
3.0.4 2023-10-08 00:49 UTC


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ByBitAPI - derivatives-trading package

Disclaimer: This is an unofficial SDK for integration with the ByBit exchange. Functional support is provided only within the code's area of responsibility and, if possible, on the part of the developer

Integration development is not yet complete, so functionality (either completely or individual components) is not guaranteed.


  • PHP >= 7.4


composer require carpenstar/bybitapi-sdk-derivatives


Endpoint Access type View in directory Official documentation Language
Funding Rate History Public view view EN,RU
Index Price Kline Public view view EN,RU
Instrument Info Public view view EN,RU
Kline Public view view EN,RU
Mark Price Kline Public view view EN,RU
Open Interest Public view view EN,RU
Order Book Public view view EN,RU
Public Trading History Public view view EN,RU
Risk Limit Public view view EN,RU
Ticker Info Public view view EN,RU
Endpoint Access Type View in directory Official documentation Language
Get Trading Fee Rate Private view view EN,RU
Wallet Balance Private view view EN,RU
Endpoint Access Type View in directory Official documentation Language
Cancel All Order Private view view EN,RU
Cancel Order Private view view EN,RU
Get Open Orders Private view view EN,RU
Get Order List Private view view EN,RU
Place Order Private view view EN,RU
Replace Order Private view view EN,RU
Endpoint Access Type View in directory Official documentation Language
Get Closed PnL Private view view EN,RU
Get Execution List Private view view EN,RU
My Position Private view view EN,RU
Set Auto Add Margin Private view view EN,RU
Set Leverage Private view view EN,RU
Set Risk Limit Private view view EN,RU
Set Trading Stop Private view view EN,RU
Switch Cross Isolated Margin Private view view EN,RU
Switch Position Mode Private view view EN,RU
Switch TpSl Mode Private view view EN,RU

Market Data - Funding Rate History

Official documentation

Funding history for a specified symbol for a certain period

// Endpoint classname


use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\BybitAPI;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\FundingRateHistory\FundingRateHistory;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\FundingRateHistory\Response\FundingRateHistoryResponse;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\FundingRateHistory\Request\FundingRateHistoryRequest;

$bybit = new BybitAPI("", "apiKey", "secret");

$options = (new FundingRateHistoryRequest())->setSymbol("BTCUSDT")->setLimit(3);

/** @var FundingRateHistoryResponse[] $result */
$result = $bybit->rest(FundingRateHistory::class, $options)->getBody()->all();

foreach ($result as $rateItem) {
    echo "Symbol: {$rateItem->getSymbol()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Funding Rate: {$rateItem->getFundingRate()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Funding Rate Timestamp: {$rateItem->getFundingRateTimestamp()->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "-----" . PHP_EOL;

 * Result:
 * Symbol: BTCUSDT
 * Funding Rate: 0.0001
 * Funding Rate Timestamp: 2023-05-09 08:00:00
 * -----
 * Symbol: BTCUSDT
 * Funding Rate: 0.00121833
 * Funding Rate Timestamp: 2023-05-09 00:00:00
 * -----
 * Symbol: BTCUSDT
 * Funding Rate: 0.00375
 * Funding Rate Timestamp: 2023-05-08 16:00:00
 * -----


new \Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\FundingRateHistory\Request\FundingRateHistoryRequest();
$options = (new FundingRateHistoryRequest())
    ->setSymbol("BTCUSDT") // Trading pair
    ->setStartTime((new DateTime("2023-05-09 10:00:00"))->getTimestamp()) // The start timestamp
    ->setEndTime((new DateTime("2023-05-09 10:00:00"))->getTimestamp()) // The end timestamp
    ->setLimit(200) // Limit for data size per page. [1, 200]. Default: 200
Method Required Description
IFundingRateHistoryRequest::setSymbol(string $symbol): self NO Trading pair symbol
IFundingRateHistoryRequest::setStartTime(int $timestamp): self NO* Timestamp FROM which the data slice is taken
IFundingRateHistoryRequest::setEndTime(int $timestamp): self NO* Timestamp BEFORE which the data slice is taken
IFundingRateHistoryRequest::setLimit(int $limit): self NO Limiting the records returned per query

*Warning: When setting time limits on sampling, be sure to specify the upper and lower bounds using setStartTime(int $timestamp) and setEndTime(int $timestamp). Otherwise an error will be returned

Warning: By default, a request to the FundingRateHistory::class endpoint returns the last 200 records up to the current moment for a specific symbol


Method Type Description
IFundingRateHistoryResponse::getSymbol() string Trading pair symbol
IFundingRateHistoryResponse::getFundingRate() float Financing rate
IFundingRateHistoryResponse::getFundingRateTimestamp() DateTime Financing rate holding time

Market Data - Index Price Kline

Official documentation

Request for the history of the INDEX price calculated based on the prices of the largest exchanges.

Each element represents a group of prices depending on the requested interval.

This data can be used to construct candlestick and other charts.

// Endpoint classname


use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\BybitAPI;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\IndexPriceKline\IndexPriceKline;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\IndexPriceKline\Response\IndexPriceKlineResponse;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\IndexPriceKline\Request\IndexPriceKlineRequest;

$bybit = new BybitAPI("", "apiKey", "secret");

$options = (new IndexPriceKlineRequest())
    ->setStartTime((new DateTime("2023-05-01 10:00:00"))->getTimestamp())
    ->setEndTime((new DateTime("2023-05-01 20:00:00"))->getTimestamp())

/** @var IndexPriceKlineResponse[] $result */
$result = $bybit->rest(IndexPriceKline::class, $options)->getBody()->all();

foreach ($result as $indexPriceKlineItem) {
    echo "Start: {$indexPriceKlineItem->getStartTime()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Open: {$indexPriceKlineItem->getOpen()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "High: {$indexPriceKlineItem->getHigh()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Low: {$indexPriceKlineItem->getLow()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Close: {$indexPriceKlineItem->getClose()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "-----" . PHP_EOL;

 * Result:
 * Start: 2023-05-01 10:04:00
 * Open: 1847.37
 * High: 1847.65
 * Low: 1847.37
 * Close: 1847.4
 * -----
 * Start: 2023-05-01 10:03:00
 * Open: 1847.45
 * High: 1847.57
 * Low: 1847.36
 * Close: 1847.37
 * -----
 * Start: 2023-05-01 10:02:00
 * Open: 1847.65
 * High: 1847.79
 * Low: 1847.41
 * Close: 1847.45
 * -----
 * Start: 2023-05-01 10:01:00
 * Open: 1847.63
 * High: 1847.66
 * Low: 1847.27
 * Close: 1847.65
 * -----
 * Start: 2023-05-01 10:00:00
 * Open: 1847.25
 * High: 1847.68
 * Low: 1847.25
 * Close: 1847.63
 * -----


use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\IndexPriceKline\Request\IndexPriceKlineRequest;
$options = (new IndexPriceKlineRequest())
    ->setSymbol("BTCUSDT") // Trading pair
    ->setInterval(1) // Kline interval. 1 3 5 15 30 60 120 240 360 720 D M W
    ->setStartTime((new DateTime("2023-05-09 10:00:00"))->getTimestamp()) // The start timestamp
    ->setEndTime((new DateTime("2023-05-09 11:00:00"))->getTimestamp()) // The end timestamp
    ->setLimit(200) // Limit for data size per page. [1, 1000]. Default: 200
Method Required Description
IIndexPriceKlineRequest::setSymbol(string $symbol): self YES Trading pair
IIndexPriceKlineRequest::setInterval(int $interval): self YES Teak size. Possible values: 1 3 5 15 30 60 120 240 360 720 D M W
IIndexPriceKlineRequest::setStartTime(int $timestamp): self YES Timestamp FROM which the data slice is taken
IIndexPriceKlineRequest::setEndTime(int $timestamp): self YES Timestamp BEFORE which the data slice is taken
IIndexPriceKlineRequest::setLimit(int $limit): self NO Limit the records returned per query. Default: 200



interface IIndexPriceKlineResponse
    public function getStartTime(): \DateTime;
    public function getOpen(): float;
    public function getHigh(): float;
    public function getLow(): float;
    public function getClose(): float;
Method Type Description
IIndexPriceKlineResponse::getStartTime() DateTime Tick start time
IIndexPriceKlineResponse::getOpen() float Tick opening price
IIndexPriceKlineResponse::getHigh() float Maximum tick price
IIndexPriceKlineResponse::getLow() float Minimum tick price
IIndexPriceKlineResponse::getClose() float Tick closing price

Market Data - Instrument Info

Official documentation

Endpoint provides the specifications of the trading instrument.

// Endpoint classname


use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\BybitAPI;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\InstrumentInfo\InstrumentInfo;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\InstrumentInfo\Response\InstrumentInfoResponse;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\InstrumentInfo\Request\InstrumentInfoRequest;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\InstrumentInfo\Response\LeverageFilterItemResponse;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\InstrumentInfo\Response\PriceFilterItemResponse;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\InstrumentInfo\Response\LotSizeFilterItemResponse;

$bybit = new BybitAPI("", "apiKey", "secret");

$options = (new InstrumentInfoRequest())->setSymbol('BTCUSDT');

/** @var InstrumentInfoResponse $instrumentInfo */
$instrumentInfo = $bybit->rest(InstrumentInfo::class, $options)->getBody()->fetch();

echo "Symbol: {$instrumentInfo->getSymbol()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Contract Type: {$instrumentInfo->getContractType()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Status: {$instrumentInfo->getStatus()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Base Coin: {$instrumentInfo->getBaseCoin()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Quote Coin: {$instrumentInfo->getQuoteCoin()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Launch Time: {$instrumentInfo->getLaunchTime()->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Delivery Time: " . ($instrumentInfo->getDeliveryTime() ? $instrumentInfo->getDeliveryTime()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') : '-') . PHP_EOL;
echo "Delivery Fee Rate: {$instrumentInfo->getDeliveryFeeRate()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Price Scale: {$instrumentInfo->getPriceScale()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Unified Margin Trade: {$instrumentInfo->getUnifiedMarginTrade()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Funding Interval: {$instrumentInfo->getFundingInterval()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Settle Coin: {$instrumentInfo->getSettleCoin()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Leverage Filter Options:" . PHP_EOL;
/** @var LeverageFilterItemResponse $filterItem */
foreach ($instrumentInfo->getLeverageFilter()->all() as $filterItem)
    echo " - Minimal Leverage: {$filterItem->getMinLeverage()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo " - Maximum Leverage: {$filterItem->getMaxLeverage()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo " - Leverage Step: {$filterItem->getLeverageStep()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Price Filter Options:" . PHP_EOL;
/** @var PriceFilterItemResponse $filterItem */
foreach ($instrumentInfo->getPriceFilter()->all() as $filterItem)
    echo " - Minimal Price: {$filterItem->getMinPrice()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo " - Maximum Price: {$filterItem->getMinPrice()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo " - Tick Size: {$filterItem->getTickSize()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Lot Size Filter Options:" . PHP_EOL;
/** @var LotSizeFilterItemResponse $filterItem */
foreach ($instrumentInfo->getLotSizeFilter()->all() as $filterItem)
    echo " - Minimal Order Qty: {$filterItem->getMinOrderQty()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo " - Maximum Order Qty: {$filterItem->getMaxOrderQty()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo " - Qty Step: {$filterItem->getQtyStep()}" . PHP_EOL;

