
PHP MVC Framework

1.1.2 2022-06-24 09:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 14:50:29 UTC


PHP Framework for developing lightweight server-side application.


  1. Download the package using composer.
    • composer create-project chkn/core folder_name
  2. Install Application Key
    • php chkn key:generate
  3. Change the rootfolder of the app. It must be the name of your main folder.
    • php chkn root folder_name
  4. Database Configuration
    • Changing Database Connection = php chkn db:connection __Connection__
    • Changing Database Host = php chkn db:host __host__
    • Changing Database Name = php chkn db:name __name__
    • Changing Database Charset = php chkn db:charset __charset__
    • Changing Database Username = php chkn db:username __username__
    • Changing Database Password = php chkn db:password __password__
  5. Run the application
    • php chkn roast
    • `php chkn roast --port=8000


Default classes on CHKN Framework are grouped and compiled inside Drive:ROOT_FOLDER/config/Package/package.conf

  • Query Building Class - Set value to 0 to disable
  • Encryption and Decryption Class - Set value to 0 to disable
  • Download Class - Set value to 0 to disable
  • Upload Class - Set value to 0 to disable
  • Session Class - Set value to 0 to disable
  • Maintenance Class - Set value to 0 to disable
  • Page Not Found Class - Display a Page Not Found Page if class or method was not found. Set value to 0 to disable
  • CSRF Token Class - Set value to 0 to disable

Vendor Styles and Scripts

Include a global styles and scripts on the application.

  • Include Global CSS - Go to config/vendors/stylesheet.conf
/**Set your App's Global Stylesheet/Libraries
/**Include every file after a new line
/**Save the stylesheet inside public/vendor/css/
/**Don't include the file extension

  • Include Global Scripts - Go to config/vendors/scripts.conf
/**Set your App's Global JavaScript/Libraries
/**Include every file after a new line
/**Save the scripts inside public/vendor/js/
/**Don't include the file extension



As what we know about Controllers, they are the one actually responsible on what must be displayed inside a View and what must be requested inside the Model. In CHKN Framework , Controllers are the most important file on your system. Controller is the place where you have to declare what will be your template to be use, the page that will display inside your template, the page title, the page stylesheet and scripts and the place where you will becreating a request in the Model.

Creating a Controller

  • You have to create a PHP file inside the folder Http/Controller/. The File name must be the name of the Controller you want, followed by the word Controller. Example: homeController.php
  • php create:controller controller_name

Every Controller will contain the following codes.

namespace http\Controllers;

use App\Controller\Controller;
use App\App\Request;

class homeController extends Controller{
	public function home(){
		return scene("index","homepage/index")
			->title("Hello World")

  • scene("template","page content") - Calling the the page template. 'index' is pertaining the the template file located at view/template/index.tpl
  • ->title() - Set the title of the page.
  • ->css() - Including stylesheets inside the page. CSS Files are stored at public/css.
  • ->js() - Including scripts inside the page. Script Files are stored at public/js.
  • ->show() - Compile the settings above and display the page.


In CHKN Framework, navigating to a page means navigating to a Controller. As you created a page you must also create a Controller that will hold all the request or processes of that page

Navigation through Links

Most of the times, links are most likely use when navigating from one page to another. Exactly what you can do in CHKN . On creating link location you must follow the exact format. [chkn:path]controllerName/methodName

<a href= "[chkn:path]controllerName/methodName">Link Name < /a>

Templating Tool

Passing values to your template

Data processed by controller can be pass inside your template using the variable() chain method of the scene() function.

//your controller 
namespace http\Controllers;

use App\Controller\Controller;
use App\App\Request;

class homeController extends Controller{
	public function home(){
		return scene("index","homepage/index")
			->title("Hello World")->bind([
<p> $variable_name < /p> 

Passing array on your template

Array processed by controller can be pass inside your template using the $this-> array_var() method.

//your controller 
$array = [
     0=> ["name"=> "Ben","age"=> "25"],
     1=> ["name"=> "Anna","age"=> "24"]

namespace http\Controllers;

use App\Controller\Controller;
use App\App\Request;

class homeController extends Controller{
	public function home(){
		return scene("index","homepage/index")
			->title("Hello World")

Populating assigned array on your template using foreach

Assigned array variable on the Controller can be populated using the CHKN Framework Templating Tool. Developers can use the foreach as shown below.

Note: You can address the specific field on the array by enclosing the field name by {[ ]}

//on your template or page 
#foreach( $array_name ){ 
< p> Name: {[name]} < /p> 
< p> Age: {[age]} < /p> 

The if Condition

You can also set a conditional statement out of the assigned variables.

