
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A WordPress plugin to embed Jetpack Custom CSS in the document head to improve performance.

v1.0.0 2015-02-19 06:35 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-24 15:45:45 UTC


Embed Jetpack Custom CSS in the document head to improve performance.

Contributors: Brady Vercher
Requires: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.1
License: GPL-2.0+

Requires Jetpack.

Embed Jetpack Custom CSS moves CSS added using Jetpack's Custom CSS module to an inline <style> tag in the document head instead of using the default <link> reference.

This eliminates an extra HTTP request and prevents WordPress from being loaded twice for new visitors to improve front end performance.

Works best with short snippets of CSS.

There aren't any settings -- just install, activate, and you're good to go.



  1. Download the latest release from GitHub.
  2. Go to the Plugins → Add New screen in your WordPress admin panel and click the Upload button at the top next to the "Add Plugins" title.
  3. Upload the zipped archive.
  4. Click the Activate Plugin link after installation completes.


  1. Download the latest release from GitHub.
  2. Unzip the archive.
  3. Copy the folder to /wp-content/plugins/.
  4. Go to the Plugins → Installed Plugins screen in your WordPress admin panel and click the Activate link under the Embed Jetpack Custom CSS item.

Read the Codex for more information about installing plugins manually.


Clone this repository in /wp-content/plugins/:

git clone git@github.com:cedaro/embed-jetpack-custom-css.git

Then go to the Plugins → Installed Plugins screen in your WordPress admin panel and click the Activate link under the Embed Jetpack Custom CSS item.