
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
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Find namespaces in PHP projects using this php cli tool

0.1.0 2016-03-20 12:13 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-22 02:07:03 UTC


This PHP CLI software simplifies searching and finding class names and interface's Namespaces.

Installation - manual

Copy the raw contents of the fns file and place it in your software/framework root folder. Run it by opening a terminal and executing php fns

Installation - composer

Add carlhannes/find-namespace-php to your composer.json

"require": {
    "carlhannes/find-namespace-php": "*"

Run it by opening a terminal and using php vendor/carlhannes/find-namespace-php/fns, it should find out your working directory by default. Otherwise you can use CD.


When running, it will start an interactive shell where you can search for classes. Type help for a complete list of commands.

  • cd <path> change current working directory (when no path, same as pwd)
  • clear clear the screen (shorthandles: cls)
  • copy <index> copy an item after using find (shorthandles: c, get, g)
  • config to view the current configuration (shorthandles: cfg)
  • exit to exit the application (shorthandles: quit, end, q)
  • find <search> to search for a class or interface with a namespace (shorthandles: f)
  • help list commands
  • list list all FQCNS (shorthandles: l)
  • ls list items in current directory (shorthandles: dir)
  • pwd show the full path of the current working directory
  • reload reload the cache/db (shorthandles: r)
  • toggle <var> toggle a var from config on or off (shorthandles: t)


php fns
laravel fns > find view
   [0] => Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ViewPublishCommand
   [1] => Illuminate\Foundation\ViewPublisher
   [2] => Illuminate\Support\Facades\View
laravel fns > copy 2 
Illuminate\Support\Facades\View copied to clipboard


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