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AdminBar plugin for CakeAdmin and CakePHP

dev-master 2015-07-16 20:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 21:51:04 UTC


This plugin generates an easy-to-use admin-bar on top of your application when you are logged in as administrator.

Note: This is a non-stable plugin for CakePHP 3.x at this time. It is currently under development and should be considered experimental.


You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer.

The recommended way to install composer packages is:

composer require cakemanager/cakeadmin-adminbar:dev-master

Now load the plugin with the command:

$ bin/cake plugin load -r -b AdminBar

The last thing you need to do is to load the AdminBar.AdminBar-Component using:



You can activate or deactivate the AdminBar in the settings-page in the backend.

Adding new items

Adding items is done via the Configure-class of CakePHP. Look at this example:

Configure::write('AdminBar.goto_backend', [
    'on' => [
        'prefix' => ['!admin', '*'],
        'controller' => '*',
        'action' => '*',
    'label' => 'CakeAdmin Panel',
    'url' => '/admin'


  • goto_backend - The name of the item. Should be unique (because of overriding in the Configure-class).
  • on - The on-key is used to validate if the item should be shown looking at the current request. See docs below.
  • label - A string wich is the label of your item.
  • url - A string or array to create the url. For all available options, see docs below.


Via the on-key you can validate if the item should be shown.

  • When using a ! before the used key (like 'prefix' => '!admin'), the current prefix should NOT be admin.
  • When using a name (like 'prefix' => 'admin') the current prefix has to be equal to admin.
  • When using * (like 'prefix' => '*') the current prefix can be anything.
  • When you want to validate on multiple names you should use an array like 'prefix' => ['!admin', '*'],

You can validate on plugin, prefix, controller, action and any other parameter you want to validate on. So this means when you defined a parameter type in your routes, you can validate on type by using:

Configure::write('AdminBar.custom_type', [
    'on' => [
        'controller' => '*',
        'action' => '*',
        'type' => 'specific'


The url-key can be an string, or array to create an url. You can get parameters of the request using ::

Configure::write('AdminBar.read_blog', [
    'label' => 'Read Blog',
    'url' => [
        'prefix' => false,
        'plugin' => 'Cms',
        'controller' => 'Blogs',
        'action' => 'view',

The :pass.1 is used to get a specific value of the request-parameters. When these are nested, use a . to go into them. Looking back on our type-example, you could use this:

Configure::write('AdminBar.custom_type', [
    'url' => [
        'prefix' => false,
        'plugin' => 'Cms',
        'controller' => 'Blogs',
        'action' => 'view',

Keep in touch

If you need some help or got ideas for this plugin, feel free to chat at Gitter.

Pull Requests are always more than welcome!