
Client-side SDK Package for Laravel that integrates with the BirdEye REST API

0.1.3 2020-12-30 01:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:53:24 UTC



BirdEye Service SDK for Laravel

BirdEye helps your business be found and chosen by new customers, be connected with your existing customers, and deliver the best end-to-end customer experience.

This is an implementation of the BirdEye REST API designed to be used with Laravel PHP Framework v6, 7 and beyond.

Cape & Bay is not affiliated with BirdEye. We prefer to build custom packages for our needs, but it may also help you or be a good reference for your own implementation.

Getting Started

Quick Links

  1. Installation
  2. Seed the Database
  3. Using the Trait
  4. Usage
  5. Change Log
  6. Contributing
  7. Security
  8. License


Via Composer

$ composer require capeandbay/birdeye

The package will automatically register itself. You can optionally publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CapeAndBay\BirdEye\CBBirdEyeServiceProvider" --tag="config"

The settings can be found in the generated config/birdeye.php configuration file. .

You can publish the migration with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CapeAndBay\BirdEye\CBBirdEyeServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

If you need to, update the config, before running the migration. After publishing the migration you can create the birdeye_businesses table by running the migrations:

php artisan migrate


By default, the package uses the following environment variables to auto-configure the plugin without modification:

BIRDEYE_API_KEY (default = '')
BIRDEYE_API_URL (default = '') Can be set to their Mock & Debug URLs as per their API
DB_CONNECTION (default = mysql)

return [
    'api_url' => env('BIRDEYE_API_URL',''),
    'deets' => [
        'api_key' => env('BIRDEYE_API_KEY', ''),
        'parent_business_id' => env('BIRDEYE_PARENT_BUSINESS_KEY', '') // Leave blank if using multiple accounts
    'accounts' => [],
    'class_maps' => [],

Note that you can always swap out preloaded classes with a project's arbitrary own; the package will use that class in that context.

Using Multiple Accounts

To use multiple accounts, leave config('birdeye.deets.parent_business_id) blank. Instead, populate config('birdeye.accounts) like the following example


return [
    // Other configs left out for brevity
    'accounts' => [
        'client-a' => env('BIRD_EYE_CLIENT_A_KEY', 'something'),
        'client-b' => 'some-token'

Finally, run the cron php artisan birdeye:init to migrate the child businesses of each parent.

Migrate the Child Business Data

Run the built-in CLI Command to migrate the accounts' child business into the ecosystem

$ php artisan birdeye:init

You can run this command again to add new accounts' child businesses, by adding to the config and running again

Using the Trait

This package is bundle with a simple trait that when coupled with one of your project's Eloquent models can link to any of the records in the birdeye_businesses table by use of an Eloquent relation.

Start by Adding the trait to one of your project's models by including the dependancy and importing the trait HasBirdEyeBusiness like so -


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
use CapeAndBay\BirdEye\Traits\HasBirdEyeBusiness;

class StoreLocation extends Model
    use HasBirdEyeBusiness, SoftDeletes;
    public $birdeye_id_column = 'some_column';
    /** Rest of the Logic assumed */

Be sure to include $birdeye_id_column where 'some_column' is the foreign key to birdeye_businesses.internal_id
Note - that in order to complete the relationship you will need to manually enter the relationship id or roll your own automated method.

This exposes an elequent relation birdeye_business() that an be used in queries.

To use the trait, peep this example and adapt -

    use App\LocationModel;

    $location = LocationModel::find(1);  
    $birdeye_biz = $location->birdeye_business()->first();

The contents of the BirdEye Business are available to be used with rest of the package Library to ping BirdEye to interface with them!


Check an EndUser Customer into a business

    use App\StoreLocation; //Uses HasBirdEyeBusiness trait attached
    use CapeAndBay\BirdEye\Facades\BirdEye;

    $location = StoreLocation::find(1);
    $business = $location->birdeye_business()->first();
    $payload = [
       'name' => 'Some Name',
       'emailId' => '',
       'phone' => '5555551212',
       'smsEnabled' => '1',
    $birdeye_customer = BirdEye::get('customer', $business->business_id);
    $checkin_response = $birdeye_customer->checkin($payload);

    return $checkin_response;

Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see for details and a todolist.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



MIT. Please see the license file for more information.