
Docker installer for burbubots/cakebots

dev-main 2021-10-29 12:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:29:10 UTC


Docker compose for burbubots/cakebots

Creates two docker images, one containing a MySQL(MariaDB) Server with the database of the project and
another one containing an Apache Web Server with the framework CakePHP 4.3 and the MVC files of the project.

Install instructions:
This is for docker, so you REALLY need docker and docker-compose. It can be use in Windows or MAC systems. Read the fine tutorials for this.
Install git or download ZIP package.

sudo apt-get install docker docker-compose git
git clone https://github.com/burbubots/docker-cakebots.git

Execute ./crear_docker to create the images and containers
Let your system create two debian images and two containers, named 'dbbots' and 'webbots'.
You can enter in the container 'webbots' with the shell command 'docker exec -it webbots bash' or you can use the script this way:'./entra webbots'
The shell 'mc' is installed, so you can edit and execute commands with ease inside the container.

The application runs initially in http://localhost:8800/bots/tradeaccounts
Another routes are:
http://localhost:8800/adminer/?server=dbbots&username=cakeuser&db=trading (password 'cakepass') for the Adminer application, a front-end for MariaDB and the database.
http://localhost:8800/icecoder for the ICECoder app, an on-line editor. It needs write access for the owner and group of Apache (www-data:www-data) so if you are editing directly from your system you might change the permissions and ICECoder will fail its writing access.

A folder with name 'web' appears after installation. It's a shared folder with the container 'webbots' and contains the full project from https://github.com/burbubots/cakebots
You can edit files in this folder and the changes are seen in the application.

Resetting the project:
Use the script 'reset.sh' to stop and delete the docker containers. All the information of the database will be lost, so maybe you want backup before doing this.
If you only want to stop the containers use 'docker stop webbots'.
The next step for resseting is deleting the docker images. Use 'docker images' to list the images, copy the IMAGE_ID and do 'docker rmi [IMAGE_ID]'.
At last, you can remove the folder 'web' for a full clean restart from the repositories in git o for tidy your system.

Some notes:
You can set the containers for start with your system start just un-commenting the lines with 'restart: always' in the file docker-compose.yml and re-running './crear_docker'.