
Client to handle communication with the Cerpus ImageService

v2.3.0 2024-12-06 11:53 UTC


PHP library to communicate with the Cerpus Image Service


Use composer to require the package

composer require cerpus/imageservice-client


When composer has finished, add the service provider to the providers array in config/app.php


Add the following to the alias array in config/app.php

'ImageService' => \Cerpus\ImageServiceClient\ImageServiceClient::class,

Publish the config file from the package

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Cerpus\ImageServiceClient\Providers\ImageServiceClientServiceProvider" --tag=config


Not tested, but should work. You are welcome to update this documentation if this does not work!

Add service provider in app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php

public function register()

Uncomment the line that loads the service providers in bootstrap/app.php


Edit the configuration file

Edit config/imageservice-client.php

return [
    "adapters" => [
        "imageservice" => [
            "handler" => \Cerpus\ImageServiceClient\Adapters\ImageServiceAdapter::class,
            "base-url" => '<url to service>',
            "system-name" => '<system name>',

Example for a developer setup:


return [
    "adapters" => [
        "imageservice" => [
            "handler" => \Cerpus\ImageServiceClient\Adapters\ImageServiceAdapter::class,
	    "base-url" => env('IMAGESERVICE_URL'),
	    "system-name" => env('VERSION_SYSTEM_NAME')


Resolve from the Laravel Container

$cerpusImage = app(Cerpus\ImageServiceClient\Contracts\ImageServiceContract::class)

or alias

$cerpusImage = ImageService::<Class Method>

or directly

$cerpusImage = new Cerpus\ImageServiceClient\Adapters\ImageServiceAdapter(Client $client, $containerName);

The last one is not recommended.

Class methods

Method calls return an object or throws exceptions on failure.

get($id) - Returns an ImageDataObject with info on a particular ID

store($filePath, array $metadata = []) - Creates and uploads a new image in one operation.

delete($id) - Delete a file from the image service.

getHostingUrl($id, ImageParamsObject $params) - Returns an url where the file can be found.

getHostingUrls(array $ids) - Returns an array of urls to images

loadRaw($id, $toFile) - Downloads the image to the specified location

getErrors() - Returns an array of occurred errors

More info

See the Confluence Image storage service API documentation


This package is released under the GNU General Public License 3.0. See the LICENSE file for more information.