
Finds and replaces all Bible references with links to that passage on

v1.0.1 2023-10-11 21:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-20 01:02:52 UTC


Parses an HTML-encoded string searching for Bible references and replaces them with links to


  1. Link to an individual verse
     BibleLinker::linkify("Psalm 119:105", "en");
      * <a href="">Psalm 119:105</a>
  2. Link to an entire chapter
     BibleLinker::linkify("John 3", "en");
      * <a href="">John 3</a>
  3. Link to a range of verses
     BibleLinker::linkify("John 3:15-17", "en");
      * <a href="">John 3:15-17</a>
  4. Link to multiple verses
     BibleLinker::linkify("John 3:16, 18", "en");
      * <a href="">John 3:16</a>,
      * <a href="">18</a>
  5. Specify a translation
     BibleLinker::linkify("John 3:16 (ESV)", "en");
      * <a href="">John 3:16</a> (ESV)
  6. Abbreviate the book name with common abbreviations
     BibleLinker::linkify("Genesis 1:1", "en");
     BibleLinker::linkify("Gen 1:1", "en");
     BibleLinker::linkify("Ge 1:1", "en");
     BibleLinker::linkify("Gn 1:1", "en");
      * <a href="">Genesis 1:1</a>
      * <a href="">Gen 1:1</a>
      * <a href="">Ge 1:1</a>
      * <a href="">Gn 1:1</a>
  7. And combinations of all the above
     BibleLinker::linkify("Ge 1:1,2-3; 4; 5:6,7,8; 9:10 (NLT)", "en");
      * <a href="">Ge 1:1</a>,
      * <a href="">2-3</a>;
      * <a href="">4</a>;
      * <a href="">5:6</a>,
      * <a href="">7</a>,
      * <a href="">8</a>;
      * <a href="">9:10</a> (NLT)
  8. Single chapter books don't require chapter
     BibleLinker::linkify("3 John 4", "en");
     BibleLinker::linkify("3 John 1:4", "en");
      * <a href="">3 John 4</a>
      * <a href="">3 John 1:4</a>
  9. Non-existant chapters and verse do not get linked
     BibleLinker::linkify("Psalm 150; 151", "en"); // Psalm 151 doesn't exist
     BibleLinker::linkify("3 John 1-16", "en"); // 3 John 15-16 don't exist
      * <a href="">Psalm 150</a>; 151
      * <a href="">3 John 1-16</a>
  10. Inline tags are tolerated
     BibleLinker::linkify("<span>John</span> 15:<span style='color:blue'>5</span>-6", "en"); // John 15:5-6
      * <span><a href="">John 15:5-6</a></span><span style="color:blue"></span>
  11. Block-level tags are not respected like inline tags are
     BibleLinker::linkify("<p>Review John 15</p><p>:5</p>", "en"); // John 15 (not John 15:5)
      * <p>Review <a href="">John 15</a></p><p>:5</p>

Supported Languages

  1. English (default translation: NIV)
  2. Spanish (default translation: RVR1960)
  3. French (default translation: LSG)
  4. Portuguese (default translation: NVI)

Including In Your Project

  1. run composer require church-renewal/bible-linker

Usage Examples

use ChurchRenewal\BibleLinker\BibleLinker;

 * @param string - a two character language ID
 * @return bool - true if language is supported by Bible Linker
 * true

 * @param string - must be HTML encoded
 * @param string - a two character language ID
 * @param array - optional: associative array of attributes to be added to the A tag
 * @return array - assocative array with keys:
 *     'new':                   int - number of new links inserted into content
 *     'alternative':           int - number of translations found in content which couldn't be found, but have known alternatives
 *     'unknown':               int - number translations found in content which couldn't be found on
 *     'unknownTranslations':   array - an array of strings of the unknown translations
 *     'html':                  string - the content with links inserted
 *     'errors' :               array - an associative array of parsing errors; each key is the string that failed, each value is the error code
BibleLinker::linkify('Psalm 119:105', 'en', ['class' => 'verse', 'target' => '_blank']);
 * [
 *     'new' => 1
 *     'alternative' => 0
 *     'unknown' => 0
 *     'unknownTranslations' => []
 *     'html' => '<a href="" class="verse" target="_blank">Psalm 119:105</a>',
 *     'errors' => []
 * ]

Known Limitations

  1. HTML content must be HTML-encoded. E.g. output from something like TinyMCE will work fine.

     // good
     BibleLinker::linkify(htmlentities("Hébreux 12:2"), "fr");
     BibleLinker::linkify("H&eacute;breux 12:2", "fr");
     // bad
     BibleLinker::linkify("Hébreux 12:2", "fr");
  2. Verses must be separated by commas

     // good
     BibleLinker::linkify("Psalm 119:105, 106", "en");
     // bad
     BibleLinker::linkify("Psalm 119:105 & 106", "en");
  3. Chapters must be separated by semi-colons

     // good
     BibleLinker::linkify("Psalm 119; 120", "en");
     // bad
     BibleLinker::linkify("Psalm 119, 120", "en");
  4. Translations must be surrounded by parentheses

     // good
     BibleLinker::linkify("Psalm 119:105 (ESV)", "en");
     // bad
     BibleLinker::linkify("Psalm 119:105 ESV", "en");
  5. Cannot specify more than one translation

     // good
     BibleLinker::linkify("Psalm 118 (NASB); Psalm 119:105 (ESV)", "en");
     // bad
     BibleLinker::linkify("Psalm 118 (NASB); 119:105 (ESV)", "en");

Running Tests In Development

Install Docker
