
Laravel action generator

v1.0.0 2023-08-14 09:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-25 10:07:17 UTC



A Laravel package for generate action classes using Artisan Command.


Requires PHP 8.1+

Require using Composer.

composer require ceceply/action --dev

Put Ceceply\Action\Providers\ActionServiceProvider::class into list of service providers in config/app.php.

'providers' => ServiceProvider::defaultProviders()->merge([
     * Package Service Providers...

     * Application Service Providers...

Action Class

In this package, an Action Class is a simple class that has only one task. Example, we have an Action class named CreatePayment. This class will has only one task, which is to create payments.

Also in this package, by default an Action class will implement interface. That interface will be automatically generated, before the action class generated. Example, if the Action class is named CreatePayment, the interface that class implements will be named CreatesPayments. You can customize the interface name later.

Run the following command to generate a new Action Class named CreatePayment.

php artisan make:action CreatePayment

If that command executed, an Action Class with interface implemented by the class generated.

// app/Actions/Payment/Contracts/CreatesPayments.php


namespace App\Actions\Payment\Contracts;

use App\Models\Payment;

interface CreatesPayments
	public function create(array $inputs);
// app/Actions/Payment/CreatePayment.php


namespace App\Actions\Payment;

use App\Actions\Payment\Contracts\CreatesPayments;
use App\Models\Payment;

class CreatePayment implements CreatesPayments
	public function create(array $inputs)
		// TODO: create

Action Method

You can customize the method name when writing the command.

If the method name is create or update, method will automatically have an array parameter named inputs.

php artisan make:action Payment/CreatePayment --action=handle

Or shorter.

php artisan make:action Payment/CreatePayment -ahandle


// app/Actions/Payment/Contracts/CreatesPayments.php

interface CreatesPayments
	public function handle();

// app/Actions/Payment/CreatePayment.php

class CreatePayment implements CreatesPayments
	public function handle()
		// TODO: handle


You can add a model to your Action Class. The model will be placed in first parameter of the action method.

php artisan make:action Payment/CreatePayment --model=Payment

Or shorter.

php artisan make:action Payment/CreatePayment -mPayment


// app/Actions/Payment/Contracts/CreatesPayments.php

namespace App\Actions\Payment\Contracts;

use App\Models\Payment;

interface CreatesPayments
	public function create(Payment $payment, array $inputs);
// app/Actions/Payment/CreatePayment.php

namespace App\Actions\Payment;

use App\Actions\Payment\Contracts\CreatesPayments;
use App\Models\Payment;

class CreatePayment implements CreatesPayments
	public function create(Payment $payment, array $inputs)
		// TODO: create

Guess Model

Instead of defining model manually, you can add --guess-model option when writing the command.

php artisan make:action Payment/CreatePayment --guess-model

Or shorter.

php artisan make:action Payment/CreatePayment -g

Last word of the class name will be considered as the model name. If the last word is plural, it will be changed to singular first.

Custom Interface

You can customize interface name when writing the command.

php artisan make:action Payment/CreatePayment --interface=Payment/Contracts/CreatePaymentContracts

Or shorter.

php artisan make:action Payment/CreatePayment -iPayment/Contracts/CreatePaymentContracts

Without Interface

You can create an Action Class without implementing an interface.

php artisan make:action Payment/CreatePayment --without-interface

Or shorter.

php artisan make:action Payment/CreatePayment -w


Create the class even if the class already exists.

php artisan make:action Payment/CreatePayment --force

Or shorter.

php artisan make:action Payment/CreatePayment -f

Force Both

Create the interface and the class even if the class and the interface already exists.

php artisan make:action Payment/CreatePayment --force-both

Or shorter.

php artisan make:action Payment/CreatePayment -F

Create Action Interface

If you want to create the interface only, you can do that by using the make:iaction command. So only the interface generated.

php artisan make:iaction Payment/CreatesPayments

Even if you create the interface only, you can still customize action method name, add model, guess model and force create interface.

php artisan make:iaction Payment/CreatesPayments -ahandle
php artisan make:iaction Payment/CreatesPayments -mPayment
php artisan make:iaction Payment/CreatesPayments -g
php artisan make:iaction Payment/CreatesPayments -f


This package is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.