
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

This bundle counts the lines of code written in a Symfony project

v1.6.3 2021-10-14 07:27 UTC


CountLinesCodeBundle does the following:

  • counts the number of lines of code written in Symfony project.

It goes through specified directories and counts the number of lines specified in the extensions files.

CountLinesCodeBundle was forked from https://github.com/BastienL/Symfony2Loc.

CountLinesCodeBundle dedicated web page.

CountLinesCodeBundle API documentation.

## Bundle installation

### Step 1: Download the Bundle

We strongly recommend to use this only on the dev part

Use Composer to install the library

    composer require-dev c975l/countlinescode-bundle

### Step 2: Define folders and extensions to look for

Then, in the /config/packages/dev/count_lines_codes.yaml file of your project, define the following:

    #List of folders you want to look for
    folders: ['src', 'templates', 'tests', 'public/css', 'public/js']
    #List of extensions you want to look for
    extensions: ['css', 'js', 'php', 'sh', 'sql', 'twig']

### How to use

To use it, just type (at the root of your Symfony2 project):

$ php bin/console count:loc

### TODO Improve counting command

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