byteblitz / notify
package for sending notifications to multi-channels
Notify is a package that lets you send template based or custom notifications mutli-channel for your project. Channels included : mail, fcm, sms, whatsapp
You can install the package using composer
$ composer require byteblitz/notify
Then add the service provider to config/app.php
. In Laravel versions 5.5 and beyond, this step can be skipped if package auto-discovery is enabled.
'providers' => [ ... ByteBlitz\Notify\NotifyServiceProvider::class ... ];
You can publish the configuration file and assets by running:
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ByteBlitz\Notify\NotifyServiceProvider"
This will create a notify.php file in config folder, and update channel details and other.
Now that we have published a few new files to our application we need to reload them with the following command:
$ composer dump-autoload
Now we have to migrate our notify_templates & notifications tables, migrate by running:
$ php artisan migrate
use this facade in your controller
use ByteBlitz\Notify\Facades\Notify;
let's create templates for notifications, you can use seeder to copy the below code :
$templates = [ [ 'session'=>'New Registration To Admin', 'receiver'=> 'admin', 'slug' => 'new_registration_to_admin', 'title' => 'New Registration', 'mail_msg' => "<p>Hy Admin,</p><p> {name} is registered in ByteBlitz, Please review and verify. </p>", 'notification_msg'=>"", 'variables' => ['name'], 'channels'=>['mail', 'fcm'] ], [ 'session'=>'Registration success to customer', 'receiver'=> 'customer', 'slug' => 'registration_success_to_customer', 'title' => 'Welcome to ByteBlitz', 'notification_msg'=>"", 'mail_msg' => "<p>Hy {name},</p><p> We'd like to welcome you to <strong>ByteBlitz</strong>, and thank you for joining us.</p>", 'variables' => ['name'], 'channels'=>['mail'] ], ]; foreach($templates as $template) { Notify::createTemplate($template); }
other template functions :
//To get template Notify::getTemplate('slug'); //To update template Notify::updateTemplate($templateData, $id); //To delete template Notify::dropTemplate($id); //To restore deleted template Notify::restoreTemplate('slug');
Now let's start to send notifications with created template:
First use this trait in all guard user model to receive notification
use ByteBlitz\Notify\Trait\NotifyBlitz;
Send notification with use of template, it will send to all the channels we defined on that template: Note : the user object have email and phone fields.
//variables need to be override so define template variables : $variables = [ 'name'=>'Jhon' ]; $user->template('registration_success_to_customer', $variables)->notify();
if you want save the notification to db, it will stored in notifications table, add these parameters:
$user->template('registration_success_to_customer', $variables, true, 'redirection route or url')->notify();
Sending attachments with template, we can send multiple attachments. and that will be sent to mail, and whatsapp if it turn on
$user->template('registration_success_to_customer', $variables)->->attachments(['../attachment/path'])->notify();
If you want to use custom :
//mailable class $user ->customMail(new \App\Mail\CustomMail()) //custom to mail ->toMail('') //custom phone number to send sms or whatsapp notification ->toPhone('+9198776*****') //send custom messages ->via(['mail', 'fcm', 'whatsapp', 'sms']) ->title('Hellooooo') ->mailMsg('Mail Msg') ->message('notification message') ->notify();
Template Usages
Want to send button to mail, to override with variable:
notifyButton('', 'Create Account');
Want to send image to mail, to override with variable:
Config file are located at config/notify.php
after publishing provider element.
Make sure to add all user guards to receive notifications:
'receivers'=>[ 'user'=>App\Models\User::class, 'admin'=>App\Models\Admin::class ],
Change the email template title, logo or primary colour:
'mail'=>[ 'title'=>'ByteBlitz', 'logo'=>'', 'primary_clr'=>'red' ],
Update channel values or add in .env
//For firebase 'fcm'=> [ 'server_key'=>env('FCM_SERVER_KEY') ], //For Whatsapp use ultramsg api provider 'whatsapp'=> [ 'ultramsg'=>[ 'instance_id'=> env('ULTRAMSG_INSTANCE_ID'), 'token'=> env('ULTRAMSG_TOKEN'), ], 'attachments_allowed'=>[ 'documents'=>['pdf'], 'images'=>['png', 'jpg'] ] ], //For SMS, use twilio 'sms'=> [ 'twilio'=>[ 'sid'=>env('TWILIO_SID'), 'auth_token'=>env('TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN'), 'from'=>env('TWILIO_FROM_NUMBER') ] ]
Get Notifications
Get all received notifications of a user