
If you would like to use a secure, scalable Identity and Access Management System along with Typo3, look no further. This Extension allows you to use Cidaas as your Cloud based Identity System. You can have Cidaas perform Authentication and Authorization and access your TYPO3 frontend. Cidaas suppor

Installs: 3 895

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 4

Watchers: 2

Forks: 3

Open Issues: 6


v2.0.4 2024-02-07 13:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-07 14:30:04 UTC



About cidaas:

cidaas is a fast and secure Cloud Identity & Access Management solution that standardises what’s important and simplifies what’s complex.

Feature set includes:

  • Single Sign On (SSO) based on OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, SAML 2.0
  • Multi-Factor-Authentication with more than 14 authentication methods, including TOTP and FIDO2
  • Passwordless Authentication
  • Social Login (e.g. Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and more) as well as Enterprise Identity Provider (e.g. SAML or AD)
  • Security in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and IoT

Cidaas For Typo3

If you would like to use a secure, scalable Identity and Access Management System along with Typo3, look no further. This Extension allows you to use Cidaas as your Cloud based Identity System. You can have Cidaas perform Authentication and Authorization and access your TYPO3 frontend. Cidaas supports all standard protocols like OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Standards. With easy to integrate SDK you should be able to secure your favourite Typo3 instance in no time!

For more information regarding installation visit

Thanks and credits to on which our project was inspired.