Packages from byjoby

  • PHP


    A library for storing a mix of structured and unstructured data in relational databases

  • PHP


    Digraph module to provide PDF versions of pages and content. Also designed to allow custom PDF generation using mPDF.

  • PHP


    A library for working with multi-dimensional arrays through flattened keys

  • PHP


    Abstraction layer for constructing arbitrary HTML tags and documents in PHP

  • PHP


    A tightly-focused library for performing a very limited set of simple image transformations. This library's purpose is to eschew the standard kitchen sink approach to PHP image libraries in favor of high performance, wide driver support, and a dead simple API.

  • PHP


    Session management classes and traits

  • byjoby/digraph-core

    Source and API version of a CMS that emphasizes flexibility and content permanence. Generally this package is only used for development.

    Abandoned! See digraphcms/digraph-core

  • PHP


    Forms with sane defaults and simple interfaces to skip the boilerplate code and just put a form on the page
