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Users plugin for CakePHP

Installs: 242

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 5

Watchers: 7

Forks: 8

Open Issues: 2


dev-master 2016-09-19 13:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 22:10:07 UTC


Note: This is a non-stable plugin for CakePHP 3.x at this time. It is currently under development and should be considered experimental.

Table of Contents


  • CakeAdmin compatible
  • Forgot Password functionality
  • Role-management (Set up your own roles)
  • E-mail integration
  • Easy to install


You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer.

The recommended way to install composer packages is:

composer require cakemanager/cakephp-users

Now load the plugin with the command:

$ bin/cake plugin load -r -b Users

Run the database migrations with:

$ bin/cake migrations migrate --plugin Users


Using the users-plugin is very easy. Use the following code in your AppController:

public function initialize()

You can change configurations of the AuthComponent with $this->Users->config('auth.*settings*); or $this->Auth->config() (after loading the UserManagement component).

From now on you will be able to register and login. Use the CakeAdmin Plugin to manage your roles and users easily.


The following configurations are available. All configurations can be set via Configure::write() in your config/bootstrap.php file.


By default you will register and login with email and password. When you want to use your own fields, like username and passwrd you can use the following:

Configure::write('Users.fields', [
    'username' => 'username',
    'password' => 'passwrd'

There are some configurations for email:

  • - Array to define the sender. Default ['' => 'Bob | CakeManager'].
  • - The transport to use. Default set to default.
  • - The subject of the email sent when an user has been registered.
  • - The subject of the email sent when an user forgot his password.


The plugin has a default controller which contains all default user-related actions (login, logout, reset, forgot). There may be times that you want to use your own controller. You can disable the default built-in controller by setting Users.defaultController to false:

Configure::write('Users.defaultController', false);

When you do this, the routes for the plugin are not set, and trying to reach te controller will fail because you will be redirected to the previous location.

Note: This feature can be helpfull by using the user-management only for your API.

UserManager Component

The UserManager Component default handles the Auth for your app. However, this component is also helpful to add user- related actions to your system! By calling the login-function ($this->UserManager->login()) you are using the login-action. The same is for:

  • login() - Logs the user in.
  • logout() - Logs the user off.
  • activate($email, $requestKey) - Activates the user. Don't forget to pass the variables.
  • forgot - User leaves his e-mailaddress to receive an e-mail to set a new password.
  • reset($email, $requestKey) - Creates a new password for the user. Don't forget to pass the variables.

This methods can be helpful when you want to customize your user-related actions.

Note: Don't forget to set the Users.defaultController configuration to false, mentioned above!


The plugin is CakeAdmin compatible! This means that the Users and Roles can be managed in the Admin panel of the CakeAdmin plugin.

Keep in touch

If you need some help or got ideas for this plugin, feel free to chat at Gitter.

Pull Requests are always more than welcome!