 * Result:
 * Symbol: BTCUSDT
 * Contract Type: LinearPerpetual
 * Status: Trading
 * Base Coin: BTC
 * Quote Coint: USDT
 * Launch Time: 2020-03-30 00:00:00
 * Delivery Time: -
 * Delivery Fee Rate: 0
 * Price Scale: 2
 * Unified Margin Trade: 1
 * Funding Interval: 480
 * Settle Coin: USDT
 * Leverage Filter Options:
 * - Minimal Leverage: 1
 * - Maximum Leverage: 100
 * - Leverage Step: 0.01
 * Price Filter Options:
 * - Minimal Price: 0.1
 * - Maximum Price: 0.1
 * - Tick Size: 0.1
 * Lot Size Filter Options:
 * - Minimal Order Qty: 0.001
 * - Maximum Order Qty: 100
 * - Qty Step: 0.001


use \Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\InstrumentInfo\Request\InstrumentInfoRequest;
$options = (new InstrumentInfoRequest())
    ->setSymbol('BTCUSDT'); // Trading pair
Method Required Description
IInstrumentInfoRequest::setSymbol(string $symbol): self YES Trading pair


interface IInstrumentInfoResponse
     public function getSymbol(): ?string; // Trading pair
     public function getContractType(): ?string; // Contract type
     public function getBaseCoin(): ?string; // Base token. For example: BTC
     public function getQuoteCoin(): ?string; // Relative token. For example: USDT
     public function getSettleCoin(): ?string; // Settlement token. For example: USDT
     public function getFundingInterval(): int; // Interval for debiting the funding rate in milliseconds
     public function getUnifiedMarginTrade(): bool; // Support for a unified margin trading account
     public function getPriceScale(): float; // Price scale
     public function getStatus(): ?string; // Instrument trading status
     public function getLotSizeFilter(): EntityCollection; // ILotSizeFilterItem[]
     public function getPriceFilter(): EntityCollection; // IPriceFilterItem[]
     public function getLeverageFilter(): EntityCollection // ILeverageFilterItem[]; 
Method Type Description
IInstrumentInfoResponse::getSymbol() string Trading pair
IInstrumentInfoResponse::getContractType() string Contract type. Note: currently only Linear is supported
IInstrumentInfoResponse::getBaseCoin() string Base token. For example: BTC
IInstrumentInfoResponse::getQuoteCoin() string Relative token. For example: USDT
IInstrumentInfoResponse::getSettleCoin() string Settlement token. For example: USDT
IInstrumentInfoResponse::getFundingInterval() int Interval for debiting the funding rate in milliseconds
IInstrumentInfoResponse::getUnifiedMarginTrade() bool Support for a unified margin trading account
IInstrumentInfoResponse::getPriceScale() float Price scale
IInstrumentInfoResponse::getLaunchTime() DateTime Start time of trading on the instrument
IInstrumentInfoResponse::getStatus() string Instrument trading status
IInstrumentInfoResponse::getLotSizeFilter() ILotSizeFilterItem[]
IInstrumentInfoResponse::getPriceFilter() IPriceFilterItem[]
IInstrumentInfoResponse::getLeverageFilter() ILeverageFilterItem[]

interface ILotSizeFilterItem
    public function getMaxOrderQty(): float;
    public function getMinOrderQty(): float;
    public function getQtyStep(): float;
Method Type Description
ILotSizeFilterItem::getMaxOrderQty() float Maximum order size
ILotSizeFilterItem::getMinOrderQty() float Minimum order size
ILotSizeFilterItem::getQtyStep() float Step to change order size

interface ILeverageFilterItem
    public function getMinLeverage(): int;
    public function getMaxLeverage(): float;
    public function getLeverageStep(): float;
Method Type Description
ILeverageFilterItem::getMinLeverage() int Minimum leverage
ILeverageFilterItem::getMaxLeverage() float Maximum leverage
ILeverageFilterItem::getLeverageStep() float Leverage step

interface IPriceFilterItem
    public function getMinPrice(): float;
    public function getMaxPrice(): float;
    public function getTickSize(): float;
Method Type Description
IPriceFilterItem::getMinPrice() int Minimum price
IPriceFilterItem::getMaxPrice() float Maximum price
IPriceFilterItem::getTickSize() float Tick size

Market Data - Kline

Official documentation

Endpoint returns historical data for plotting. Candles are returned in groups depending on the requested interval.

// Endpoint classname


use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\BybitAPI;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\Kline\Request\KlineRequest;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\Kline\Response\KlineResponse;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\Kline\Kline;

$bybit = new BybitAPI("", "apiKey", "secret");

$options = (new KlineRequest())
    ->setStartTime((new DateTime("2023-05-01 00:00:00"))->getTimestamp())
    ->setEndTime((new DateTime("2023-05-05 00:00:00"))->getTimestamp())

$klineData = $bybit->rest(Kline::class, $options)->getBody()->all();

/** @var KlineResponse $klineItem */
foreach ($klineData as $klineItem) {
    echo "Start: {$klineItem->getStartTime()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Open: {$klineItem->getOpen()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "High: {$klineItem->getHigh()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Low: {$klineItem->getLow()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Close: {$klineItem->getClose()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "-----" . PHP_EOL;

 * Result:
 * Start: 2023-05-01 00:20:00
 * Open: 29269.9
 * High: 29297.4
 * Low: 29263.3
 * Close: 29283
 * -----
 * Start: 2023-05-01 00:15:00
 * Open: 29277.8
 * High: 29316.3
 * Low: 29269.9
 * Close: 29269.9
 * -----
 * Start: 2023-05-01 00:10:00
 * Open: 29301
 * High: 29320.1
 * Low: 29264.7
 * Close: 29277.8
 * -----
 * Start: 2023-05-01 00:05:00
 * Open: 29286
 * High: 29348.1
 * Low: 29269.9
 * Close: 29301
 * -----
 * Start: 2023-05-01 00:00:00
 * Open: 29221.2
 * High: 29300.4
 * Low: 29206.2
 * Close: 29286
 * -----



$options = (new KlineRequest())
    ->setSymbol("BTCUSDT") // Required parameter. Line with the ticker of the trading pair.
    ->setInterval(1) // Required parameter. Teak size. Possible values: 1 3 5 15 30 60 120 240 360 720 D M W
    ->setStartTime((new DateTime("2023-05-10 10:00:00"))->getTimestamp()) // Required parameter. Timestamp from which the data slice is taken
    ->setEndTime((new DateTime("2023-05-10 11:00:00"))->getTimestamp()) // Required parameter. Timestamp BEFORE which the data slice is taken
    ->setLimit(200) // Optional parameter. Limit the records returned per query. Default 200
Method Required Description
IKlineRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol): self YES Trading pair
IKlineRequestInterface::setInterval(int $interval): self YES Teak size. Possible values: 1 3 5 15 30 60 120 240 360 720 D M W
IKlineRequestInterface::setStartTime(int $timestamp): self YES Timestamp FROM which the data slice is taken
IKlineRequestInterface::setEndTime(int $timestamp): self YES Timestamp BEFORE which the data slice is taken
IKlineRequestInterface::setLimit(int $limit): self NO Limit the records returned per query. Default 200


namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\Kline\Interfaces;

interface IKlineResponseInterface
    public function getStartTime(): \DateTime; // Tick start time
    public function getOpen(): float; // Opening price
    public function getHigh(): float; // Highest price
    public function getLow(): float; // Lowest price
    public function getClose(): float; // Closing price
    public function getVolume(): float; // Volume
    public function getTurnover(): float; // Turnover
Method Type Description
IKlineResponseInterface::getStartTime() DateTime Tick start time
IKlineResponseInterface::getOpen() float Opening price
IKlineResponseInterface::getHigh() float Highest price
IKlineResponseInterface::getLow() float Lowest price
IKlineResponseInterface::getClose() float Closing price
IKlineResponseInterface::getVolume() float Volume
IKlineResponseInterface::getTurnover() float Turnover

Market Data - Mark Price Kline

Official documentation

Endpoint returns historical data at MARKING price.

Data is returned in groups depending on the requested interval.

Can be used to generate candlestick charts.

// Endpoint classname


use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\BybitAPI;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\MarkPriceKline\MarkPriceKline;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\MarkPriceKline\Request\MarkPriceKlineRequest;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\MarkPriceKline\Response\MarkPriceKlineResponse;

$bybit = new BybitAPI("", "apiKey", "secret");

$options = (new MarkPriceKlineRequest())
    ->setInterval('1') // Kline interval. 1 3 5 15 30 60 120 240 360 720 D M W 
    ->setStartTime('2023-05-08 10:00:00')
    ->setEndTime('2023-05-08 15:00:00')

$result = $bybit->rest(MarkPriceKline::class, $options)->getBody();

 * @var MarkPriceKlineResponse $markPrice
foreach ($result->all() as $markPrice) {
    echo "Start: {$markPrice->getStartTime()->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Open: {$markPrice->getOpen()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "High: {$markPrice->getHigh()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Low: {$markPrice->getLow()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Close: {$markPrice->getClose()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "----" . PHP_EOL;

 * Result:
 * Start: 2023-05-08 10:04:00
 * Open: 8.7751
 * High: 8.7759
 * Low: 8.7734
 * Close: 8.775
 * ----
 * Start: 2023-05-08 10:03:00
 * Open: 8.7748
 * High: 8.7765
 * Low: 8.7734
 * Close: 8.7751
 * ----
 * Start: 2023-05-08 10:02:00
 * Open: 8.772
 * High: 8.7749
 * Low: 8.77
 * Close: 8.7748
 * ----



$options = (new MarkPriceKlineRequest())
    ->setSymbol("BTCUSDT") // Required parameter. Line with the ticker of the trading pair.
    ->setInterval(1) // Required parameter. Teak size. Possible values: 1 3 5 15 30 60 120 240 360 720 D M W
    ->setStartTime((new DateTime("2023-05-10 10:00:00"))->getTimestamp()) // Required parameter. Timestamp from which the data slice is taken 
    ->setEndTime((new DateTime("2023-05-10 11:00:00"))->getTimestamp()) // Required parameter. Timestamp BEFORE which the data slice is taken
    ->setLimit(200) // Optional parameter. Limit the records returned per query. Default 200
Method Required Description
IMarkPriceKline::setSymbol(string $symbol): self YES Trading pair
IMarkPriceKline::setInterval(int $interval): self YES Tick size.
Possible values: 1 3 5 15 30 60 120 240 360 720 D M W
IMarkPriceKline::setStartTime(int $timestamp): self YES Timestamp string from which the data slice is taken
IMarkPriceKline::setEndTime(int $timestamp): self YES Timestamp BEFORE which the data slice is taken
IMarkPriceKline::setLimit(int $limit): self NO Limit the records returned per query. Default: 200



interface IMarkPriceKline
    public function getStartTime(): \DateTime; // Tick start time
    public function getOpen(): float; // Opening price
    public function getHigh(): float; // Maximum price
    public function getLow(): float; // Minimum price
    public function getClose(): float; // Close price
    public function getVolume(): float; // Volume
Method Type Description
IMarkPriceKline::getStartTime() DateTime Tick start time
IMarkPriceKline::getOpen() float Opening price
IMarkPriceKline::getHigh() float Maximum price
IMarkPriceKline::getLow() float Minimum price
IMarkPriceKline::getClose() float Close price
IMarkPriceKline::getVolume() float Volume

Market Data - Open Interest

Official documentation

Endpoint returns data about open interest for the specified symbol.
Open Interest is the total number of perpetual contract positions currently held on the platform.

