
Provides share buttons in differents views, with possibility to provide url

v4.4 2024-03-11 14:28 UTC


ShareButtonsBundle does the following:

  • Defines buttons to share web page on different tools.

This Bundle relies on the use of Bootstrap and Fontawesome.

ShareButtonsBundle dedicated web page.

ShareButtonsBundle API documentation.

Bundle installation

Step 1: Download the Bundle

Use Composer to install the library

    composer require c975L/sharebuttons-bundle

Step 2: Enable the Routes

Then, enable the routes by adding them to the /config/routes.yaml file of your project:

    resource: "@c975LShareButtonsBundle/Controller/"
    type:     annotation
    prefix: /
    #Multilingual website use the following
    #prefix: /{_locale}
    #defaults:   { _locale: '%locale%' }
    #    _locale: en|fr|es

Step 3: Integration with your website

It is strongly recommended to use the Override Templates from Third-Party Bundles feature to integrate fully with your site.

For this, simply, create the following structure app/Resources/c975LExceptionCheckerBundle/views/ in your app and then duplicate the file layout.html.twig in it, to override the existing Bundle file, then apply your needed changes, such as language, etc.

In layout.html.twig, it will mainly consist to extend your layout and define specific variables, i.e. :

{% extends 'layout.html.twig' %}

{# Defines specific variables #}
{% set title = 'ShareButtons' %}

{% block content %}
    {% block sharebuttons_content %}
    {% endblock %}
{% endblock %}

Step 4: Made use of assets

To use styles and javascript you have to include them from public/css/ and public/js/:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bundles/c975lsite/css/animations.min.css">
<script src="bundles/c975lsharebuttons/js/functions.min.js"></script>

{# or  using c975L/IncludeLibrary #}
{{ inc_lib(absolute_url(asset('bundles/c975lsharebuttons/css/styles.min.css')), 'local') }}
{{ inc_lib(absolute_url(asset('bundles/c975lsharebuttons/js/functions.min.js')), 'local') }}

Step 5: Define configuration

You need to define the Role needed to access data and if you wish to save statistics of shares. You can do this by using sharebuttons_config Route or directly in your /config/config_bundles.yaml, in this case, do not forget to clear the cache after. Options are described in the file /Resources/config/bundle.yaml.

How to use

ShareButtonsBundle use Fontawesome for icons, their svgs are included in the bundle to avoid having to link to fontawesome css/js.

ShareButtonsBundle is quite easy to use. You simply have to add the following code in your Twig templates, that uses the provided Twig Extension:

{{ sharebuttons(['SHARE1', 'SHARE2', 'SHARE3', etc.], 'STYLE[distinct|ellipse|circle|toolbar](default distinct)', 'ALIGNMENT[left|center|right](default center)', DISPLAY_ICON[true|false](default true), DISPLAY_TEXTX[true|false](default false), 'URL') }}

{# If you only need "main" shares you can also use the 'main' keyword as in the following #}
{{ sharebuttons('main', 'STYLE[distinct|ellipse|circle|toolbar](default distinct)', 'ALIGNMENT[left|center|right](default center)', DISPLAY_ICON[true|false](default true), DISPLAY_TEXT[true|false](default false), 'URL') }}

{# The simpliest use is the following #}
{{ sharebuttons('main', 'STYLE[distinct|ellipse|circle|toolbar](default distinct)') }}

Use the Route sharebuttons_dashboard (url: "/sharebuttons/dashboard") to access Dashboard.

Available networks

You can use any the following name, in the Twig Extension explained above, for its corresponding network:

  • facebook
  • twitter
  • linkedin
  • pinterest
  • email
  • blogger
  • buffer
  • delicious
  • evernote
  • reddit
  • skype
  • stumbleupon
  • tumblr
  • whatsapp
  • wordpress

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