
PHP version of clojure protocols

1.0.0 2012-05-30 16:15 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 10:35:06 UTC


#Clojure Protocols for PHP

##What is a protocol?

See the file for more information

##Creating a protocol

  1. Create an interface with the methods you want the protocol to implement. The first parameter of each method in the interface needs to be the invoking object. So create your interface like this

     interface ILookup
         public function get($context, $key, $default = null);
         public function exists($context, $key);

    not like this

     interface ILookup
         public function get($key, $default = null);
         public function exists($context, $key);
  2. Create the protocol implementing the interface

     class Lookup extends \Clj\AProtocol
         public function get($object, $key, $default = null)
             return $this->__getObject__($object)->get($object, $key, $default);
         public function exists($object, $key)
             return $this->__getObject__($object)->exists($object, $key);

    the __getObject__ method finds the objects type and returns the concrete implementation of the protocol

  3. Create the concrete implementations of the protocol (in my code I have the type name of the implementation prefixed by a P (i.e. PNull for a null or PDateTime for a DateTime object)

     class PArray extends \Clj\AProtocolInstance implements ILookup //Lookup for arrays
         public function get($context, $key, $default = null)
             if (isset($context[$key]) || (array_key_exists($key, $context)))
                 return $context[$key];
             return $default;
         public function exists($context, $key)
             return (isset($context[$key]) || (array_key_exists($key, $context)));
     class PNull extends \Clj\AProtocolInstance implements ILookup //Lookup for null
         public function get($context, $key, $default = null)
             return $default;
         public function exists($context, $key)
             return false;

##Using the Protocol manager

Protocols are created and extended using the Protocol manager class. To add a protocol you pass in a protocol object

$lookup = new Lookup();

To add types to the protocol you can use either the extendType or extendProtocol methods

//Extends a type to an array of protocols
$protocol_manager->extendType(\Clj\IProtocol::PROTOCOL_NULL, array('ILookup' => new PNull()));
//Extends the protocol to an array of types
$protocol_manager->extendProtocol('ILookup', array(\Clj\IProtocol::PROTOCOL_NULL => new PNull(),
    \Clj\IProtocol::PROTOCOL_ARRAY => new PArray()));

For retrieving the extended protocols you can use either getProtocol or getProtocolReference. Here's an example of how they are used

$lookup = new Lookup();

$protocol_manager->extendType(\Clj\IProtocol::PROTOCOL_NULL, array('ILookup' => new PNull()));
//Gets the lookup protocol that only works for null types
$extended_lookup = $protocol_manager->getProtocol('ILookup');
$lookup_reference = $protocol_manager->getProtocolReference('ILookup');

$protocol_manager->extendType(\Clj\IProtocol::PROTOCOL_ARRAY, array('ILookup' => new PArray()));

$extended_lookup->get(null, 'foo', 'bar'); //Returns 'bar'
$extended_lookup->get(array('foo' => 'bar'), 'foo', 'bar'); //Throws excpetion

$lookup_reference->getRef()->get(null, 'foo', 'bar'); //Returns 'bar'
$lookup_reference->getRef()->get(array('foo' => 'BAZ'), 'foo', 'bar'); //Returns 'BAZ'

In the example getProtocol returns the lookup protocol as it exists at the time it was called (only extended for the null type). Any extensions of the protocol done later on (extending the lookup protocol to arrays) are not added to $extended_lookup.

In contrast getProtocolReference returns a reference to a protocol similar to $a =& $b only this reference is read only and accessed by the getRef method. This allows access to all the extensions of the protocol not just the ones that existed when the reference was created.