// Endpoint classname


use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\BybitAPI;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\OpenInterest\OpenInterest;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\OpenInterest\Response\OpenInterestResponse;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\OpenInterest\Request\OpenInterestRequest;

$bybit = new BybitAPI("", "apiKey", "secret");

$options = (new OpenInterestRequest())->setSymbol("ETHUSDT")->setInterval("1h")->setLimit(5);

/** @var OpenInterestResponse[] $result */
$result = $bybit->rest(OpenInterest::class, $options)->getBody()->all();

foreach ($result as $interestItem) {
    echo "Funding Rate: {$interestItem->getOpenInterest()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Funding Rate Timestamp: {$interestItem->getTimestamp()->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "-----" . PHP_EOL;

 * Result:
 * Funding Rate: 1128313.46000000
 * Funding Rate Timestamp: 2023-05-09 11:00:00
 * -----
 * Funding Rate: 1127687.94000000
 * Funding Rate Timestamp: 2023-05-09 10:00:00
 * -----
 * Funding Rate: 1127713.76000000
 * Funding Rate Timestamp: 2023-05-09 09:00:00
 * -----
 * Funding Rate: 1127747.17000000
 * Funding Rate Timestamp: 2023-05-09 08:00:00
 * -----
 * Funding Rate: 1127889.81000000
 * Funding Rate Timestamp: 2023-05-09 07:00:00
 * -----



$options = (new OpenInterestRequest())
    ->setSymbol("ETHUSDT") // Trading pair
    ->setInterval("1h") // Tick size. Possible values: 1h 3h 5h 15h 30h 60h 120h 240h 360h 720h D M W
    ->setStartTime((new DateTime('2023-05-01 10:00:00'))->getTimestamp()) // Timestamp FROM which the data slice is taken
    ->setEndTime((new DateTime('2023-05-01 20:00:00'))->getTimestamp()) // Timestamp BEFORE which the data slice is taken
    ->setLimit(5); // Limit the records returned per query. Default 200
Method Required Description
IOpenInterestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol): self YES Trding pair
IOpenInterestInterface::setInterval(int $interval): self YES Tick size.
Possible values: 1h 3h 5h 15h 30h 60h 120h 240h 360h 720h D M W
IOpenInterestInterface::setStartTime(int $startTime): self Yes Timestamp FROM which the data slice is taken
IOpenInterestInterface::setEndTime(string $end): self YES Timestamp BEFORE which the data slice is taken
IOpenInterestInterface::setLimit(int $limit): self NO Limit the records returned per query. Default 200



interface IOpenInterestResponse
    public function getTimestamp(): \DateTime; // Request execution time
    public function getOpenInterest(): float; // Volume of interest
Method Type Description
:: getTimestamp() DateTime Request execution time
:: getOpenInterest() float Volume of interest

Market Data - Order Book

Official documentation

Endpoint returns a list of orders to buy and sell perpetual contracts, organized and sorted by price level.

// Endpoint classname


use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\BybitAPI;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\OrderBook\OrderBook;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\OrderBook\Request\OrderBookRequest;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\OrderBook\Response\OrderBookResponse;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\OrderBook\Response\OrderBookPriceResponse;

$bybit = new BybitAPI("", "apiKey", "secret");

$options = (new OrderBookRequest())->setSymbol('APTUSDT')->setLimit(5);

/** @var OrderBookResponse $result */
$result = $bybit->rest(OrderBook::class, $options)->getBody()->fetch();

echo "Update ID: " . $result->getUpdateId() . PHP_EOL;
echo "Symbol: " . $result->getSymbol() . PHP_EOL;
echo "Timestamp: " . $result->getTimestamp()->format("Y-m-d H:i:s") . PHP_EOL;
echo "BIDs:" . PHP_EOL;
/** @var OrderBookPriceResponse $bid */
foreach ($result->getBid()->all() as $bid) {
    echo " - Price: {$bid->getPrice()} Quantity: {$bid->getQuantity()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "ASKs:" . PHP_EOL;
/** @var OrderBookPriceResponse $ask */
foreach ($result->getAsk()->all() as $ask) {
    echo " - Price: {$ask->getPrice()} Quantity: {$ask->getQuantity()}" . PHP_EOL;

* Result:
* Update ID: 574349
* Symbol: APTUSDT
* Timestamp: 2023-05-08 22:43:21
* BIDs:
* - Price: 8.245 Quantity: 10700.04
* - Price: 8.2445 Quantity: 21984.53
* - Price: 8.244 Quantity: 7351.59
* - Price: 8.2435 Quantity: 20129.92
* - Price: 8.243 Quantity: 10495.79
* ASKs:
* - Price: 8.2455 Quantity: 20948.03
* - Price: 8.246 Quantity: 12376.44
* - Price: 8.2465 Quantity: 13590.33
* - Price: 8.247 Quantity: 12282.39
* - Price: 8.2475 Quantity: 4626.09



$options = (new OrderBookRequest())
    ->setSymbol("ETHUSDT") // Trading pair
    ->setLimit(25); // Limit on the number of orders in one direction: limit = 50 (25 - bid + 25 - ask)
Method Required Description
IOrderBookResponse::setSymbol(string $symbol): self YES Trading pair
IOrderBookResponse::setLimit(int $limit): self NO Limit on the number of orders in one direction: limit = 50 (25 - bid + 25 - ask)



interface IOrderBookResponse
    public function getSymbol(): string; // Trading pair
    public function getTimestamp(): \DateTime; // Execution time
    public function getUpdateId(): int; // update ID
    public function getBid(): ICollectionInterface; // IOrderBookPriceResponse[]
    public function getAsk(): ICollectionInterface; // IOrderBookPriceResponse[]
Method Type Description
IOrderBookResponse::getSymbol() float Trading pair
IOrderBookResponse::getTimestamp() DateTime Execution time
IOrderBookResponse::getUpdateId() float update ID
IOrderBookResponse::getBid() IOrderBookPriceResponse[] List of sell orders
IOrderBookResponse::getAsk() IOrderBookPriceResponse[] List of buy orders

interface IOrderBookPriceResponse
    public function getPrice(): float;
    public function getQuantity(): float;
INTERFACE \Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\OrderBook\Interfaces\IOrderBookPriceItemResponse::class
DTO \Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\OrderBook\Interfaces\OrderBookPriceItemResponse::class
Method Type Description
IOrderBookPriceItemResponse::getPrice() float Price
IOrderBookPriceItemResponse::getQuantity() float Volume

Market Data - Public Trading History

Official documentation

Endpoint returns data on the execution of trading orders

// Endpoint classname


use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\BybitAPI;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\PublicTradingHistory\PublicTradingHistory;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\PublicTradingHistory\Response\PublicTradingHistoryResponse;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\PublicTradingHistory\Request\PublicTradingHistoryRequest;

$bybit = new BybitAPI("", "apiKey", "secret");

$options = (new PublicTradingHistoryRequest())->setSymbol("BTCUSDT")->setLimit(3);

/** @var PublicTradingHistoryResponse[] $result */
$result = $bybit->rest(PublicTradingHistory::class, $options)->getBody()->all();

foreach ($result as $historyItem) {
    echo "Exec ID: {$historyItem->getExecId()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Symbol: {$historyItem->getSymbol()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Price: {$historyItem->getPrice()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Size: {$historyItem->getSize()}". PHP_EOL;
    echo "Side: {$historyItem->getSize()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Time: {$historyItem->getTime()->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Is Block Trade: {$historyItem->isBlockTrade()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "-----" . PHP_EOL;

 * Result:
 * Exec ID: d275d237-12fb-50ce-b019-14cfa19ec649
 * Symbol: BTCUSDT
 * Price: 27737.8
 * Size: 0.003
 * Side: Sell
 * Time: 2023-05-09 10:58:26
 * Is Block Trade: 
 * -----
 * Exec ID: 9a116105-7cf3-5090-8abd-54f5b423f9df
 * Symbol: BTCUSDT
 * Price: 27737.8
 * Size: 0.002
 * Side: Sell
 * Time: 2023-05-09 10:58:26
 * Is Block Trade: 
 * -----
 * Exec ID: c71ccbab-d948-5b69-98b4-29e51a230662
 * Symbol: BTCUSDT
 * Price: 27745.6
 * Size: 0.001
 * Side: Buy
 * Time: 2023-05-09 10:58:25
 * Is Block Trade: 
 * ----- 



$options = (new PublicTradingHistoryRequest())
    ->setSymbol("ETHUSDT") // Trading pair
    ->setLimit(25); // Quantity limit per result set
Method Required Description
IPublicTradingHistoryRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol): self YES Trading pair
IPublicTradingHistoryRequestInterface::setLimit(int $limit): self NO Quantity limit per result set



interface IPublicTradingHistoryResponse
    public function getExecId(): string; // Execution ID
    public function getSymbol(): string; // Trading pair
    public function getPrice(): float; // Execution price
    public function getSize(): float; // Execution volume
    public function getSide(): string; // Direction (buy, sell)
    public function getTime(): \DateTime; // Execution time
    public function isBlockTrade(): bool; // is OTC trade
Method Тype Description
IPublicTradingHistoryResponse::getExecId() string Execution ID
IPublicTradingHistoryResponse::getSymbol() string Trading pair
IPublicTradingHistoryResponse::getPrice() float Execution price
IPublicTradingHistoryResponse::getSize() float Execution volume
IPublicTradingHistoryResponse::getSide() string Direction (buy, sell)
IPublicTradingHistoryResponse::getTime() DateTime Execution time
IPublicTradingHistoryResponse::isBlockTrade() bool -

Market Data - Risk Limit

Official documentation

Endpoint returns data on the risk limit for the specified symbol.

Risk limit is a risk management measure to limit traders' exposure to risk.

// Endpoint classname


use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\BybitAPI;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\RiskLimit\RiskLimit;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\RiskLimit\Request\RiskLimitsRequest;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\RiskLimit\Response\RiskLimitsResponse;

$bybit = new BybitAPI("", "apiKey", "secret");

$options = (new RiskLimitsRequest())->setSymbol("BTCUSDT");

/** @var RiskLimitsResponse[] $result */
$result = $bybit->rest(RiskLimit::class, $options)->getBody()->all();

foreach ($result as $riskItem) {
    echo "Risk ID: {$riskItem->getId()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Symbol: {$riskItem->getSymbol()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Limit: {$riskItem->getLimit()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Maintain Margin: {$riskItem->getMaintainMargin()}". PHP_EOL;
    echo "Initial Margin: {$riskItem->getInitialMargin()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "isLowerRisk: {$riskItem->getIsLowerRisk()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "maxLeverage: {$riskItem->getMaxLeverage()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "-----" . PHP_EOL;

 * Result:
 * Risk ID: 1
 * Symbol: BTCUSDT
 * Limit: 2000000
 * Maintain Margin: 0.005
 * Initial Margin: 0.01
 * isLowerRisk: 0
 * maxLeverage: 100
 * -----
 * Risk ID: 2
 * Symbol: BTCUSDT
 * Limit: 4000000
 * Maintain Margin: 0.01
 * Initial Margin: 0.0175
 * isLowerRisk: 0
 * maxLeverage: 57.14
 * -----
 * Risk ID: 3
 * Symbol: BTCUSDT
 * Limit: 6000000
 * Maintain Margin: 0.015
 * Initial Margin: 0.025
 * isLowerRisk: 0
 * maxLeverage: 40
 * -----
 * ...



