example, if a filter has 3 arguments and the modifier key/value pairs are in the third argument, you would do this:
HookModifiers::make(['type']) ->forFilter('some_filter_with_many_args') ->modifiersArgPosition(2) // 0 indexed, so the third arg is `2` ->register(); add_filter('some_filter_with_many_args/type=image', function ($one, $two, $three) { // This filter will only run if the arg $three is an associative array with a property 'type' equal to 'image' }, 10, 3);
Similar to forFilter
, there is a forAction
method to apply modifiers to action hooks.
Note: you must call register
on the HookModifiers object to actually apply the modifiers to the hook.