
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Laravel routes loaded into javascript

v0.2.0 2020-03-08 09:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-04-08 13:58:57 UTC


Just an other way of loading Laravel routes into Javascript. Nothing special!


composer require cjpgdk/laravel-js-routes

Publish the JS files, you most likely want to change them!

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Cjpgdk\Laravel\JsRoutes\ServiceProvider" --tag=js-routes-js

Publish the View files, Unless you just use your own in config 'bind_to_view' => ['js-routes::header']

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Cjpgdk\Laravel\JsRoutes\ServiceProvider" --tag=js-routes-js

NOTE The js-routes service provider, is auto loaded in Laravel, you may disable this by adding the following code to your composer.json, if you need to load the package after other dependencies.

    "extra": {
        "laravel": {
            "dont-discover": [

After install

load the header view @include('js-routes::header'), this will append all loaded routes into window.jsLaravelRoutes.

load js in app.js

/* plain JavaScript */
import JsRouter from "./js-routes/class.JsRouter";
window.JsRouter = new JsRouter(window.jsLaravelRoutes);
/* See the file for methods. */

// the VueJs file loads the file class.JsRouter, 
// so no need to load both, if only using Vue.

/* VueJS */
window.Vue = require('vue');
import VueJsRouter from "./js-routes/vue.JsRouter";
Vue.use(VueJsRouter, { 
    /* all routes or value of config: `js_routes_var` */
    routes: window.jsLaravelRoutes
 * Vue.JsRouter : class instance, See the file for methods.
 * Vue.navigateTo('route-name', {
 *     // variables used in the domain, optional variables goes here as well.
 *     vars: {
 *         var: 'value',
 *         var2: 'value'
 *     },
 *     // variables used in the domain, if needed, then they are required.
 *     domain: {
 *         var: 'value',
 *         var2: 'value'
 *     }
 * });
 *  OR in components.
 *  this.$navigateTo('route-name', {...});


js-routes.php namespace js-routes

return [
    | View to bind the JsLaravelRoutes to.
    | Set this value to the name of the view that
    | you want to prepend the JavaScript to.
    | This can be a single view, or an array of views.
    | Default: header
    | Example: ['footer', 'header'] or ['footer']
    | Note:    if using an array make sure the views
    |          are not loaded on the same page.
    | Default: header
    'bind_to_view' => ['js-routes::header'],

    | Routers Namespace
    | It's recommended that you change this to something ... anything.
    | Default: window.jsLaravelRoutes
    'js_routes_var' => 'window.jsLaravelRoutes',

    | Router macros names.
    | Only edit if the names are causing a conflict.
    | Format: Internal-name => Alias.
    'macros' => [
         * $route->compileAndGetRoute();
         * Returns the compiled route. @see \Symfony\Component\Routing\CompiledRoute
        'compileAndGetRoute' => 'compileAndGetRoute',
         * $route->getOptionalParameters();
         * Returns the optional route parameters as an array.
         * $optional = [ 'name' => null, ...];
        'getOptionalParameters' => 'getOptionalParameters',