
Converting simple HTML to Opendocument Text (ODT) or Spreadsheets (ODS)

0.19 2025-01-23 14:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-23 14:22:35 UTC


This is a simple PHP-library to create OpenDocument Text- and Spreadsheet-files (ODT / ODS) from HTML-formatted text.

It does not support formulae / calculations in spreadsheets. The focus lies on formatted text.

Please note that this library is mainly developed for Antragsgrün. For most other projects trying to write ODT and ODS files, PhpSpreadsheet will probably be the better choice.

Example Scripts

A demo script for the OpenDocument Text converter using the default template:

require_once(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php');

$html = '<p>This is a demo for the converter.</p>
<p>The converter supports the following styles:</p>
    <li>Lists (UL / OL)</li>
    <li><u>U</u> (underlined)</li>
    <li><s>S</s> (strike-through)</li>
    <li><em>EM</em> (emphasis / italic)</li>
    <li><ins>INS</ins> (Inserted text)</li>
    <li><del>DEL</del> (Deleted text)</li>
    <li>Line<br>breaks with BR</li>
<blockquote>You can also use BLOCKQUOTE, though it lacks specific styling for now</blockquote>';

$html2 = '<p>You might be interested<br>in the fact that this converter<br>
also supports<br>line numbering<br>for selected paragraphs</p>
<p>Dummy Line<br>Dummy Line<br>Dummy Line<br>
Dummy Line<br>Dummy Line</p>';

$odt = new \CatoTH\HTML2OpenDocument\Text();
$odt->addHtmlTextBlock('<h1>Test Page</h1>');
$odt->addHtmlTextBlock($html, false);
$odt->addHtmlTextBlock('<h2>Line Numbering</h2>');
$odt->addHtmlTextBlock($html2, true);

A demo script for the OpenDocument Spreadsheet converter using the default template:

use CatoTH\HTML2OpenDocument\Spreadsheet;
require_once(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php');

$ods = new \CatoTH\HTML2OpenDocument\Spreadsheet();

// Setting to landscape mode with custom page margins
$ods->setMargins("20mm", "10mm", "10mm", "20mm");
$ods->setPageOrientation("297mm", "210mm", "landscape");

// Plain text
$ods->setCell(0, 0, Spreadsheet::TYPE_TEXT, 'Plain text with native formatting');
$ods->setCellStyle(0, 0, [], ['fo:font-weight' => 'bold']);

// Print a number as an actual number, just a little bit bigger
$ods->setCell(1, 0, Spreadsheet::TYPE_NUMBER, 23);
$ods->setCellStyle(1, 0, [], [
    'fo:font-size'   => '16pt',
    'fo:font-weight' => 'bold',
$ods->setMinRowHeight(1, 1.5);

// Print a number as text
$ods->setCell(2, 0, Spreadsheet::TYPE_TEXT, '42');

// Draw a border around two of the cells
$ods->drawBorder(1, 0, 2, 0, 1);

// Now we use HTML, and we need a bit more space for that
$html = '<p>The converter supports the following styles:</p>
    <li><u>U</u> (underlined)</li>
    <li><s>S</s> (strike-through)</li>
    <li><em>EM</em> (emphasis / italic)</li>
    <li><ins>Inserted text</ins></li>
    <li><del>Deleted text</del></li>
    <li>Line<br>breaks with BR</li>
    <li>Lists (UL / OL) cannot be displayed as lists, but will be flattened to paragraphs</li>
<blockquote>You can also use BLOCKQUOTE, though it lacks specific styling for now</blockquote>';

$ods->setMinRowHeight(3, 10);
$ods->setColumnWidth(1, 20);
$ods->setCell(3, 1, Spreadsheet::TYPE_HTML, $html);



This library is licensed under the MIT license