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Redactor Icon Buttons plugin for Craft CMS

v1.0.1 2016-07-12 10:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 05:24:18 UTC


Redactor Icon Buttons

This plugin allows to replace the text buttons with icons in the Redactor editor toolbar in Craft CMS.


The plugin is available on Packagist and can be installed using Composer. You can also download the latest release and copy the files into craft/plugins/redactoriconbuttons/.

$ composer require carlcs/craft-redactoriconbuttons

Enable the plugin in your Redactor config files stored in craft/config/redactor/ by adding iconbuttons to the plugins setting. Make sure you have a config file in your Redactor field settings selected where the plugin is enabled.

Icon Sets

The icon set the plugin uses by default contains a collection of icons from the Redactor 10 editor and some handcrafted icons to complement the set.

If you want to use a custom icon set, create a folder craft/config/redactoriconbuttons/ and add a SVG sprite named icons.svg to it. You can now use the iconMapping config setting to map symbols contained in the SVG to individual buttons.

The plugin includes an example file with icons from the Google Material icon set in the _examples/ folder, the file was created with the Icomoon App.


The plugin is pre-configured for Redactor’s default buttons. To customize it, create a new plugin configuration file in the craft/config/ folder named redactoriconbuttons.php, which returns an array of settings.

  • iconMapping (see defaults) – Maps buttons to icons. The setting expects an array of key-value pairs that map a button’s index (inspect the “rel” attribute in the toolbar!) to the symbol ID of an icon in the SVG sprite.
  • ieShim (default true) – Adds external spritemap support for IE9+ and Edge 12.


  • PHP 5.4 or later
  • Craft CMS 2.5 or later