
E-commerce Plugins for SmobilPay. OAuth Library

2.0.0 2023-07-21 10:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 14:24:07 UTC


SDK for e-nkap. SmobilPay e-commerce

Note Only use this branch with PHP 8.1 and above

Note Compatibility with PHP releases < 8.1 are being maintained in the v1.0 branch


composer require camoo/enkap-oauth


use Enkap\OAuth\Services\OAuthService;

$consumerKey = 'hqBvUfOjdLoP04763L_LDO';
$consumerSecret = 'FwxKTJzN4jE8IYdeCM83';

$service = new OAuthService($key, $secret);


Initiate payment

use Enkap\OAuth\Services\OAuthService;
use Enkap\OAuth\Model\Order;
use Enkap\OAuth\Services\OrderService;
use Enkap\OAuth\Lib\Helper;

$consumerKey = 'hqBvUfOjdLoP04763L_LDO';
$consumerSecret = 'FwxKTJzN4jE8IYdeCM83';

$orderService = new OrderService($key, $secret);
$order = $orderService->loadModel(Order::class);
$dataData = [
    'merchantReference' => uniqid('', true),
    'email' => 'enkap@mail.tld',
    'customerName' => 'My customer',
    'totalAmount' => 6400,
    'description' => 'Camoo Test Payment',
    'currency' => 'XAF',
    'items' => [
            'itemId' => '1',
            'particulars' => 'soya bien pimenté',
            'unitCost' => 100,
            'quantity' => 50,
            'subTotal' => 5000
            'itemId' => 2,
            'unitCost' => 700,
            'quantity' => 2,
            'particulars' => 'Bière 33 Export',
            'subTotal' => 1400,

try {
    $response = $orderService->place($order);
     // Save references into your Database
     $entity = $this->Payments->newEntity($dataData);
     $entity->set('oder_transaction_id', $response->getOrderTransactionId());

     // redirect User to Enkap System
} catch (\Throwable $e) {

Get Payment Details

use Enkap\OAuth\Services\PaymentService;
use Enkap\OAuth\Model\Payment;

$consumerKey = 'hqBvUfOjdLoP04763L_LDO';
$consumerSecret = 'FwxKTJzN4jE8IYdeCM83';

$trxId = 'e07355446e0140ea9876a6ba38b155f3';
$paymentService = new PaymentService($key, $secret);
$payment = $paymentService->getByTransactionId($trxId);
// status
// order
# OR
$internalTrxId = '61405dc1a38878.58742206';
$paymentService = new PaymentService($key, $secret);
$payment = $paymentService->getByOrderMerchantId($internalTrxId);

// status
// order

Check Payment Status

use Enkap\OAuth\Services\StatusService;
use Enkap\OAuth\Lib\Helper;
use Enkap\OAuth\Model\Status;

$consumerKey = 'hqBvUfOjdLoP04763L_LDO';
$consumerSecret = 'FwxKTJzN4jE8IYdeCM83';

$trxId = 'e07355446e0140ea9876a6ba38b155f3';
$statusService = new StatusService($key, $secret);
$status = $statusService->getByTransactionId($trxId);
// Update your database
$query = $this->Payments->query()->set(['status' => $status->getCurrent()])->where(['oder_transaction_id' => $trxId]);
if ($status->confirmed()){
    // Payment successfully completed
    // send Item to user/customer

if ($status->failed() || $status->canceled()) {
  // delete that reference from your Database

Set Callback Urls to receive Payment status automatically

use Enkap\OAuth\Services\CallbackUrlService;
use Enkap\OAuth\Model\CallbackUrl;

$setup = new CallbackUrlService($key, $secret);
$callBack = $setup->loadModel(CallbackUrl::class);
# The URL where to redirect the user after the payment is completed. It will contain the reference id generated by your system which was provided in the initial order placement request. E-nkap will append your reference id in the path of the URL with the form: http://localhost/action/return/{yourReferenceId}
$callBack->return_url = 'http://localhost/action/return';

# The URL used by E-nkap to instantly notify you about the status of the payment. E-nkap would append your reference Id (generated by your system and provided in the initial order placement request) as path variable and send a PUT with the status of the payment in the body as {"status":"[txStatus]"}, where [txStatus] the payment status.
$callBack->notification_url = 'http://localhost/action/notify'; // this action should accept PUT Request

Delete Order

use Enkap\OAuth\Services\OrderService;
use Enkap\OAuth\Model\Order;

$consumerKey = 'hqBvUfOjdLoP04763L_LDO';
$consumerSecret = 'FwxKTJzN4jE8IYdeCM83';

$trxId = 'e07355446e0140ea9876a6ba38b155f3';
$orderService = new OrderService($key, $secret);
$orderModel = $orderService->loadModel(Order::class);
$orderModel->order_transaction_id = $trxId;
$result = $orderService->delete($orderModel);
if ($result === true) {
  // order has been deleted