//your controller 
namespace http\Controllers;

use App\Controller\Controller;
use App\App\Request;

class homeController extends Controller{
	public function home(){
		return scene("index","homepage/index")
			->title("Hello World")
//on your template or page 
//include double quote(“”) on the variable 
# if( “$type” == “active” ){ 
<p> Value if True </p> 
} else{ 
<p> Value if False </p> 

The For Loop

You can easily create a looping statement such as FOR LOOP in CHKN Framework using its Templating Tool. Take note that Comparison Operator to be used must be enclosed with square bracket []

//on your template or page 
#for($x=0;$x[<]$data;$x++ ){ 
<p> Hello World {[x]} </p> 

Forms and CSRF Token

Including csrf field on forms will enable a CSRF token for every form request. This will tighten the security against CSRF or Cross-Site Request Forgery.

<form method="post" action="controller/method">
	<input type="text" name="name"><br>
	<input type="text" name="address"><br>
	<input type="number" name="age"><br>

Fetching Request

public function fetchData(Request $r){
	$name = $r->name;
	$address = $r->address;
	$age = $r->age;


On CHKN Framework, Database operations such as Create, Read, Update and Delete are handle using the QUERY BUILDER. Add the Class DB on your Controller Class

use App\Database\DB;

Select Query

On CHKN Query Builder, Select Operation is executed using DB::select();

Select All

public function select(Request $r){
	$data = DB::select("table")->fetch();

Select By Table Field

public function select(Request $r){
	$data = DB::select("table")

Select with JOIN

public function select(Request $r){
	$data = DB::select("table")

Select with Limit

public function select(Request $r){
	$data = DB::select("table")

Select By Order

public function select(Request $r){

Insert Query

On CHKN Query Builder, Insert Operation is executed using DB::insert();


public function insert(Request $r){
	$data = DB::insert("table")

Delete Query

On CHKN Query Builder, Delete Operation is executed using DB::delete();


public function delete(Request $r){
	$data = DB::delete("table")

Update Query

On CHKN Query Builder, Update Operation is executed using DB::update();


public function update(Request $r){
	$data = DB::update("table")


On CHKN Query Builder, You can create your own query using DB::query();


public function query(Request $r){
	$data = DB::query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE field={field}")
			->bind("field","value of field")


The functions session_start() is already included in the framework's core. All the functions for handling Session are included in the class Session.

Saving Session

For saving session, use the method put().

// Include the class Session
use App\App\Session;

// In a method

Deleting Session

For deleting session, use the method clear().

// Include the class Session
use App\App\Session;

// In a method

Reading stored Sessions

For reading stored sessions, use the method get().

// Include the class Session
use App\App\Session;

// In a method

Checking if Session exists

For checking the session's existence, use the method check().

// Include the class Session
use App\App\Session;

// In a method


Helpers are functions added to the core of PHP Framework to help you speed and homogenise repetitive tasks on development.

Encryption and Decryption

Encrypting and Decrypting String in the Controller

  • Encrypt
// In a method
encrypt("string to encrypt");

// base64
seal("string to encrypt");

// Selected column in an array (base64)
  • Decrypt
// In a method
decrypt("encrypted string");

// base64
rseal("encrypted string");

Dump and Die

PHP Debugging using CHKN Framework Dump and Die.

// Dump data in the application

// Dump date time in the application

Upload File

Upload Files on your application


Download File

Upload Files on your application


Redirect Page

Redirect from one page to another


JSON Response

Throw a JSON Response on an HTTP Request

echo response(["message"=>"success"],200);


In CHKN Framework, you can define objects globally thru Modules. The App's Modules are located and can be created inside http/Module folder. CHKN Modules works like an ordinary Controller, but you can access it any existing Controllers inside http/Controllers

// Module
namespace http\Module;
use App\Controller\Controller;
use App\Database\DB;
class Module extends Controller{
    public static function sample(){
	return "Hello World"

namespace http\Controllers;

use App\Controller\Controller;
use App\App\Request;
use http\Module\Module;

// Include the Module Class
use http\Module\Module;

class sampleController extends Controller{
    public function home(Request $r){
	// It will display Hello World in sample/home
	echo Module::sample();

Auth Controller

Generate an authentication page in the Application.

  • php chkn auth:create

Auth Class

Access authentication session using the Auth Class.


Trigger authentication checking in selected method in a class using the Auth::check() function

// Module
namespace http\Controller;
use App\Controller\Controller;
use App\Controller\Auth;

class homeController extends Controller{
    public static function home(){

Check method access with multiple roles

// Module
namespace http\Controller;
use App\Controller\Controller;
use App\Controller\Auth;

class homeController extends Controller{
    public static function home(){