$options = (new RiskLimitsRequest())
    ->setSymbol("BTCUSDT"); // Trading pair
Method Required Description
IRiskLimitsRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol): self YES Trading pair



interface IRiskLimitsResponse
    public function getId(): string; // Risk ID
    public function getSymbol(): string; // Trading pair
    public function getLimit(): int; // Position limit
    public function getMaintainMargin(): float; // Margin maintenance
    public function getInitialMargin(): float; // Initial margin
    public function getIsLowerRisk(): int; // Is the trading instrument low risk?
    public function getMaxLeverage(): float; // Maximum leverage
Method Type Description
IRiskLimitsResponse::getId() string Risk ID
IRiskLimitsResponse::getSymbol() string Trading pair
IRiskLimitsResponse::getLimit() int Position limit
IRiskLimitsResponse::getMaintainMargin() float Margin maintenance
IRiskLimitsResponse::getInitialMargin() float Initial margin
IRiskLimitsResponse::getIsLowerRisk() int Is the trading instrument low risk?
IRiskLimitsResponse::getMaxLeverage() float Maximum leverage

Market Data - Ticker Info

Official documentation

Endpoint returns symbol data (last price snapshot, best bid/ask price and trading volume) for the last 24 hours.

// Endpoint classname


use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\BybitAPI;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\TickerInfo\Request\TickerInfoRequest;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\TickerInfo\Response\TickerInfoResponse;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\MarketData\TickerInfo\TickerInfo;

$bybit = new BybitAPI("", "apiKey", "secret");

$options = (new TickerInfoRequest())

$tickerInfo = $bybit->rest(TickerInfo::class, $options)->getBody()->fetch();

/** @var TickerInfoResponse $tickerInfo */
echo "Symbol: {$tickerInfo->getSymbol()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Bid Price: {$tickerInfo->getBidPrice()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Ask Price: {$tickerInfo->getAskPrice()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Last Price: {$tickerInfo->getLastPrice()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Last Tick Direction: {$tickerInfo->getLastTickDirection()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Prev Price 24 hours: {$tickerInfo->getPrevPrice24h()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Prev Price 24 hours(%): {$tickerInfo->getPrice24hPcnt()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "High Price 24 hours: {$tickerInfo->getHighPrice24h()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Low Price 24 hours: {$tickerInfo->getLowPrice24h()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Prev price 1 hour: {$tickerInfo->getPrevPrice1h()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Mark Price: {$tickerInfo->getMarkPrice()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Index Price: {$tickerInfo->getIndexPrice()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Open Interest: {$tickerInfo->getOpenInterests()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Open Interest Value: {$tickerInfo->getOpenInterestValue()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Turnover 24 hours: {$tickerInfo->getTurnover24h()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Volume 24 hours: {$tickerInfo->getVolume24h()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Funding Rate: {$tickerInfo->getFundingRate()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Next Funding Time: {$tickerInfo->getNextFundingTime()->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Predicted Delivery Price: {$tickerInfo->getPredictedDeliveryPrice()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Basis Rate: {$tickerInfo->getBasisRate()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Delivery Fee Rate: {$tickerInfo->getDeliveryFeeRate()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Delivery Time: {$tickerInfo->getDeliveryTime()->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")}" . PHP_EOL;

 * Result: 
 * Symbol: APTUSDT
 * Bid Price: 8.285
 * Ask Price: 8.2855
 * Last Price: 8.2855
 * Last Tick Direction: ZeroMinusTick
 * Prev Price 24 hours: 8.667
 * Prev Price 24 hours(%): -0.044017
 * High Price 24 hours: 8.667
 * Low Price 24 hours: 7.505
 * Prev price 1 hour: 8.254
 * Mark Price: 8.2872
 * Index Price: 8.2919
 * Open Interest: 403884.9
 * Open Interest Value: 3347074.94
 * Turnover 24 hours: 12624160.9399
 * Volume 24 hours: 1535221.53
 * Funding Rate: 2.8E-5
 * Next Funding Time: 2023-05-10 00:00:00
 * Predicted Delivery Price: 0
 * Basis Rate: 0
 * Delivery Fee Rate: 0
 * Delivery Time: 1970-01-01 00:00:00



$options = (new TickerInfoRequest())
    ->setSymbol("APTUSDT"); // Trading pair
Method Required Description
ITickerInfoRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol): self YES Trading pair



interface ITickerInfoResponse
    public function getSymbol(): string; // Trading pair
    public function getBidPrice(): float; // Best selling price
    public function getAskPrice(): float; // Best purchase price
    public function getLastPrice(): float; // Last transaction price
    public function getLastTickDirection(): string; // Direction of last price change
    public function getPrevPrice24h(): float; // Price 24 hours ago
    public function getPrice24hPcnt(): float; // Price change over the last 24 hours as a percentage
    public function getHighPrice24h(): float; // Maximum price for 24 hours
    public function getLowPrice24h(): float; // Minimum price for 24 hours
    public function getPrevPrice1h(): float; // Hourly market price an hour ago
    public function getMarkPrice(): float; // Marking price (liquidation occurs according to this indicator)
    public function getIndexPrice(): float; // Index price
    public function getOpenInterests(): float; // Open interest volume for a trading pair
    public function getTurnover24h(): float; // Turnover in 24 hours
    public function getVolume24h(): float; // Cumulative volume for 24 hours
    public function getFundingRate(): float; // Funding rate
    public function getNextFundingTime(): \DateTime; // Time of next funding rate debit
Method Type Description
ITickerInfoResponse::getSymbol() string Trading pair
ITickerInfoResponse::getBidPrice() float Best selling price
ITickerInfoResponse::getAskPrice() float Best purchase price
ITickerInfoResponse::getLastPrice() float Last transaction price
ITickerInfoResponse::getLastTickDirection() string Direction of last price change
ITickerInfoResponse::getPrevPrice24h() float Price 24 hours ago
ITickerInfoResponse::getPrice24hPcnt() float Price change over the last 24 hours as a percentage
ITickerInfoResponse::getHighPrice24h() float Maximum price for 24 hours
ITickerInfoResponse::getLowPrice24h() float Minimum price for 24 hours
ITickerInfoResponse::getPrevPrice1h() float Hourly market price an hour ago
ITickerInfoResponse::getMarkPrice() float Marking price (liquidation occurs according to this indicator)
ITickerInfoResponse::getIndexPrice() float Index price
ITickerInfoResponse::getOpenInterests() float Open interest volume for a trading pair
ITickerInfoResponse::getTurnover24h() float Turnover in 24 hours
ITickerInfoResponse::getVolume24h() float Cumulative volume for 24 hours
ITickerInfoResponse::getFundingRate() float Funding rate
ITickerInfoResponse::getNextFundingTime() DateTime Time of next funding rate debit

Contract - Account - Get Trading Fee Rate

Official documentation

Endpoint returns data on the trading commission rate for ALL symbols

// Endpoint classname


use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\BybitAPI;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Account\GetTradingFeeRate\GetTradingFeeRate;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Account\GetTradingFeeRate\Request\GetTradingFeeRateRequest;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Account\GetTradingFeeRate\Response\GetTradingFeeRateResponse;

$bybit = new BybitAPI('',"apiKey", "secret");

$feeRateData = $bybit->rest(GetTradingFeeRate::class, (new GetTradingFeeRateRequest()))->getBody()->all();
$feeRateData = array_slice($feeRateData, 0, 3);

/** @var GetTradingFeeRateResponse $feeRate */
foreach ($feeRateData as $feeRate) {
    echo "Symbol: {$feeRate->getSymbol()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Taker Fee Rate: {$feeRate->getTakerFeeRate()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Maker Fee Rate: {$feeRate->getMakerFeeRate()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "---" . PHP_EOL;

 * Result:
 * Symbol: CTKUSDT
 * Taker Fee Rate: 0.0006
 * Maker Fee Rate: 0.0001
 * ---
 * Symbol: FILUSDT
 * Taker Fee Rate: 0.0006
 * Maker Fee Rate: 0.0001
 * ---
 * Symbol: BLURUSDT
 * Taker Fee Rate: 0.0006
 * Maker Fee Rate: 0.0001
 * ---


namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Account\GetTradingFeeRate\Interfaces\IGetTradingFeeRateRequestInterface;

interface IGetTradingFeeRateRequestInterface
    public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
Method Required Description
IGetTradingFeeRateRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol): self NO Trading pair


namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Account\GetTradingFeeRate\Interfaces\IGetTradingFeeRateResponseInterface;

interface IGetTradingFeeRateResponseInterface
    public function getSymbol(): string; // Trading pair
    public function getTakerFeeRate(): float; // Taker (buyer) commission
    public function getMakerFeeRate(): float; // Maker (seller) commission
Method Type Description
IGetTradingFeeRateResponseInterface::getSymbol() string Trading pair
IGetTradingFeeRateResponseInterface::getTakerFeeRate() float Taker (buyer) commission
IGetTradingFeeRateResponseInterface::getMakerFeeRate() float Maker (seller) commission

Contract - Account - Wallet Balance

Официальная страница документации

Endpoint returns the derivatives wallet balance, information about assets in each currency, and information about the risk level of the account.
By default, currency information with assets or liabilities equal to 0 is not returned.

// Endpoint classname


use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\BybitAPI;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Account\WalletBalance\WalletBalance;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Account\WalletBalance\Request\WalletBalanceRequest;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Account\WalletBalance\Response\WalletBalanceResponse;

$bybit = new BybitAPI('',"apiKey", "secret");

$walletBalance = $bybit->rest(WalletBalance::class, (new WalletBalanceRequest()))->getBody()->all();
$walletBalance = array_slice($walletBalance, 0, 2);

/** @var WalletBalanceResponse $feeRate */
foreach ($walletBalance as $feeRate) {
    echo "Coin: {$feeRate->getCoin()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Equity: {$feeRate->getEquity()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Wallet Balance: {$feeRate->getWalletBalance()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Position Margin: {$feeRate->getPositionMargin()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Available Balance: {$feeRate->getAvailableBalance()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Order Margin: {$feeRate->getOrderMargin()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Occ Closing Fee: {$feeRate->getOccClosingFee()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Occ Funding Fee: {$feeRate->getOccFundingFee()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Unrealised PnL: {$feeRate->getUnrealisedPnl()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Cumulative Realised PnL: {$feeRate->getCumRealisedPnl()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Given Cash: {$feeRate->getGivenCash()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Service Cash: {$feeRate->getServiceCash()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Account IM: {$feeRate->getAccountIM()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Account MM: {$feeRate->getAccountMM()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "-----" . PHP_EOL;

