ciims-plugins / rackspaceuploader
A CiiMS plugin to upload files to Rackspace Cloud files CDN
- cryptlib/cryptlib: dev-master
- rackspace/php-opencloud: v1.12.1
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 17:41:39 UTC
This class enables CiiMS to upload files to Rackspace Cloud Files, or any OpenStack file store
This class should be installed with composer. After installing/uploading CiiMS, run this class
# composer require ciims-plugins/rackspaceuploader dev-master # DEV
composer require ciims-plugins/rackspaceuploader 1.0.0 # Versioned
How to Use
To use this class, you need to make a configuration change to your protected/config/params.php
<?php return array(
'ciims_plugins' => array(
'upload' => array(
'class' => 'CiiOpenstackUploader',
'options' => array(
'useOpenstack' => false, // Set to true to use a generic opensatck container
'container' => '', // The container name
'username' => '', // Your Openstack username
'API_KEY' => '', // Your Openstack API key
'region' => '', // The upload region
'identity' => '', // Only applies when using a non Rackspace container
The following options are available for this class:
useOpenstack (optional)
By default this plugin will attempt to connect to Racksapce Cloud files. If you want to use a generic openstack container, set this value to true
container (required)
The container name
username (required)
The username to access the container
API_KEY (required)
Your container API key
region (required)
The region you want to connect to
identity (optional)
If useOpenstack is set to true, you must specify the identity URL. Al;ternatively if you're connecting to a non US Rackspace Cloud files endpoint, you can specify your identity provider here