
A WordPress Library to keep small your upload folder

1.0 2019-12-05 07:32 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-01 03:52:54 UTC


Prevents WordPress from polluting your upload folder with big images and countless resized versions.

WordPress generates, by default, three resized version for each image uploaded. On top of that creates additional ones for each custom image size defined using add_image_size. All of that regardless of the fact that the image size is used or not!

Also, WordPress does allow a user to upload and use huge images

So, this leads quickly to a huge upload folder, even for a quite small website.

Meno prevents WordPress from creating any resized version unless you need it! It also prevents users from uploading and using huge images.


Suppose we define two new image sizes called home-tile and full-width:

add_image_size( 'home-tile', 450, 253, true );
add_image_size( 'full-width', 1440, 810, true );

Using this class, when the user uploads an image, the upload folder will look like:

|- example.jpg
|- example.jpg.original*

Nothing than the original image is there!

The .original file

We know, users like to use huge images, sometimes more than 1Mb. So, anytime a user uploaded an image bigger than that, Meno will resize it using a defined MAX_WIDTH and MAX_HEIGHT.

By default the max size defined is 1920x1080, you can override this by defining:

define( 'MENO_MAX_WIDTH', ...);
define( 'MENO_MAX_HEIGHT', ...);

Habemus resized version

So, when does a resized version is created?

Simple, when it's used, for example:

the_post_thumbnail( 'home-tile' )

In this case, and only this case, Meno will check if the 450x253 size exists, and if not, it will generate it on the fly!

How meno is different from other solutions?

Beside Meno, we have two options to prevent the issue:

  • Re-define the size of thumbnail and medium sizes
  • Use Image Optimizer plugins

The re-defining issue

I do personally don't like this option at all! Because even changing the default sizes for thumbnail and medium, those names don't make sense to me. Because on some website I might have/need thumbnails with a different ratio. And, for me, medium is too generic doesn't mean anything specific! And I prefer my naming for the image sizes.

Image Optimizer

There are several plugins to do the job, and all of them will optimise the main image and the resized ones, to reduce the size of the upload folder.

They work quite well, but have the same issue: all the resized versions are generated regardless of the fact that you use them or not!

Getting Started



Download the repository and load the meno.php file within your theme or plugin.


composer require ceceppa/meno --dev



Running the tests

To run all replace your database info inside the run-tests.sh file first.

To set up and installs the WordPress testing library first and run all the tests:

composer test

To run the PHPUnit tests only:

composer phpunit

To analyse the code quality:

composer phpinsights


WordPress coding standards are used with few exceptions.


At the moment in Gutengerg you can only choose the Large size.


  • [ ] Allow user to choose different image sizes in Gutenberg


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


  • Alessandro Senese - Initial work - Ceceppa


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details