 * Result:
 * Coin: BTC
 * Equity: 0.2
 * Wallet Balance: 0.2
 * Position Margin: 0
 * Available Balance: 0.2
 * Order Margin: 0
 * Occ Closing Fee: 0
 * Occ Funding Fee: 0
 * Unrealised PnL: 0
 * Cumulative Realised PnL: 0
 * Given Cash: 0
 * Service Cash: 0
 * Account IM:
 * Account MM:
 * -----
 * Coin: ETH
 * Equity: 0
 * Wallet Balance: 0
 * Position Margin: 0
 * Available Balance: 0
 * Order Margin: 0
 * Occ Closing Fee: 0
 * Occ Funding Fee: 0
 * Unrealised PnL: 0
 * Cumulative Realised PnL: 0
 * Given Cash: 0
 * Service Cash: 0
 * Account IM
 * Account MM
 * -----


namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Account\WalletBalance\Interfaces\IWalletBalanceResponseInterface;

interface IWalletBalanceResponseInterface
    public function getCoin(): string; // Coin
    public function getEquity(): float; // Total capital
    public function getWalletBalance(): float; // Wallet balance
    public function getPositionMargin(): float; // Position Margin
    public function getAvailableBalance(): float; // Available balance
    public function getOrderMargin(): float; // Pre-occupied margin
    public function getOccClosingFee(): float; // The fee for closing a position has been charged.
    public function getOccFundingFee(): float; // Pre-financing fee
    public function getUnrealisedPnl(): float; // Unrealized PnL
    public function getCumRealisedPnl(): float; // Cumulative realized PnL (all time)
    public function getGivenCash(): float;
    public function getServiceCash(): float;
    public function getAccountIM(): string; // USDC Account Initial Margin
    public function getAccountMM(): string; // USDC Account Maintenance Margin
Method Type Description
IWalletBalanceResponseInterface::getCoin() string Coin
IWalletBalanceResponseInterface::getEquity() float Total capital
IWalletBalanceResponseInterface::getWalletBalance() float Wallet balance
IWalletBalanceResponseInterface::getPositionMargin() float Position Margin
IWalletBalanceResponseInterface::getAvailableBalance() float Available balance
IWalletBalanceResponseInterface::getOrderMargin() float Pre-occupied margin
IWalletBalanceResponseInterface::getOccClosingFee() float The fee for closing a position has been charged.
Formula: opening fee + expected maximum closing fee
IWalletBalanceResponseInterface::getOccFundingFee() float Pre-financing fee
IWalletBalanceResponseInterface::getUnrealisedPnl() float Unrealized PnL
IWalletBalanceResponseInterface::getCumRealisedPnl() float Cumulative realized PnL (all time)
IWalletBalanceResponseInterface::getGivenCash() float -
IWalletBalanceResponseInterface::getServiceCash() float -
IWalletBalanceResponseInterface::getAccountIM() string USDC Account Initial Margin
IWalletBalanceResponseInterface::getAccountMM() string USDC Account Maintenance Margin

Contract - Account - Order - Place Order

Official documentation

// Endpoint classname


use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\BybitAPI;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Order\PlaceOrder\PlaceOrder;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Order\PlaceOrder\Request\PlaceOrderRequestRequest;
use Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Order\PlaceOrder\Response\PlaceOrderResponse;

$bybit = new BybitAPI('',"apiKey", "apiSecret");

$order = $bybit->rest(PlaceOrder::class,
    (new PlaceOrderRequestRequest())

/** @var PlaceOrderResponse $order */
echo "Order ID: " . $order->getOrderId() . PHP_EOL;
echo "Order Link ID: " . $order->getOrderLinkId() . PHP_EOL;

 * Result:
 * Order ID: b75cea8a-6373-4fbb-b82f-ab36e56dbe85
 * Order Link ID: 64728f00c100d


namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Order\PlaceOrder\Interfaces\IPlaceOrderRequestInterface;

interface IPlaceOrderRequestInterface
    public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
    public function setSide(string $side): self; // Enum: 'Buy' or 'Sell'
    public function setOrderType(string $orderType): self; // Enum: 'Market' or 'Limit'
    public function setQty(float $quantity): self; // Quantity
    public function setTimeInForce(string $timeInForce): self; // Order execution mode. For possible values see official documentation
    public function setPrice(float $price): self; // Limit order price. Leave empty if orderType = Market
    public function setTriggerDirection(int $triggerDirection): self; // Conditional order parameter. Used to determine the expected direction of a conditional order.
    public function setTriggerPrice(string $triggerPrice): self; // Conditional order parameter.
    public function setTriggerBy(string $triggerBy): self; // Trigger price type. Default: LastPrice.
    public function setPositionIdx(int $positionIdx): self; // Position index. Required if hedging mode is enabled.
    public function setOrderLinkId(string $orderLinkId): self; // Custom order ID. Maximum 36 characters.
    public function setTakeProfit(float $takeProfit): self; // Take profit price
    public function setStopLoss(float $stopLoss): self; // Stop loss price
    public function setTpTriggerBy(string $tpTriggerBy): self; // The type of price at which the take profit is activated. Default: LastPrice
    public function setSlTriggerBy(string $slTriggerBy): self; // The type of price at which the stop loss is activated. Default: LastPrice
    public function setReduceOnly(bool $reduceOnly): self; // true - means that your position can only decrease in size if this order is triggered
    public function setSmpType(string $smpType): self; // Execution type SMP.
    public function setCloseOnTrigger(bool $closeOnTrigger): self; // Parameter for closing an order.
    public function setTpslMode(string $tpslMode): self; // TP/SL mode
    public function setTpLimitPrice(string $tpLimitPrice): self; // The limit order price when the take profit price is triggered. Only works when tpslMode=Partial or tpOrderType=Limit.
    public function setSlLimitPrice(string $slLimitPrice): self; // Limit order price when stop loss is triggered. Only works when tpslMode=Partial and slOrderType=Limit.
    public function setTpOrderType(string $tpOrderType): self; // The type of order that triggers the take profit.
    public function setSlOrderType(string $slOrderType): self; // The type of order that triggers the stop loss.
    // ... Getters
Method Required Description
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol) YES Trading pair
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setSide(string $side) YES Enum: 'Buy' or 'Sell'
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setOrderType(string $orderType) YES Enum: 'Market' or 'Limit'
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setQty(float $quantity) YES Quantity
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setTimeInForce(string $timeInForce) YES Order execution mode. For possible values see official documentation
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setPrice(float $price) NO Limit order price. Leave empty if orderType = Market
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setTriggerDirection(int $triggerDirection) NO Conditional order parameter. Used to determine the expected direction of a conditional order.
1: Triggered when the market price rises to the trigger price.
2: Triggered when the market price falls to the trigger price
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setTriggerPrice(string $triggerPrice) NO Conditional order parameter.
If you expect the price to rise and trigger your conditional order, make sure that:
triggerPrice > markPrice
Otherwise, triggerPrice < markPrice
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setTriggerBy(string $triggerBy) NO Trigger price type. Default: LastPrice.
Possible values:
- LastPrice
- MarkPrice
- IndexPrice
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setPositionIdx(int $positionIdx) NO Position index. Required if hedging mode is enabled.
Possible values:
- 0: Unidirectional mode (default)
- 1: Long
- 2: Short
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setOrderLinkId(string $orderLinkId) NO Custom order ID. Maximum 36 characters.
Combinations of numbers, letters (uppercase and lowercase), dashes and underscores are supported.
The OrderLinkId can be reused after the original order is filled or cancelled.
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setTakeProfit(float $takeProfit) NO Take profit price
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setStopLoss(float $stopLoss) NO Stop loss price
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setTpTriggerBy(string $tpTriggerBy) NO The type of price at which the take profit is activated. Default: LastPrice
Possible values:
- LastPrice
- MarkPrice
- IndexPrice
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setSlTriggerBy(string $slTriggerBy) NO The type of price at which the stop loss is activated. Default: LastPrice
Possible values:
- LastPrice
- MarkPrice
- IndexPrice
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setReduceOnly(bool $reduceOnly) NO Description of the parameter in the official documentation
true means that your position can only decrease in size if this order is triggered.
If "reduce_only" is true, then take profit/stop loss cannot be set.
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setSmpType(string $smpType) NO Description of the parameter in the official documentation
Execution type SMP.
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setCloseOnTrigger(bool $closeOnTrigger) NO What is closing with a trigger order?
Parameter for closing an order. This can only reduce your position, but not increase it.
If there is not enough available balance in the account when the close order is triggered,
then other active orders of similar contracts will be canceled or reduced.
It can be used to ensure that your stop loss reduces your position regardless of your current available margin.
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setTpslMode(string $tpslMode) NO TP/SL mode
- Full: entire position by TP/SL. Then tpOrderType or slOrderType should be Market.
- Partial: partial execution of tp/sl. TP/SL limit orders are supported. Note: When creating a tp/sl constraint, the tpslMode parameter is required.
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setTpLimitPrice(string $tpLimitPrice) NO The limit order price when the take profit price is triggered.
Only works when tpslMode=Partial or tpOrderType=Limit.
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setSlLimitPrice(string $slLimitPrice) NO Limit order price when stop loss is triggered.
Only works when tpslMode=Partial and slOrderType=Limit.
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setTpOrderType(string $tpOrderType) NO The type of order that triggers the take profit.
Possible values: Market (- default) or Limit.
For tpslMode=Full only tpOrderType=Market is supported.
IPlaceOrderRequestInterface::setSlOrderType(string $slOrderType) NO The type of order that triggers the stop loss.
Possible values: Market (- default) or Limit.
For tpslMode=Full only tpOrderType=Market is supported.


namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Order\PlaceOrder\Interfaces\IPlaceOrderResponseInterface;

interface IPlaceOrderResponseInterface
    public function getOrderId(): ?string; // Order ID
    public function getOrderLinkId(): string; // Custom Order ID
Method Type Description
IPlaceOrderResponseInterface::getOrderId() string Order ID
IPlaceOrderResponseInterface::getOrderLinkId() string Custom Order ID

Contract - Account - Order - Cancel All Order

Official documentation

This endpoint allows you to cancel all open orders.




namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Order\CancelAllOrder\Interfaces;

interface ICancelAllOrderRequestInterface
    public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
    public function setBaseCoin(string $baseCoin): self; // Cancel all open orders for the base coin
    public function setSettleCoin(string $settleCoin): self; // Cancel all open orders with settlement coin
    // .. Getters
Method Required Description
ICancelAllOrderRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol) NO Trading pair
ICancelAllOrderRequestInterface::setBaseCoin(string $baseCoin) NO Cancel all open orders for the base coin
ICancelAllOrderRequestInterface::setSettleCoin(string $settleCoin) NO Cancel all open orders with settlement coin


The result is a numbered array of objects that implement the ICancelAllOrder ResponseInterface interface

namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Order\CancelAllOrder\Interfaces;

interface ICancelAllOrderResponseInterface
    public function getOrderId(): string; // Order ID
    public function getOrderLinkId(): string; // Custom Order ID
Method Type Description
ICancelAllOrderResponseInterface::getOrderId() string Order ID
ICancelAllOrderResponseInterface::getOrderLinkId() string Custom Order ID

Contract - Account - Order - Cancel Order

Official documentation

This endpoint allows you to cancel the specified open order.

