
A multitenancy package for Laravel Passport.

v1.0.1 2022-05-26 19:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-27 01:06:37 UTC



Laravel Passport makes password grant client authentication dead-simple for your API. Laravel Multitenancy makes a Laravel application tenant aware in minutes - feels like cheating. Tenantmagic, provides one approach to a making your Passport password grant client tenant aware. Before going through the rest of this documentation, take time to read Laravel Multitenancy and Laravel Passport, if your unfamiliar. Tenantmagic is built on top of Laravel Passport and Laravel Multitenancy.


Multitenancy typically requires a user provide their authentication credentials and subdomain to get a token. Tenantmagic removes the need for a subdomain when logging into your multi-tenant application; provide a user name and password and the package will do the rest!


This package can be installed with Composer:

$ composer require "cidekar/tenantmagic:^1.0"

Publish the configuration:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Cidekar\Tenantmagic\TenantmagicServiceProvider" --tag="config"

The configuration will be published to config/tenantmagic.php

The User model must use UsesPassportModelMagic:

    use Cidekar\Tenantmagic\Models\Concerns\UsesPassportModelMagic;

    class User extends Authenticatable
        use UsesPassportModelMagic;

Please keep in mind this package assumes the grant client is stored in the landlord database. Users are stored in the tenant database.

Add the TenantmagicDomainTenantFinder to the multitenancy config:

    return [
        * This class is responsible for determining which tenant should be current
        * for the given request.
        * This class should extend `Spatie\Multitenancy\TenantFinder\TenantFinder`
        'tenant_finder' => TenantmagicDomainTenantFinder::class,


Add the TenantmagicPassportTask to the switch_tenant_tasks array:

    return [
        * These tasks will be performed when switching tenants.
        * A valid task is any class that implements Spatie\Multitenancy\Tasks\SwitchTenantTask
        'switch_tenant_tasks' => [


Configure your tenant and landlord database connections:

    return [
        * The connection name to reach the tenant database.
        * Set to `null` to use the default connection.
        'tenant_database_connection_name' => 'tenant',

        * The connection name to reach the landlord database
        'landlord_database_connection_name' => 'landlord',


X-Magictenant Header

Out of the box, Tenantmagic will return the x-magictenant header when responding to a successful authorization request. To reveal the domain and tenant name, the x-magictenant header value (i.e., non-extended notation, using "quoted-string") needs to be decoded:

    $response = $this->post($route);


    array:2 [
    0 => {
        "domain": ""
        "name": "Foo Dot Com"
    1 => {
        "domain": ""
        "name": "Bar Dot Net"



To get started, create the following MySql databases:

  • laravel_tenantmagic_landlord
  • laravel_tenantmagic_tenant_1
  • laravel_tenantmagic_tenant_2

Now, you may run the package's tests:

   $ composer test

    # Runtime:       PHP 7.4.0
    # Configuration: /var/www/packages/cidekar/laravel-tenantmagic/phpunit.xml
    # Warning:       Your XML configuration validates against a deprecated schema.
    # Suggestion:    Migrate your XML configuration using "--migrate-configuration"!
    # ...


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Apache License 2.0