chencha / pesapal
Pesapal Payments Integration
- beberlei/assert: ~2.1
- beberlei/lite-cqrs: ~1.1
- guzzle/guzzle: ~3.9
- heybigname/event-dispatcher: ~1.1
- laracasts/commander: 1.3.10
- mnapoli/php-di: ~4.4
- phpspec/phpspec: ~2.0
Requires (Dev)
- behat/behat: ~3
- behat/mink: 1.6.*
- behat/mink-extension: dev-master
- behat/mink-goutte-driver: *
- fzaninotto/faker: ~1.4
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-25 05:25:00 UTC
##Pesapal PHP module
##Introduction The application allows for integration with pesapal in a framework and database agnostic way.
This is achieved by firing and dispatching payment events to the rest of your application.
The application is currently in heavy development.
From the root of your application run
composer require chencha/pesapal
This should install the package.
##Getting started
On start of application, several objects must be provided. The objects are listed below
This is a simple value object
$credentials= new \Pesapal\Values\Credentials("<<consumer_key>>","<<consumer_secret>>");
###Demo Status
This object controls interaction with either the live or demo pesapal application. The object should be constructed with false when live and true when in demo mode
$demoStatus= new \Pesapal\Values\DemoStatus(true);
###Iframe Dimensions
For iframe use, the dimensions should be provided. You can override any of the defaults
$iframeDimensions=new \Pesapal\Values\IframeDimensions(
####Iframe Generated Event Listener
This class should listen for and act when a new Iframe is generated.
The listener must impliment
A sample listener is provided that simply echos out the iframe
class ShowIframe implements \Pesapal\Contracts\IFrameListener {
function show($iframe)
echo $iframe;
Listeners must be passed as an array eg
$iframe_listeners= [new ShowIframe()];
####Change Payment Status Event Listener
This class should listen for and act when there is a change in payment status for an order
This will usually result from an IPN being sent out to your application from pesapal
The listener must impliment
A sample listener would be as follows
class SendThankYouEmail implements \Pesapal\Contracts\PaymentListener {
public function paid(\Pesapal\Entities\Payment $item)
echo "Thank you for payment " . $item->getIPNData()->getMerchantReference();
public function failed(\Pesapal\Entities\Payment $item)
echo "Payment failed " . $item->getIPNData()->getMerchantReference();
public function inProgress(\Pesapal\Entities\Payment $item)
echo "Payment in progress " . $item->getIPNData()->getMerchantReference();
Listeners must be passed as an array eg
$ipn_listeners=[new SendThankYouEmail()];
###Callback URL
This is the url you wish the user to be redirected to once user has made their payment
##Bringing it all together
The final config file will consist of all the possible configurations and built as such
$config= new \Pesapal\Config($credentials,$demoStatus,$iframeDimensions,$iframe_listeners,$ipn_listeners,$callback_url);
##Making an order
The essense of a payment module is to process an order so lets get to it.
A pesapal order is provided as
$faker= Faker\Factory::create();
$order= new Pesapal\Entities\Order(
You should replace the faked data with your own customers information
Once order is ready you send command to generate iframe for the order as
When iframe is generated, all iframe listeners will have the show method on them called with the iframe.
##Setting up IPN
You must put the IPN class where you respond to the callback class previously provided
$ipn_data= new \Pesapal\Values\IPNData($_GET['pesapal_merchant_reference'],$_GET['pesapal_notification_type'],$_GET['pesapal_transaction_tracking_id']);
That's it, now when a new IPN comes in, the relevant method (paid, failed, inProgress) on all payment status listeners will be called.
##Confirming payments manually You can confirm your payments by merchant reference. Note this would not work if your references are not unique.
To see the code above in practise, please check out the example files
During installation you may likely encounter issues with version compatibility. This is because one of the libraries utilized by the application is still in alpha. Working on a workaround