
Laravel FCM Package

dev-master 2018-07-11 08:32 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:08:23 UTC



Laravel-FCM is an easy to use package working with both Laravel and Lumen for sending push notification with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).

It currently only supports HTTP protocol for :

  • sending a downstream message to one device

Note: The XMPP protocol is not currently supported.


To get the latest version of Laravel-FCM on your project, require it from "composer":

$ composer require cimons/larafcm:dev-master

Or you can add it directly in your composer.json file:

	"require": {
    	   "cimons/larafcm": "dev-master"


Register the provider directly in your app configuration file config/app.php config/app.php:

'providers' => [
	// ...


Add the facade aliases in the same file:

'aliases' => [
	'FCM'             => Cimons\LaraFcm\Facades\FCM::class,

Copy the config file fcm.php manually from the directory /vendor/cimons/larafcm/config to the directory /config (you may need to create this directory).

Package Configuration

In your .env file, add the server key and the secret key for the Firebase Cloud Messaging:


Downstream Messages

A downstream message is a notification message, a data message, or both, that you send to a target device or to multiple target devices using its registration_Ids.

The following use statements are required for the examples below:

use Cimons\LaraFcm\Message\NotificationBuilder;
use Cimons\LaraFcm\Facades\FCM;

Sending a Downstream Message to a Device

$notificationBuilder = NotificationBuilder('my title');
$notificationBuilder->setBody('Hello world')
$notification = $notificationBuilder->build();

$token = "a_registration_from_your_database";
$downstreamResponse = FCM::sendTo($token, $notification);

if ($downstreamResponse->isSent == 1) {
     echo "The message has been sent.";
} else {
    echo "The message could not be sent."


This library is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Some of this documentation is coming from the official documentation. You can find it completely on the Firebase Cloud Messaging Website.