
Helper class to create Prerequisite Check scripts for your software packages

0.2.1 2015-07-14 19:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-14 15:00:34 UTC


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Helper class to create Prerequisite Checks. It allows you to easily create a Prerequisite Check Script for your project, e.g. matching (php) version, installed extensions, settings etc. It also allows you to write your own checks to implement individual checks.


  • Simple to use API to create own prerequisite scripts / checks
  • Console, Web or silent (programmatic) output
  • Builtin-checks:
    • php version check
    • php ini settings check
    • php extension checks
    • PDO DB connection check
    • dir writable check
  • Extensible: Write your own Check classes easily

Planned features

  • Output renderers to customize output
  • more built-in checks like http service availability, internet access, ...

Installation using composer

Because this is a "zero" version (0.x.y), composer needs some hints to install this package:


    "minimum-stability": "dev"


$ composer require bylexus/php-prereqcheck

or install it using the --dev flag:

$ composer require --dev bylexus/php-prereqcheck

Installation without composer

Just clone the git repo:

git clone

Then just require the prereq-loader.php file to setup the autoloader.

Sample usage

For a working example, see example-usage.php.

# Include composer's autoload facility (recommended):

# OR use the own internal autoloader, whatever fits you best:

$pc = new \Prereq\PrereqChecker();

# Check PHP version:

# Check for installed PHP extensions:

# Check for php.ini settings:
# check a php.ini string using a regular expression:

# Check if dir exists and is writable:

# Check if a PDO DB Connection could be established:

# Create own checks:
class FileExistsChecker extends \Prereq\PrereqCheck {
    public function check($filename = null) {
        $this->name = "File exists: {$filename}";
        if (file_exists($filename)) {
        } else {
            $this->setFailed('File does not exists.');

# Each check returns a CheckResult instance:
$res = $pc->checkMandatory('php_version','>=','5.3.0');
if ($res->success()) {
	echo "Yes, your PHP version is compliant.";

# did all the checks succeed?
if ($pc->didAllSucceed()) {
    echo "All tests succeeded!\n";
} else {
    echo "Some tests failed. Please check.\n";

Built-in Checks


Checks if the actual PHP version matches a version comparison.




Checks if the given PHP extension is available.




Checks if a given PHP ini setting matches the criteria. Because it is not (always) possible to determine the type of value, a comparison function is needed in the config:



Possible comparison functions:

  • boolean: Checks if the given value is true-ish or false-ish (e.g. 'Off' means false)
  • string: exact string match (e.g. default_timezone = 'Europe/Zurich'). If encapsulated in '/' (e.g. /search/), the string is taken as Perl Regular Expression.
  • enabled: Checks if the given bit(s) are set in the ini value (e.g. checks if E_WARNING is set in error_reporting)
  • bit_disabled: Checks if the given bit(s) are NOT set in the ini value (e.g. checks if E_NOTICE is disabled in error_reporting)
  • number: Checks a number value against a comparison, e.g. if memory_limit is >= 512m.


Checks if a given dir exists and is writable.




Checks if a PDO connection to a database can be established.




The options array must contain the following keys:

  • dsn: The PDO dsn
  • username: The username to connect
  • password. The password to use

Write your own checks

Writing your own checks is very simple. Just provide a \Prereq\PrereqCheck class and register it with the PrereqChecker. Then you can run the defined check:

# Define a class that extends PrereqCheck and implements the check() function:
class FileExistsChecker extends \Prereq\PrereqCheck {
    public function check($filename = null) {
        $this->name = "File exists: {$filename}";
        if (file_exists($filename)) {
        	# mark check as succeed (default, don't have to be called):
        } else {
        	# mark check as failed, add a failure message:
            $this->setFailed('File does not exists.');

# Register check with the PrereqChecker:

# Execute the check:

Prerequisite (yes, it can check itself :-) )

  • PHP >= 5.3.0

Version History

  • 0.1.1 First release
  • 0.2.0 Introduced Namespace Prereq, and make use of the Composer autoload facility. NOTE: This version is NO LONGER compatible with 0.1.1!
  • 0.2.1 Fixes PHP ini number comparisons: -1 now counts as "unlimited" or max integer (e.g. to support memory_limit = -1)