You can cancel the specified partially completed order.


namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Order\CancelOrder\Interfaces;

interface ICancelOrderRequestInterface
    public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
    public function setOrderId(string $orderId): self; // Order ID
    public function setOrderLinkId(string $orderLinkId): self; // Custom order ID
    // ... Getters
Method Required Description
ICancelOrderRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol) NO Trading pair
ICancelOrderRequestInterface::setOrderId(string $orderId) NO Order ID
ICancelOrderRequestInterface::setOrderLinkId(string $orderLinkId) NO Custom order ID


namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Order\CancelOrder\Interfaces;

interface ICancelOrderResponseInterface
    public function getOrderId(): string; // Order ID
    public function getOrderLinkId(): string; // Custom Order ID
Method Type Description
ICancelOrderResponseInterface::getOrderId() string Order ID
ICancelOrderResponseInterface::getOrderLinkId() string Custom Order ID

Contract - Account - Order - Get Open Orders

Official documentation

Endpoint returns data on open or partially filled orders in real time.

If neither orderId nor orderLinkId is passed, no more than 500 open or partially filled orders will be returned. Entries are sorted by creation time from newest to oldest.




namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Order\GetOpenOrders\Interfaces;

interface IGetOpenOrdersRequestInterface
    public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
    public function setBaseCoin(string $baseCoin): self; // Base token
    public function setSettleCoin(string $settleCoin): self; // Settle coin
    public function setOrderId(string $orderId): self; // Order ID
    public function setOrderLinkId(string $orderLinkId): self; // Custom order ID
    public function setOrderFilter(string $orderFilter): self; // Possible values: Order: active order, StopOrder: conditional order
    public function setCursor(string $cursor): self; // Next page cursor
    // .. Getters
Method Required Description
IGetOpenOrdersRequestInterface::setBaseCoin(string $baseCoin) NO Base token
IGetOpenOrdersRequestInterface::setSettleCoin(string $settleCoin) NO Settle coin
IGetOpenOrdersRequestInterface::setOrderId(string $orderId) NO Order ID
IGetOpenOrdersRequestInterface::setOrderLinkId(string $orderLinkId) NO Custom order ID
IGetOpenOrdersRequestInterface::setOrderFilter(string $orderFilter) NO Possible values: Order: active order, StopOrder: conditional order
IGetOpenOrdersRequestInterface::setCursor(string $cursor) NO Next page cursor


namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Order\GetOpenOrders\Interfaces;

interface IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface
    public function getSymbol(): string; // Trading pair
    public function getOrderId(): string; // Order ID
    public function getOrderLinkId(): string; // Custom Order ID
    public function getSide(): string; // Side. Buy,Sell
    public function getOrderType(): string; // Order type. Market,Limit. For TP/SL order, it means the order type after triggered
    public function getPrice(): float; // Order price
    public function getQty(): float; // Order qty
    public function getTimeInForce(): string; // Time in force
    public function getOrderStatus(): string; // Order status
    public function getLastPriceOnCreated(): string; // Last price when create the order
    public function getCreatedTime(): \DateTime; // Created timestamp
    public function getUpdatedTime(): \DateTime; // Updated timestamp
    public function getCancelType(): string; // Cancel type
    public function getStopOrderType(): string; // Stop order type
    public function getTriggerDirection(): int; // 1: rise, 2: fall
    public function getTriggerBy(): string; // The trigger type of trigger price
    public function getTriggerPrice(): ?float; // Trigger price
    public function getCumExecValue(): float; //  Cumulative executed position value
    public function getCumExecFee(): float; // Cumulative trading fee
    public function getCumExecQty(): float; // Cumulative executed qty
    public function getLeavesValue(): float; // The remaining value waiting to be traded
    public function getLeavesQty(): float; // The remaining quantity waiting to be traded
    public function getTakeProfit(): float; // Take profit price
    public function getStopLoss(): float; // Stop loss price
    public function getTpslMode(): string; // TP/SL mode, Full: entire position for TP/SL. Partial: partial position tp/sl
    public function getTpLimitPrice(): float; // The limit order price when take profit price is triggered
    public function getSlLimitPrice(): float; // The limit order price when stop loss price is triggered
    public function getTpTriggerBy(): string; // Trigger type of take profit
    public function getSlTriggerBy(): string; // The limit order price when stop loss price is triggered
    public function isReduceOnly(): bool; // Reduce only. true means reduce position size
    public function isCloseOnTrigger(): bool; // Close on trigger. What is a close on trigger order?
    public function getSmpType(): string; // SMP execution type
    public function getSmpGroup(): int; // Smp group ID. If the uid has no group, it is 0 by default
    public function getSmpOrderId(): string; // The counterparty's orderID which triggers this SMP execution
Method Type Description
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getSymbol() string Trading pair
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getOrderId() string Order ID
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getOrderLinkId() string Custom Order ID
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getSide() string Side. Buy,Sell
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getOrderType() string Order type. Market,Limit. For TP/SL order, it means the order type after triggered
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getPrice() float Order price
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getQty() float Order qty
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getTimeInForce() string Time in force
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getLastPriceOnCreated() string Last price when create the order
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getCreatedTime() DateTime Created timestamp (ms)
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getUpdatedTime() DateTime Updated timestamp (ms)
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getCancelType() string Cancel type
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getStopOrderType() string Stop order type
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getTriggerDirection() int 1: rise, 2: fall
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getTriggerBy() string The trigger type of trigger price
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getTriggerPrice() null|float Trigger price
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getCumExecValue() float Cumulative executed position value
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getCumExecFee() float Cumulative trading fee
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getCumExecQty() float Cumulative executed qty
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getLeavesValue() float The remaining value waiting to be traded
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getLeavesQty() float The remaining quantity waiting to be traded
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getTakeProfit() float Take profit price
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getStopLoss() float Stop loss price
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getTpslMode() string TP/SL mode, Full: entire position for TP/SL. Partial: partial position tp/sl
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getSlTriggerBy() string The limit order price when stop loss price is triggered
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::isReduceOnly() bool Reduce only. true means reduce position size
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::isCloseOnTrigger() string Close on trigger. What is a close on trigger order?
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getSmpType() string SMP execution type
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getSmpGroup() string Smp group ID. If the uid has no group, it is 0 by default
IGetOpenOrdersResponseInterface::getSmpOrderId() string The counterparty's orderID which triggers this SMP execution

Contract - Account - Order - Get Order List

Official documentation

List of orders

Since order creation/cancellation is asynchronous, the data returned from this endpoint may be delayed.




namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Order\GetOrderList\Interfaces;

interface IGetOrderListRequestInterface
    public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
    public function setOrderId(string $orderId): self; // Order ID
    public function setOrderLinkId(string $orderLinkId): self; // Custom order ID
    public function setOrderStatus(string $orderStatus): self; // Order status. Return all status orders if not passed
    public function setOrderFilter(string $orderFilter): self; // Possible values: Order: active order, StopOrder: conditional order
    public function setLimit(int $limit): self; // Limit for data size per page. [1, 50]. Default: 20
    public function setCursor(string $cursor): self; // Next page cursor
    // .. getters
Method Required Description
IGetOrderListRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol) NO Trading pair
IGetOrderListRequestInterface::setOrderId(string $orderId) NO order ID
IGetOrderListRequestInterface::setOrderLinkId(string $orderLinkId) NO Custom order ID
IGetOrderListRequestInterface::setOrderStatus(string $orderStatus) NO Order status. Return all status orders if not passed
IGetOrderListRequestInterface::setOrderFilter(string $orderFilter) NO Possible values: Order: active order, StopOrder: conditional order
IGetOrderListRequestInterface::setLimit(int $limit) NO Limit for data size per page. [1, 50]. Default: 20
IGetOrderListRequestInterface::setCursor(string $cursor) NO Next page cursor


namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Order\GetOrderList\Interfaces;

interface IGetOrderListResponseInterface
    public function getSymbol(): string; // Trading pair
    public function getOrderId(): string; // Order ID
    public function getOrderLinkId(): string; // Custom Order ID
    public function getSide(): string; // Buy,Sell
    public function getOrderType(): string; // Order type. Market,Limit. For TP/SL order, it means the order type after triggered
    public function getPrice(): float; // Order price
    public function getQty(): float; // Order quantity
    public function getTimeInForce(): string; // Time in force
    public function getOrderStatus(): string; // Order status
    public function getLastPriceOnCreated(): string; // Last price when place the order
    public function getCreatedTime(): \DateTime; // Order created timestamp
    public function getUpdatedTime(): \DateTime; // Order updated timestamp
    public function getCancelType(): string; // Cancel type
    public function getStopOrderType(): string; // Stop order type
    public function getTriggerDirection(): int; // Trigger direction. 1: rise, 2: fall
    public function getTriggerBy(): string; // The trigger type of trigger price
    public function getTriggerPrice(): ?float; // Trigger price
    public function getCumExecValue(): float; // Cumulative executed order value
    public function getCumExecFee(): float; // Cumulative executed trading fee
    public function getCumExecQty(): float; // Cumulative executed order qty
    public function getLeavesValue(): float; // The estimated value not executed
    public function getLeavesQty(): float; // The remaining qty not executed
    public function getTakeProfit(): float; // Take profit price
    public function getStopLoss(): float; // Stop loss price
    public function getTpslMode(): string; // TP/SL mode, Full: entire position for TP/SL. Partial: partial position tp/sl
    public function getTpLimitPrice(): float; // The limit order price when take profit price is triggered
    public function getSlLimitPrice(): float; // The limit order price when stop loss price is triggered
    public function getTpTriggerBy(): string; // The price type to trigger take profit
    public function getSlTriggerBy(): string; // The price type to trigger stop loss
    public function isReduceOnly(): bool; // Reduce only. true means reduce position size
    public function isCloseOnTrigger(): bool; // Close on trigger
    public function getSmpType(): string; // SMP execution type
    public function getSmpGroup(): int; // Smp group ID. If the uid has no group, it is 0 by default
    public function getSmpOrderId(): string; // The counterparty's orderID which triggers this SMP execution
Method Type Description
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getSymbol() string Trading pair
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getOrderId() string Order ID
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getOrderLinkId() string Custom Order ID
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getSide() string Buy,Sell
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getOrderType() string Order type. Market,Limit. For TP/SL order, it means the order type after triggered
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getPrice() float Order price
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getQty() float Order quantity
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getTimeInForce() string Time in force
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getLastPriceOnCreated() string Last price when place the order
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getCreatedTime() DateTime Order created timestamp (ms)
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getUpdatedTime() DateTime Order updated timestamp (ms)
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getCancelType() string Cancel type
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getStopOrderType() string Stop order type
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getTriggerDirection() int Trigger direction. 1: rise, 2: fall
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getTriggerBy() string The trigger type of trigger price
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getTriggerPrice() null|float Trigger price
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getCumExecValue() float Cumulative executed order value
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getCumExecFee() float Cumulative executed trading fee
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getCumExecQty() float Cumulative executed order qty
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getLeavesValue() float The estimated value not executed
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getLeavesQty() float The remaining qty not executed
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getTakeProfit() float Take profit price
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getStopLoss() float Stop loss price
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getTpslMode() string TP/SL mode, Full: entire position for TP/SL. Partial: partial position tp/sl
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getSlTriggerBy() string The price type to trigger stop loss
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::isReduceOnly() bool Reduce only. true means reduce position size
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::isCloseOnTrigger() string Close on trigger
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getSmpType() string SMP execution type
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getSmpGroup() string Smp group ID. If the uid has no group, it is 0 by default
IGetOrderListResponseInterface::getSmpOrderId() string The counterparty's orderID which triggers this SMP execution

Contract - Account - Order - Replace Order

Official documentation

Order modification

You can change open or partially filled orders.




namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Order\ReplaceOrder\Interfaces;

interface IReplaceOrderRequestInterface
    public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
    public function setOrderId(string $orderId): self; // Order ID
    public function setOrderLinkId(string $orderLinkId): self; // Custom order ID
    public function setPrice(float $price): self; // New order price
    public function setQty(float $qty): self; // New order quantity
    public function setTriggerPrice(float $triggerPrice): self; // Setting/changing trigger price
    public function setTakeProfit(float $takeProfit): self; // Setting/changing take profit
    public function setStopLoss(float $stopLoss): self; // Setting/changing stop loss
    public function setTpTriggerBy(string $tpTriggerBy): self; // The price type to trigger take profit. When set a take profit, this param is required if no initial value for the order
    public function setSlTriggerBy(string $slTriggerBy): self; // The price type to trigger stop loss. When set a stop loss, this param is required if no initial value for the order
    public function setTriggerBy(string $triggerBy): self; // Trigger price type. LastPrice, IndexPrice, MarkPrice, LastPrice
    public function setTpLimitPrice(float $tpLimitPrice): self; // Limit order price when take profit is triggered. Only working when original order sets partial limit tp/sl
    // .. Getters
Method Required Description
IReplaceOrderRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol) NO Trading pair
IReplaceOrderRequestInterface::setOrderId(string $orderId) NO Order ID
IReplaceOrderRequestInterface::setOrderLinkId(string $orderLinkId) NO Custom order ID
IReplaceOrderRequestInterface::setPrice(float $price) NO New order price
IReplaceOrderRequestInterface::setQty(float $qty) NO New order quantity
IReplaceOrderRequestInterface::setTriggerPrice(float $triggerPrice) NO Setting/changing trigger price
IReplaceOrderRequestInterface::setTakeProfit(float $takeProfit) NO Setting/changing take profit
IReplaceOrderRequestInterface::setStopLoss(float $stopLoss) NO Setting/changing stop loss
IReplaceOrderRequestInterface::setTpTriggerBy(string $tpTriggerBy) NO The price type to trigger take profit. When set a take profit, this param is required if no initial value for the order
IReplaceOrderRequestInterface::setSlTriggerBy(string $slTriggerBy) NO The price type to trigger stop loss. When set a stop loss, this param is required if no initial value for the order
IReplaceOrderRequestInterface::setTriggerBy(string $triggerBy) NO Trigger price type. LastPrice, IndexPrice, MarkPrice, LastPrice
IReplaceOrderRequestInterface::setTpLimitPrice(float $tpLimitPrice) NO Limit order price when take profit is triggered. Only working when original order sets partial limit tp/sl


namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Order\ReplaceOrder\Interfaces;

interface IReplaceOrderResponseInterface
    public function getOrderId(): string;
    public function getOrderLinkId(): string;
Method Type Description
IReplaceOrderRequestInterface::getOrderId() string Order ID
IReplaceOrderRequestInterface::getOrderLinkId() string User customised order id

Contract - Position - Get Closed PnL

Official documentation

Request information about closed positions with data on the user's profits and losses.

The result is sorted by createdAt in descending order.




namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Position\GetClosedPnL\Interfaces;

interface IGetClosedPnLRequestInterface
    public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
    public function setStartTime(int $startTime): self; // Lower limit of the date from which to take records
    public function setEndTime(int $endTime): self; // Upper limit of the date from which to take records
    public function setLimit(int $limit): self; // Record limit per request
    public function setCursor(string $cursor): self; // Next page cursor
    // .. Getters
Method Required Description
IGetClosedPnLRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol) YES Trading pair
IGetClosedPnLRequestInterface::setStartTime(int $startTime) NO Lower limit of the date from which to take records
IGetClosedPnLRequestInterface::setEndTime(int $endTime) NO Upper limit of the date from which to take records
IGetClosedPnLRequestInterface::setLimit(int $limit) NO Record limit per request
IGetClosedPnLRequestInterface::setCursor(string $cursor) NO Next page cursor


namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Position\GetClosedPnL\Interfaces;

interface IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface
    public function getSymbol(): string; // Trading pair
    public function getOrderId(): string; // order ID
    public function getSide(): string; // Order direction
    public function getQty(): float; // Order volume
    public function getLeverage(): float; // Leverage
    public function getOrderPrice(): float; // Order price
    public function getOrderType(): string; // Order type. Market,Limit
    public function getExecType(): string; // Execution type
    public function getClosedSize(): float; // Closed size
    public function getCumEntryValue(): float; // Cumulated entry position value
    public function getAvgEntryPrice(): float; // Average entry price
    public function getCumExitValue(): float; // Cumulated exit position value
    public function getAvgExitPrice(): float; // Average exit price
    public function getClosedPnl(): float; // Closed PnL
    public function getFillCount(): int; // The number of fills in a single order
    public function getCreatedAt(): \DateTime; // The created time
Method Type Description
IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface::getSymbol() string Trading pair
IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface::getOrderId() string order ID
IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface::getSide() string Order direction
IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface::getQty() float Order volume
IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface::getLeverage() float Leverage
IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface::getOrderPrice() float Order price
IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface::getExecType() string Execution type
IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface::getClosedSize() float Closed size
IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface::getCumEntryValue() float Cumulated entry position value
IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface::getAvgEntryPrice() float Average entry price
IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface::getCumExitValue() float Cumulated exit position value
IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface::getAvgExitPrice() float Average exit price
IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface::getClosedPnl() float Closed PnL
IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface::getFillCount() float The number of fills in a single order
IGetClosedPnLResponseInterface::getCreatedAt() DateTime The created time

Contract - Position - Get Execution List

Official documentation

List of executed user orders, sorted by execution time in descending order. Supports USDT perpetual currency pairs

A user can have multiple executions in one order.




namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Position\GetExecutionList\Interfaces;

interface IGetExecutionListRequestInterface
     public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
     public function setStartTime(int $startTime): self; // Lower limit of the date from which to take records
     public function setEndTime(int $endTime): self; // Upper limit of the date from which to take records
     public function setLimit(int $limit): self; // Record limit per request
     public function setCursor(string $cursor): self; // Next page cursor
     // .. Getters
Method Required Description
IGetExecutionListRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol) YES Trading pair
IGetExecutionListRequestInterface::setStartTime(int $startTime) NO Lower limit of the date from which to take records
IGetExecutionListRequestInterface::setEndTime(int $endTime) NO Upper limit of the date from which to take records
IGetExecutionListRequestInterface::setLimit(int $limit) NO Record limit per request
IGetExecutionListRequestInterface::setCursor(string $cursor) NO Next page cursor


namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Position\GetExecutionList\Interfaces;

interface IGetExecutionListResponseInterface
     public function getSymbol(): string; // Trading pair
     public function getOrderId(): string; // order ID
     public function getSide(): string; // Order direction
     public function getQty(): float; // Order volume
     public function getLeverage(): float; // Leverage
     public function getOrderPrice(): float; // Order price
     public function getOrderType(): string; // Market,Limit
     public function getExecType(): string; // Execution type
     public function getClosedSize(): float; // Close size
     public function getCumEntryValue(): float; //
     public function getAvgEntryPrice(): float; //
     public function getCumExitValue(): float; //
     public function getAvgExitPrice(): float; //
     public function getClosedPnl(): float; //
     public function getFillCount(): int; //
     public function getCreatedAt(): \DateTime; //
Method Type Description
IGetExecutionListResponseInterface::getSymbol() string Trading pair
IGetExecutionListResponseInterface::getOrderId() string order ID
IGetExecutionListResponseInterface::getSide() string Order direction
IGetExecutionListResponseInterface::getQty() float Order volume
IGetExecutionListResponseInterface::getLeverage() float Leverage
IGetExecutionListResponseInterface::getOrderPrice() float Order price
IGetExecutionListResponseInterface::getExecType() string Execution type
IGetExecutionListResponseInterface::getClosedSize() float Close size
IGetExecutionListResponseInterface::getCumEntryValue() float -
IGetExecutionListResponseInterface::getAvgEntryPrice() float -
IGetExecutionListResponseInterface::getCumExitValue() float -
IGetExecutionListResponseInterface::getAvgExitPrice() float -
IGetExecutionListResponseInterface::getClosedPnl() float -
IGetExecutionListResponseInterface::getFillCount() float -
IGetExecutionListResponseInterface::getCreatedAt() DateTime -

Contract - Position - My Position

Official documentation page

Getting a list of the user's open positions




namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Position\MyPosition\Interfaces;

interface IMyPositionRequestInterface
     public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
     public function setSettleCoin(string $symbol): self; // Calculation coin
     // .. Getters
Method Required Description
IMyPositionRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol) NO Trading pair
IMyPositionRequestInterface::setSettleCoin(string $symbol) NO Calculation coin


namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Position\MyPosition\Interfaces;

interface IMyPositionResponseInterface
     public function getSymbol(): string; // Trading pair
     public function getSide(): string; // Side. Buy, Sell. Return None when zero position of one-way mode
     public function getSize(): float; // Position size
     public function getEntryPrice(): float; // Entry price
     public function getLeverage(): float; // leverage
     public function getPositionValue(): float; // Position value
     public function getPositionIdx(): int; // Position index
     public function getRiskId(): int; // Risk limit id
     public function getRiskLimitValue(): string; // Position limit value corresponding to the risk id
     public function getTradeMode(): int; // 0: cross margin mode. 1: isolated margin mode
     public function getAutoAddMargin(): int; // 0: false. 1: true
     public function getPositionBalance(): float; // Position margin
     public function getLiqPrice(): float; // Estimated liquidation price. It returns value only when minPrice < liqPrice < maxPrice
     public function getBustPrice(): float; // Estimated bankruptcy price
     public function getTpSlMode(): string; // Depreciated, meaningless here, always "Full"
     public function getTakeProfit(): float; // Take profit price
     public function getStopLoss(): float; // Stop loss price
     public function getCreatedTime(): \DateTime; // Position created timestamp
     public function getUpdatedTime(): \DateTime; // Position data updated timestamp
     public function getTrailingStop(): string; // Trailing stop
     public function getActivePrice(): float; // Activate price of trailing stop
     public function getMarkPrice(): float; // Real-time mark price
     public function getUnrealizedPnl(): float; // unrealised PNL
     public function getCumRealisedPnl(): float; // cumulative realised PNL
     public function getPositionMM(): float; // Position maintenance margin
     public function getPositionIM(): float; // Position initial margin
     public function getPositionStatus(): string; // Position status
     public function getSessionAvgPrice(): float; // Settlement price
     public function getOccClosingFee(): float; // Pre-occupancy closing fee
     public function getAdlRankIndicator(): int; // Auto-deleverage rank indicator.
Method Type Description
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getSymbol() string Trading pair
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getSide() string Side. Buy, Sell. Return None when zero position of one-way mode
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getSize() float Position size
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getEntryPrice() float Entry price
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getLeverage() float leverage
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getPositionValue() float Position value
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getPositionIdx() int Position index
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getRiskId() int Risk limit id
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getRiskLimitValue() string Position limit value corresponding to the risk id
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getTradeMode() int 0: cross margin mode. 1: isolated margin mode
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getAutoAddMargin() int 0: false. 1: true
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getPositionBalance() float Position margin
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getLiqPrice() float Estimated liquidation price. It returns value only when minPrice < liqPrice < maxPrice
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getBustPrice() float Estimated bankruptcy price
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getTpSlMode() string Depreciated, meaningless here, always "Full"
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getTakeProfit() float Take profit price
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getStopLoss() float Stop loss price
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getCreatedTime() DateTime Position created timestamp
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getUpdatedTime() DateTime Position data updated timestamp
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getTrailingStop() string Trailing stop
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getActivePrice() float Activate price of trailing stop
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getMarkPrice() float Real-time mark price
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getUnrealisedPnl() float unrealised PNL
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getCumRealisedPnl() float cumulative realised PNL
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getPositionMM() float Position maintenance margin
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getPositionIM() float Position initial margin
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getPositionStatus() string Position status
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getSessionAvgPrice() float Settlement price
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getOccClosingFee() float Pre-occupancy closing fee
IMyPositionResponseInterface::getAdlRankIndicator() string Auto-deleverage rank indicator

