
dev-master 2015-07-27 00:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-12 23:10:45 UTC


A very lightweight PHP 5.4+ library for issuing HTTP requests, with a fluent API.

Runtime requirements

  • PHP >= 5.4
  • CURL PHP extension (already present on most PHP installations)


The preferred installation method is trough Composer.

On the command line, on your project's folder, type:

composer require claudio-silva/http-client


use Http;
$req = new Client ('');

The simplest case: get a text/html page

$text = $req->get ('index.html')->send ();

More complex requests can be made easily

// Get
$xml = $req           
  ->get ('books')
  ->param ('id', 1)
  ->expectXml ()
  ->header ('X-Custon', 'test')
  ->send ();

// Get
$book = $req          
  ->get ('books/%s/%s', 'author1', 'id1')
  ->expectJson ()
  ->params ([
    'page' => 1,
    'filter' => 'john'
  ->headers ([
    'Header-One' => 'some value',
    'Header-Two' => 'some value'
  ->send ();

Fully REST

$req->post ('authors/%s/posts', $author)->with ($data)->send ();

$req->put ('authors/%s/posts/%s', $author, $id)->with ($data)->send ();

$req->delete ('posts/%s', $id)->send ();

Total control is available, if you need it

$req->autoCheck = false;                  //throw no exceptions
$req->referrer = '';
$req->cookieJar ['MyCookie'] = 'my value';
$req->method ('get')
    ->url ('books/%s/%s', $name, $id)
    ->header ('Accept', 'application/json')
    ->transform (function ($response) { return json_decode ($response); })
    ->send ();
if ($req->responseStatus != 200)
  throw new HttpException ("Can't load book", $req->responseStatus);
echo "My session: " . $req->responseCookies['PHPSESSID'];
$book = $req->responseBody;
// Begin a new request, on the same browsing context (referrer and cookies are automatically set)
  ->begin ()
  ->put ('books/%s/%s', $name, $id)
  ->with ($book)
  ->send ();


baseUrl ($url)

Sets the URL prefix for further requests.

@param string $url
@return ClientInterface

It appends a trailing slash if it is not present.

begin ()

Returns a new request based on the current request, keeping the current navigation session.

@return ClientInterface

The base URL, cookies and referrer are preserved. All other settings are initialized to their default values.

delete ($url)

Begins a new request by setting its method to DELETE and its URL to the specified one.

@param string $url
@param string ...$args URL paramet
@return ClientInterface

It clears the remaining request data (params, headers, etc). To issue a new request reusing the current data, call send() again.

This method supports parametric URLs (ex: dynamic URL segments). Any remaining arguments on the method call are injected into the URL on placeholders written in sprintf syntax.

To set URL parameters, use param() instead of this.


$req->delete ('posts/%s', $id)->send ();

expectJson ($associative = false)

Sets the Accept header to JSON and the response transformer to a JSON parser, for subsequent requests.

@param bool $associative When `true`, returned objects will be converted into associative arrays.
@return ClientInterface

expectText ()

Sets the Accept header to the most common text types and the response transformer to null, on all future requests.

@return ClientInterface

expectXml ($fullDOM = false, $options = 0)

Sets the Accept header to JSON and the response transformer to a XML parser, for subsequent requests.

@param bool $fullDOM When `true`, a DOMDocument object will be returned, SimpleXmlElement otherwise.
@param int  $options Bitwise OR of the libxml option constants.
@return ClientInterface

`send()` will return `DOMDocument | SimpleXmlElement | null| false`.
`null` or `false` may mean the document could not be parsed.

get ($url)

Begins a new request by setting its method to GET and its URL to the specified one.

@param string $url
@param string ...$args Remaining arguments are injected into the URL on placeholders with `sprintf` syntax.
@return ClientInterface

It clears the remaining request data (params, headers, etc). To issue a new request reusing the current data, call send() again.

This method supports parametric URLs (ex: dynamic URL segments). Any remaining arguments on the method call are injected into the URL on placeholders written in sprintf syntax.

To set URL parameters, use param() instead of this.


$req->get ('api/%s/%s', $name, $id)->send ();

header ($name, $value)

Adds a header to the current request.

@param string|string[]       $name
@param string|int|float|null $value If null, the header will be removed.
@return ClientInterface

headers (array $map)

Adds multiple headers to the current request.

@param  array $map A map of header names to header values.
@return ClientInterface
@see    HttpRequestInterface::param()

method ($verb)

Sets the request's HTTP verb.

@param string $verb One of `get|put|post|delete|patch|head|options|connect|trace`.
@return ClientInterface

param ($name, $value)

Adds an URL parameter to the current request.

@param string           $name
@param string|int|float $value
@return ClientInterface

Multiple parameters with the same name are allowed.

Null values will cause the parameter to NOT be added.

Empty strings will add a parameter with an empty value.

params (array $map)

Adds multiple URL parameters to the current request.

@param  array $map A map of parameter names to parameter values.
@return ClientInterface
@see    HttpRequestInterface::param()

post ($url)

Begins a new request by setting its method to POST and its URL to the specified one.

@param string $url
@param string ...$args Remaining arguments are injected into the URL on placeholders with `sprintf` syntax.
@return ClientInterface

It clears the remaining request data (params, headers, etc). To issue a new request reusing the current data, call send() again.

This method supports parametric URLs (ex: dynamic URL segments). Any remaining arguments on the method call are injected into the URL on placeholders written in sprintf syntax.

To set URL parameters, use param() instead of this.


$req->post ('authors/%s/posts', $author)->with ($data)->send ();

put ($url)

Begins a new request by setting its method to PUT and its URL to the specified one.

@param string $url
@param string ...$args Remaining arguments are injected into the URL on placeholders with `sprintf` syntax.
@return ClientInterface

It clears the remaining request data (params, headers, etc). To issue a new request reusing the current data, call send() again.

This method supports parametric URLs (ex: dynamic URL segments). Any remaining arguments on the method call are injected into the URL on placeholders written in sprintf syntax.

To set URL parameters, use param() instead of this.


$req->put ('authors/%s/posts/%s', $author, $id)->with ($data)->send ();

send ()

Performs the currently chained request and returns the response text.

@return mixed The server's response body, eventually transformed.

This method doesn't set the Accept header. You should set it previously via the expectXXX() methods.

transform ($callback)

Sets the response transformer function.

@param callable $callback A function to transform the response. It receives the raw response text as argument.
@return ClientInterface

url ($url)

Sets the URL of the request.

@param string $url
@param string ...$args Remaining arguments are injected into the URL on placeholders with `sprintf` syntax.
@return ClientInterface

This method supports parametric URLs (ex: dynamic URL segments). Any remaining arguments on the method call are injected into the URL on placeholders written in sprintf syntax.

To set URL parameters, use param() instead of this.


$req->method ('get')->url ('api/%s/%s', $name, $id)->send ();

with ($body, $type = null)

Sets the request payload for POST or PUT requests.

@param mixed  $body The data to be sent with the request.
@param string $type One of `json|form|text|xml`. The appropriate `Content-Type` header will be added. If not
                    specified, no header will be set and the body will not be serialized.
@return ClientInterface

Depending on the $type argument, the body will be serialized accordingly.


The HTTP Client library is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright ©2015 Cláudio Manuel Brás da Silva