Contract - Position - Set Auto Add Margin

Official documentation

Enable/disable automatic addition of position margin. To understand more, please read here




namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Position\SetAutoAddMargin\Interfaces;

interface ISetAutoAddMarginRequestInterface
     public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
     public function setSide(string $side): self; // Side. Buy,Sell
     public function setAutoAddMargin(int $autoAddMargin): self; // Turn on/off auto add margin. 0: off. 1: on
     public function setPositionIdx(int $positionIdx): self; // Position index
     // .. Getters
Method Required Description
ISetAutoAddMarginRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol) YES Trading pair
ISetAutoAddMarginRequestInterface::setSide(string $side) YES Side. Buy,Sell
ISetAutoAddMarginRequestInterface::setAutoAddMargin(int $autoAddMargin) YES Turn on/off auto add margin. 0: off. 1: on
ISetAutoAddMarginRequestInterface::setPositionIdx(int $positionIdx) YES Position index


Endpoint returns an empty array as a successful response

Contract - Position - Set Leverage

Official documentation

Set position leverage




namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Position\SetLeverage\Interfaces;

interface ISetLeverageRequestInterface
     public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
     public function setBuyLeverage(float $buyLeverage): self; // (0, max leverage of corresponding risk limit]. For one-way mode, make sure buyLeverage=sellLeverage
     public function setSellLeverage(float $sellLeverage): self; // (0, max leverage of corresponding risk limit]. For one-way mode, make sure buyLeverage=sellLeverage 
     // .. Getters
Method Required Description
ISetLeverageRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol) YES Trading pair
ISetLeverageRequestInterface::setBuyLeverage(float $buyLeverage) YES (0, max leverage of corresponding risk limit]. For one-way mode, make sure buyLeverage=sellLeverage
ISetLeverageRequestInterface::setSellLeverage(float $sellLeverage) YES (0, max leverage of corresponding risk limit]. For one-way mode, make sure buyLeverage=sellLeverage


Endpoint returns an empty array as a successful response

Contract - Position - Set Risk Limit

Official documentation

The risk limit will limit the maximum position amount you can hold under various margin requirements.
If you want to hold a larger position, you will need more margin.
This request can set the risk limit for a single position. If an order is placed above the current risk limit, it will be rejected.




namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Position\SetRiskLimit\Interfaces;

interface ISetRiskLimitRequestInterface
     public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
     public function setRiskId(int $riskId): self; // Risk limit id
     public function setPositionIdx(int $positionIdx): self; // Used to identify positions in different position modes

     // .. Getters
Method Required Description
ISetRiskLimitRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol) YES Trading pair
ISetRiskLimitRequestInterface::setRiskId(int $riskId) YES Risk limit id
ISetRiskLimitRequestInterface::setPositionIdx(int $positionIdx) YES Used to identify positions in different position modes. For hedge-mode, this param is required 0: one-way mode 1: hedge-mode Buy side 2: hedge-mode Sell side


Endpoint returns an empty array as a successful response

Contract - Position - Set Trading Stop

Official documentation

The request sets the value of take profit, stop loss or trailing

Passing these parameters will create conditional orders within the system.

The system will cancel these orders if the position is closed and adjust the quantity according to the size of the open position.

Supports USDT and USDC Perpetual. Note: USDC Perpetual does not support partial TP/SL mode.




namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Position\SetTradingStop\Interfaces;

interface ISetTradingStopRequestInterface
     public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
     public function setTakeProfit(float $takeProfit): self; // Cannot be less than 0, 0 means cancel TP. Partial TP/SL cannot be cancelled by set it 0
     public function setStopLoss(float $stopLoss): self; // Cannot be less than 0, 0 means cancel SL. Partial TP/SL cannot be cancelled by set it 0
     public function setTpslMode(string $tpslMode): self; // TP/SL mode
     public function setTpSize(float $tpSize): self; // Take profit size. Valid in TP/SL partial mode only. Note: the value of tpSize and slSize must equal
     public function setSlSize(float $slSize): self; // Stop loss size. Valid in TP/SL partial mode only. Note: the value of tpSize and slSize must equal
     public function setTpTriggerBy(string $tpTriggerBy): self; // Take profit trigger price type. default: LastPrice
     public function setSlTriggerBy(string $slTriggerBy): self; // Stop loss trigger price type. default: LastPrice
     public function setTrailingStop(float $trailingStop): self; // Cannot be less than 0, 0 means cancel TS
     public function setActivePrice(float $activePrice): self; // Trailing stop trigger price. Trailing stop will be triggered when this price is reached only 
     public function setTpLimitPrice(float $tpLimitPrice): self; // The limit order price when take profit price is triggered. Only works when tpslMode=Partial and tpOrderType=Limit
     public function setSlLimitPrice(float $slLimitPrice): self; // The limit order price when stop loss price is triggered. Only works when tpslMode=Partial and slOrderType=Limit
     public function setTpOrderType(string $tpOrderType): self; // The order type when take profit is triggered. Market(default), Limit. For tpslMode=Full, it only supports tpOrderType=Market
     public function setSlOrderType(string $slOrderType): self; // The order type when take profit is triggered
     public function setPositionIdx(int $positionIdx): self; // Used to identify positions in different position modes. For hedge-mode, this param is required

     // .. Getters
Method Required Description
:: setSymbol(string $symbol) YES Trading pair
:: setTakeProfit(float $takeProfit) NO Cannot be less than 0, 0 means cancel TP. Partial TP/SL cannot be cancelled by set it 0
:: setStopLoss(float $stopLoss) NO Cannot be less than 0, 0 means cancel SL. Partial TP/SL cannot be cancelled by set it 0
:: setTpslMode(string $tpslMode) NO TP/SL mode. Full: entire position TP/SL, Partial: partial position TP/SL. As each contract has an initial full TP/SL mode, if it has been modified before, it may be partial. Therefore, if not provided, the system will automatically retrieve the current TP/SL mode configuration for the contract.
:: setTpSize(float $tpSize) NO Take profit size. Valid in TP/SL partial mode only. Note: the value of tpSize and slSize must equal
:: setSlSize(float $slSize) NO Stop loss size. Valid in TP/SL partial mode only. Note: the value of tpSize and slSize must equal
:: setTpTriggerBy(string $tpTriggerBy) NO Take profit trigger price type. default: LastPrice
:: setSlTriggerBy(string $slTriggerBy) NO Stop loss trigger price type. default: LastPrice
:: setTrailingStop(float $trailingStop) NO Cannot be less than 0, 0 means cancel TS
::setActivePrice(float $activePrice) NO Trailing stop trigger price. Trailing stop will be triggered when this price is reached only
:: setTpLimitPrice(float $tpLimitPrice) NO The limit order price when take profit price is triggered. Only works when tpslMode=Partial and tpOrderType=Limit
:: setSlLimitPrice(float $slLimitPrice) NO The limit order price when stop loss price is triggered. Only works when tpslMode=Partial and slOrderType=Limit
:: setTpOrderType(string $tpOrderType) NO The order type when take profit is triggered. Market(default), Limit. For tpslMode=Full, it only supports tpOrderType=Market
:: setSlOrderType(string $slOrderType) NO The order type when stop loss is triggered. Market(default), Limit. For tpslMode=Full, it only supports slOrderType=Market
::setPositionIdx(int $positionIdx) NO Used to identify positions in different position modes. For hedge-mode, this param is required 0: one-way mode 1: hedge-mode Buy side 2: hedge-mode Sell side


Endpoint returns an empty array as a successful response

Contract - Position - Switch Cross Isolated Margin

Official documentation

The request changes the margin mode (Cross or Isolated)




namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Position\SwitchCrossIsolatedMargin\Interfaces;

interface ISwitchCrossIsolatedMarginRequestInterface
     public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
     public function setTradeMode(int $tradeMode): self; // 0: cross margin. 1: isolated margin
     public function setBuyLeverage(float $buyLeverage): self; // Buy side leverage. Make sure buyLeverage equals to sellLeverage
     public function setSellLeverage(float $sellLeverage): self; // Sell side leverage. Make sure buyLeverage equals to sellLeverage
     // .. Getters
Method Required Description
ISwitchCrossIsolatedMarginRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol) YES Trading pair
ISwitchCrossIsolatedMarginRequestInterface::setTradeMode(int $tradeMode) YES 0: cross margin. 1: isolated margin
ISwitchCrossIsolatedMarginRequestInterface::setBuyLeverage(float $buyLeverage) YES Buy side leverage. Make sure buyLeverage equals to sellLeverage
ISwitchCrossIsolatedMarginRequestInterface::setSellLeverage(float $sellLeverage) YES Sell side leverage. Make sure buyLeverage equals to sellLeverage


Endpoint returns an empty array as a successful response

Contract - Position - Switch Position Mode

Official documentation

The request supports position mode switching for perpetual and inverse USDT futures.
If you are in one-way mode, you can only open one position on the buy or sell side.
If you are in hedging mode, you can open buy and sell positions simultaneously.




namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Position\SwitchPositionMode\Interfaces;

interface ISwitchPositionModeRequestInterface
     public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
     public function setCoin(string $coin): self; // Coin
     public function setPositionMode(int $positionMode): self; // Position mode. 0: Merged Single. 3: Both Side
     // .. Getters
Method Required Description
ISwitchPositionModeRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol) NO Trading pair
ISwitchPositionModeRequestInterface::setCoin(string $coin) NO Coin
ISwitchPositionModeRequestInterface::setPositionMode(int $positionMode) YES Position mode. 0: Merged Single. 3: Both Side


Endpoint returns an empty array as a successful response

Contract - Position - Switch TpSl Mode

Official documentation

The request sets the implicit tpsl mode for a specific trading instrument. It makes sense to use if you did not pass “tpslMode” in the order when placing or in a request to stop trading, because in this case the system will set tpslMode by default.




namespace Carpenstar\ByBitAPI\Derivatives\Contract\Position\SwitchTpSlMode\Interfaces;

interface ISwitchTpSlModeRequestInterface
     public function setSymbol(string $symbol): self; // Trading pair
     public function setTpSlMode(string $tpSlMode): self; // Full: set TP/SL to full position. Partial: set TP/SL to partial mode
     // .. Getters
Method Required Description
ISwitchTpSlModeRequestInterface::setSymbol(string $symbol) YES Trading pair
ISwitchTpSlModeRequestInterface::setTpSlMode(string $tpSlMode) YES Full: set TP/SL to full position. Partial: set TP/SL to partial mode


Endpoint returns an empty array as a successful response